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About Pwyl

  • Birthday 08/24/1975

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  • Birthdate
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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Art monk
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    Cmon really
  • Location
    Nashville TN
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  1. I'll look for those. I've tried a few different substitute pastas and most of them either still have a lot of carbs or a wonky texture. I have a sack of shiritaki mushroom noodles to try some time too. And your veggie list is exactly what's in this one except add black olives. Usually I use mild Italian sausage but only had ground beef today.
  2. Super chonky spaghetti sauce since I can no longer have noodles.
  3. My non-technical IT manager in a past role- every time we pushed back on one of her hair brained solutions architecture ideas: "just write a wrapper around it".
  4. Parsimonious. Obfuscation.
  5. I wondered who would be first.
  6. Does that lack of opportunity make you lugubrious?
  7. After thinking this subject through, I've decided that, for the words that irk me, it's not really the words but the people. So irksome.
  8. Parenthetical asides are best served with embedded parenthetical asides, inception style.
  9. I think vor is both right and wrong. If I was setting up the org structure, there would be a gm who has final say over everything on the football side of the business, and then a head coach and a head of player personnel who are peers and report to the gm.
  10. You misspelled "this thread needs to be given the old yeller treatment"
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