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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

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It's PA, election... so are all the GOP members going to complain about "finding votes overnight"?  A triple threat match! 


I was just thinking, the problem with Dem politicians is that they are too polite.  I want to see a Dem politico cut a promo or debate like this:


"My opponent wants you to think that we love abortion.  In fact, he wants you to think that I -- and every other "liberal Democrat" have such little respect for life that we impregnate our wives and force then to have abortions just for sport.  Do they say it in those terms?  Nope, but they are just shy of being brazen about it to suggest that we don't respect life.  


What I respect is the Constitutional guarantees of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  It was well understood when talking about vaccines that my friends of the conservstive bent said, "I have my freedom!  I have my right to pursue happiness".   Under law, you cannot claim your fetus on your taxes.  You cannot get a Social Security number for them. They are not people, under law.  This is well established law.  Yes, we know that after 9 months,a certain time a woman will birth a natural born citizen.


But, what happens between months 0 and up to a certain point is private for that woman.  People can argue over when the government has an interest over the future natural born citizen, but -- and we hear this argument all the time -- "you didn't build that!".  Did the government cause the pregnancy?  Did it do anything?  Nope.  What has happened is soley at the initiation of the woman.  And the woman should have the right of freedom -- the same freedom that allowed folks to refuse vaccines when a horrible pandemic was ripping through America.    


If the government really wants the full right and freedom to force the birth, call it a citizen, give babies Social Security numbers, let them be claimed on taxes.  But we traditionally do not recognize natural born citizenship until birth. 

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9 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Fetterman kicked ass. Dems saw this progressive rockstar that the base loved and even had appeal in rural areas and decided to throw all their support behind the moderate Lamb. They are so bad at elections. 

This is some fact-free BernieBro stuff. National Democrats and especially Schumer stayed entirely neutral. 




The filibuster-hating, gym-shorts-wearing progressive lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania is the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic nomination in one of the country’s most important Senate races. And Washington Democrats are doing nothing to slow him down by boosting his opponents, state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta and the centrist Rep. Conor Lamb.



Almost everyone in the Democratic caucus is staying neutral in the Pennsylvania primary, but there’s plenty of warmth for Fetterman and few concerns that he’d be a weaker general election candidate than his rivals.


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10 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

This is some fact-free BernieBro stuff. National Democrats and especially Schumer stayed entirely neutral. 





I should have clarified, I was referring to all the endorsements Lamb had compared to Fetterman. 


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If the voters in Pennsylvania that trends conservative chose progressive Fetterman over conservative Lamb, that's saying something. Fetterman may be progressive but the voters appreciate his unembellished straight talk. 

Edited by LadySkinsFan
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It’s shocking that the guy running as the establishment candidate aggressively sought endorsements and the guy specifically running as an outsider didn’t. 😆


Being endorsed by the former Mayor of Lancaster and others like that doesn’t really support your original claim.  I’m sure that you noted that the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, as a whole, declined to endorse Lamb. 

Finally,  w matters in terms of “support” in an election is money, and that comes from the national party, and it didn’t go to Lamb. So GTFOH with this “Dems picked a side” stuff.


I like Fetterman, and obviously I hope he wins. Having a stroke is awfully concerning, but I don’t even want to think about having an actual quack doctor as a US senator. 




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So basically…all the local pols/orgs that have actually met and worked with Fetterman declined to endorse him and Bernie Bro can’t help but paint themselves as an oppressed victim class because of this?


Same as it ever was, I guess.




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26 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I should have clarified, I was referring to all the endorsements Lamb had compared to Fetterman. 


Fetterman is very pro-gun very pro 2nd amendment.  For many Democrats, especially urban Democrats, that's a big problem so he's not going to get those endorsements.  And even in suburbs being very pro-gun isn't that popular.


It makes him more popular in more rural areas of PA, but that is mostly GOP territory so there aren't a lot of Dems to endorse him there.


Several years ago he pulled a shot gun on an unarmed African American jogger because he thought he heard a gun shot.


The establishment Democratic party in PA is very oriented to African Americans.

Edited by PeterMP
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1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Fetterman may be progressive but the voters appreciate his unembellished straight talk. 


Not that I have a fascination, or anything.  But . . . 


There's a reason I've been a Mayor Pete fan for 2 years.  

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21 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

If the voters in Pennsylvania that trends conservative chose progressive Fetterman over conservative Lamb, that's saying something. Fetterman may be progressive but the voters appreciate his unembellished straight talk. 




"While Fetterman endorsed Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary, he now avoids most progressive litmus tests. His main issues are raising the minimum wage, legalizing marijuana, and nuking the filibuster to help Biden get things done. He’s not a purist on Medicare for All (he’s for “expanding health care access, whatever that looks like”) and he isn’t pushing the Green New Deal. He told the steelworkers he was “pro-policing, pro–community policing, pro–funding the police,” and called the activist cry to “defund the police” an “absurd phrase.” He once called fracking an “environmental abomination,” but now says the industry has reformed enough that he sees the practice as crucial to energy security."




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So he sounds pretty smart on how to brand himself and campaign. 

I’m not sure how I said anything controversial or why it warrants Bernie Bro responses. I noted he seems like a popular rising star in the state and had almost zero endorsements from any Dems/groups while the moderate had a ton. 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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31 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


Fetterman is very pro-gun very pro 2nd amendment.  For many Democrats, especially urban Democrats, that's a big problem so he's not going to get those endorsements.  And even in suburbs being very pro-gun isn't that popular.


It makes him more popular in more rural areas of PA, but that is mostly GOP territory so there aren't a lot of Dems to endorse him there.


Several years ago he pulled a shot gun on an unarmed African American jogger because he thought he heard a gun shot.


The establishment Democratic party in PA is very oriented to African Americans.

The unarmed African American jogger encourages people to vote for Fetterman.  It is unclear if he has had his voting rights restored after his kidnapping conviction and two subsequent parole violations.




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30 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

When is the Colordo primary? Would love to see Boebert get the boot.


Think the Georgia primary is next week. Will MTG get the boot? I doubt it. Trump Will be sad because Kemp will beat Purdue.

Colorado is June 28.  She is up against State Senator Don Coram.

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I don't usually respond to campaign ads, they mostly useless, embellished, fluff pieces, but I saw Fetterman's ad and I instantly liked him. Sure, I don't agree with a lot of his stances, but who can you agree with all of the time? Besides, we all know guns aren't going anywhere. However, I never thought he would win...he's so..."unusual" looking...

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