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Biden/Harris Legislative/Policy Discussions - Now with a Republican House starting 2023


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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:


Republicans mad they won't be able to arrest him.


Good time for him to move on. They (rethuglicans) will find something more recent and relevant to go after. If not, then it will be seriously old hat and not get much traction. The idea he should even have to worry about it at all is absurd. All the man did was try to save peoples lives. 


He spoke at my nephews commencement. It was by video conference, but still was good to listen to him. Here is his speech if anyone is interested. It starts in process but only misses a few words to start. 





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Is anyone else feeling suddenly optimistic about the future of the country in light of all these recent successes?  Between the legislature wins and early voting/polling results, not to mention all the walls closing in on TFG, I’m starting to think history may eventually point to these last couple years as the moment where this country really survived an attempted breach on democracy and began storming back.


I firmly believe the younger and future generations won’t find themselves connecting with the MAGA cult, so if we can just survive the mid-terms and 2024, or at the very least not deliver the trifecta of power to the MAGAs, the future seems much brighter.


Anyone else?  The news just seems to get better and better lately.

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1 hour ago, 86 Snyder said:

Is anyone else feeling suddenly optimistic about the future of the country in light of all these recent successes?  Between the legislature wins and early voting/polling results, not to mention all the walls closing in on TFG, I’m starting to think history may eventually point to these last couple years as the moment where this country really survived an attempted breach on democracy and began storming back.


I firmly believe the younger and future generations won’t find themselves connecting with the MAGA cult, so if we can just survive the mid-terms and 2024, or at the very least not deliver the trifecta of power to the MAGAs, the future seems much brighter.


Anyone else?  The news just seems to get better and better lately.

I’m definitely not and feel it will only get worse come November and I find it highly likely all things I consider positive lately are temporary (at best) before the 2024 election at which point things will really get depressing.


Safe to say I’ve lost a lot of my optimism from the early 2010s.

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2 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

Is anyone else feeling suddenly optimistic about the future of the country in light of all these recent successes?  Between the legislature wins and early voting/polling results, not to mention all the walls closing in on TFG, I’m starting to think history may eventually point to these last couple years as the moment where this country really survived an attempted breach on democracy and began storming back.


I firmly believe the younger and future generations won’t find themselves connecting with the MAGA cult, so if we can just survive the mid-terms and 2024, or at the very least not deliver the trifecta of power to the MAGAs, the future seems much brighter.


Anyone else?  The news just seems to get better and better lately.

Too early to be positive.


If Maga wins at the state level for State Secretary of State, Attorney General and Governor; they will have people in place to steal the 24 election.


If Maga is defeated in 22 and 24; then you will be able to breathe a little. You are a long way from that.

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2 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

Is anyone else feeling suddenly optimistic about the future of the country in light of all these recent successes?  Between the legislature wins and early voting/polling results, not to mention all the walls closing in on TFG, I’m starting to think history may eventually point to these last couple years as the moment where this country really survived an attempted breach on democracy and began storming back.


I firmly believe the younger and future generations won’t find themselves connecting with the MAGA cult, so if we can just survive the mid-terms and 2024, or at the very least not deliver the trifecta of power to the MAGAs, the future seems much brighter.


Anyone else?  The news just seems to get better and better lately.

Trumpets have had a lot of success in the primaries for 2022…. Hopefully that doesn’t spill over to the actual race.

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A little background, I wasn’t interested in politics at all until about 2018.  It’s why I’m looking for perspective.


I mostly considered them two sides of the same coin and had a lot of deprogramming to do thanks to a really conservative, evangelical upbringing.  It really took until I was about 35 (I’m 41 now) to completely find my way out of the maze and that’s despite just naturally being an open-minded and independent person from an early age.  The further in the cornfield you start, the longer it takes to get out.  Anyway…


Paid zero attention to Clinton.


Paid about 1% attention to Bush and mostly just laughing about his general hilarious ineptitude (like getting a show thrown at him, or you fool me once you can’t get fooled again), but nothing serious.


Was very proud of the country in general for electing Obama, then went right back to ignoring for 8 years.


2016- watched pieces of debates, mostly thought they were two crappy candidates I didn’t particularly like, but certainly did not sense the incoming doom.


2018- I took a financial copywriting job (well, part owner with my best friend) for 18 months that had me reading every single piece of news each day.  I got completely immersed and it was just so obvious what a complete POS that administration was and what a complete POS the gop had become.  

Covid- Talk about **** hitting the fan.  I had returned to the mortgage biz just in time for the big boom but following the news all the time had become fully ingrained.  This is when it all really crystalized how absurd my family was and I could fully see for the first time how far I’d traveled.  I mean their back on earth and I’m exploring wormholes in a different galaxy is not very much of an exaggeration.


J6- I mean seriously, you’re all ****ing morons now.


So my point to all of this is, the last couple weeks  are the first time I’ve felt any sort of hope for the country in basically my entire life…because it was either 


1- not care bc they’re all corrupt

2- holy ****, didn’t know how good we had it and please make it stop ok NOW make it stop ok OMFG make it stop or kill me


And now we are passing climate and helping with student loans and getting infrastructure and creeping on gun control etc etc and getting close to indicting TFG- I mean it’s just been a great couple of weeks and it feels so refreshing.


Is it real?  Are we *actually* turning a corner?  Is it safe to have a little hope again?  I mean, I’m on THIS board, so I’m obviously very familiar with the Charlie Brown football scenario.  I don’t know, I guess I’d like to hear general thoughts from longtimers as to whether it’s as positive as it feels.  Maybe I’m just having a good day idk.


I know we are FAR from out of the woods, but it seems like the trees are starting to thin out.  Or, to switch analogies, are we just in the eye of the hurricane?


Obviously mid terms are huge and 24 also.  Fully understand that, but I keep seeing polling results on twitter and the pendulum looks like it’s swinging to me.  The sentiment has shifted drastically from red wave to potentially maintaining power in all three branches- starting to see that pop up in just the last couple days.


HELP ME!!  Lol

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While polls are looking better now; it’s still over 2 months until the election. A lot can happen. Also, if the 3rd quarter GDP shows a 3rd straight quarter of contraction; Dems can’t say we aren’t in a recession. That comes out in early October. You know the gop will pounce on that, right before the election .


As for 3 branches? Uh, the right wing has 6 out if 9 SC seats. Unless Dems win big in 22 or 24; they won’t be able to chip away at that.


If the gop has full control in 25; they can undo everything Biden did.


So you are a long way from feeling good. The threat is real and isn’t going away anytime soon.

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22 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

While polls are looking better now; it’s still over 2 months until the election. A lot can happen. Also, if the 3rd quarter GDP shows a 3rd straight quarter of contraction; Dems can’t say we aren’t in a recession. That comes out in early October. You know the gop will pounce on that, right before the election .


As for 3 branches? Uh, the right wing has 6 out if 9 SC seats. Unless Dems win big in 22 or 24; they won’t be able to chip away at that.


If the gop has full control in 25; they can undo everything Biden did.


So you are a long way from feeling good. The threat is real and isn’t going away anytime soon.

Sorry but you are a piano with one key and frankly not putting any weight in your opinion.

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I know the 2024 presidential election is a long way off, but its tough not to speculate about it. I try to avoid watching cable news and mainly follow things via the newspaper or on Twitter. Last night the person who I was working with had MSNBC on and aside from the heavy coverage of the election results, so much of course was dedicated to the ongoing Mar A Lago story. And for whatever reason it just hit me as how exhausting the Trump stuff has become. Is this country really going to want four more years of his nonsense? I think keeping him in the spotlight like he is now feeds the exhaustion with him and maybe will steer the GOP to look to somebody else for the nomination, but who knows.

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Tired of it?  


A big chunk of the country is eager to enthusiastically double down on it.  This time with even less constraints or pretense.  


(Remember, we're talking about people who were glad that they didn;t have to hide their racism any more.)  

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13 hours ago, 86 Snyder said:

A little background, I wasn’t interested in politics at all until about 2018.  It’s why I’m looking for perspective.


I mostly considered them two sides of the same coin and had a lot of deprogramming to do thanks to a really conservative, evangelical upbringing.  It really took until I was about 35 (I’m 41 now) to completely find my way out of the maze and that’s despite just naturally being an open-minded and independent person from an early age.  The further in the cornfield you start, the longer it takes to get out.  Anyway…


Paid zero attention to Clinton.


Paid about 1% attention to Bush and mostly just laughing about his general hilarious ineptitude (like getting a show thrown at him, or you fool me once you can’t get fooled again), but nothing serious.


Was very proud of the country in general for electing Obama, then went right back to ignoring for 8 years.


2016- watched pieces of debates, mostly thought they were two crappy candidates I didn’t particularly like, but certainly did not sense the incoming doom.


2018- I took a financial copywriting job (well, part owner with my best friend) for 18 months that had me reading every single piece of news each day.  I got completely immersed and it was just so obvious what a complete POS that administration was and what a complete POS the gop had become.  

Covid- Talk about **** hitting the fan.  I had returned to the mortgage biz just in time for the big boom but following the news all the time had become fully ingrained.  This is when it all really crystalized how absurd my family was and I could fully see for the first time how far I’d traveled.  I mean their back on earth and I’m exploring wormholes in a different galaxy is not very much of an exaggeration.


J6- I mean seriously, you’re all ****ing morons now.


So my point to all of this is, the last couple weeks  are the first time I’ve felt any sort of hope for the country in basically my entire life…because it was either 


1- not care bc they’re all corrupt

2- holy ****, didn’t know how good we had it and please make it stop ok NOW make it stop ok OMFG make it stop or kill me


And now we are passing climate and helping with student loans and getting infrastructure and creeping on gun control etc etc and getting close to indicting TFG- I mean it’s just been a great couple of weeks and it feels so refreshing.


Is it real?  Are we *actually* turning a corner?  Is it safe to have a little hope again?  I mean, I’m on THIS board, so I’m obviously very familiar with the Charlie Brown football scenario.  I don’t know, I guess I’d like to hear general thoughts from longtimers as to whether it’s as positive as it feels.  Maybe I’m just having a good day idk.


I know we are FAR from out of the woods, but it seems like the trees are starting to thin out.  Or, to switch analogies, are we just in the eye of the hurricane?


Obviously mid terms are huge and 24 also.  Fully understand that, but I keep seeing polling results on twitter and the pendulum looks like it’s swinging to me.  The sentiment has shifted drastically from red wave to potentially maintaining power in all three branches- starting to see that pop up in just the last couple days.


HELP ME!!  Lol


Here's what I'd suggest. From what you related you have gone thru a major shift in perspective. IMO that's the biggie here, not the ****storm we've all been slogging thru but you and your perception of what's happening and your place in it. It doesn't invalidate anything you experienced before, it just puts it in a different and broader context. Don't try to figure out the world, work on figuring out you.


When you learn to stop seeing everything in a binary good-vs-evil/ right-vs-wrong /up/down /left/right way you'll start to see that it's ALL more complicated and scary and beautiful than you realized. You cannot jettison your upbringing, review in a newer context. You cannot simply clothe yourself in some new iteration of yourself, wear what feels comfy and real. 


Personally I like to use the metaphor of photography. Anyone can push a button, not everyone can make art with a camera. The exact same location with different times of day or lighting becomes otherworldly but that doesn't negate yesterday's pics, they're all an expression of that one part of your back yard. You move thru life and in doing so you add parallax, increase your baseline and get more information from the same dataset over and over. Those fading snaps from childhood are still "real", you've just learned to define "real" differently.....better.


If nothing else, the conspicuous change from what was to what is for you now ought to be a reminder that everyone else is going thru, and just maybe you'll have some reflexive compassion for their situation- without knowing any of the particulars. We're all in this together no matter who doesn't want to accept that.

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11 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

While polls are looking better now; it’s still over 2 months until the election. A lot can happen. Also, if the 3rd quarter GDP shows a 3rd straight quarter of contraction; Dems can’t say we aren’t in a recession

Yes, they can. Might as well throw that GDP definition out when everything else is booming. With gas prices coming down and getting a handle on inflation, normal folks won't say we're in a recession either. Some recession we're in when folks are losing their jobs only to quickly find better ones.



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I realize it’s anecdotal as the bulk of my connections are in the mortgage industry, but it sure doesn’t feel like a prosperous time for job seekers by the looks of my LinkedIn.


It’s incredibly depressing to see the amount of posts from folks several months into being jobless, that have put in hundreds of applications, only to receive very little interest.  Many of them aren’t solely holding onto hopes to stay in the mortgage industry but are branching out to other industries where the skills are transferable to no avail.



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