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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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3 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:


Remember, a billionaire can always buy friends. And none of us should ever feel sorry for a billionaire no matter the circumstances of his downfall.

Oh, he will certainly be able to buy friends, but what he cant buy is respect, which he currently has(limited to be sure) only through his ownership of an NFL team.  No man who acts like he has cares about real friends, what he wants more than anything is respect.

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Wickersham on Keim


A.  30 plus sources on this.  Keim and him talked about how they are careful not report anything that they aren't that confident about as a practice including with this story.


B.  Tanya enjoys being the face of the team.   Suggested she's liked more than Dan. It could end up being the solution though he acceded that it doesn't likely solve the problem so he's not sure how it would be done if its this


C. Not one owner they talked to off the record, had Dan's back. Zero.  He doubled down that includes Jerry -- as for Jerry I get the impression that they talked to people close to him versus him.   If I heard him right, was half listening to this part, he got via back chanels that Dan's team is especially furious about the Jerry part of the story.


D.  they don't know for sure if Dan has dug up dirt on the owners but they do know Dan has told multiple people that he did.  They aren't sure if Dan is bluffing


E.  Every owner they talked to believed the stories about Dan digging up dirt and threatening to use it.


F.  They didn't get into Wentz at all. 


G.  Goodell doesn't want to mess with Dan -- Keim suggested maybe scared of Dan


H.  Owners aren't upset about the alledged ticket revenue sharing drill --they aren't sure if there is something there.  They are upset about the scandals, declining fan base and stadium issue.


I.  Dan is hoping that Congress changes hands and the current NFL investigation on him takes so long that the story becomes passe by the time it gets released


J.  He thinks the death by 1000 cuts eventually brings Dan down.  He does think Dan fatigue, too many angles, too many stories eventually gets him out.  He bets more likely he's gone at some point (and not eons from now) than survives.  The owners indeed have a breaking point.


K. Keim suggested there are more stories on the subject that didn't make the cut because there is so much you can put out in one article.

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25 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

So you’re saying she would be a better owner? Sweet!


There will be no other casualties with this transfer. Cheerleader approved!

Ha! Yeah, I guess so! His mom in her current state could do a better job than Snyder 😂

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27 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Wickersham on Keim


A.  30 plus sources on this.  Keim and him talked about how they are careful not report anything that they aren't that confident about as a practice including with this story.


B.  Tanya enjoys being the face of the team.   Suggested she's liked more than Dan. It could end up being the solution though he acceded that it doesn't likely solve the problem so he's not sure how it would be done if its this


C. Not one owner they talked to off the record, had Dan's back. Zero.  He doubled down that includes Jerry -- as for Jerry I get the impression that they talked to people close to him versus him.   If I heard him right, was half listening to this part, he got via back chanels that Dan's team is especially furious about the Jerry part of the story.


D.  they don't know for sure if Dan has dug up dirt on the owners but they do know Dan has told multiple people that he did.  They aren't sure if Dan is bluffing


E.  Every owner they talked to believed the stories about Dan digging up dirt and threatening to use it.


F.  They didn't get into Wentz at all. 


G.  Goodell doesn't want to mess with Dan -- Keim suggested maybe scared of Dan


H.  Owners aren't upset about the alledged ticket revenue sharing drill --they aren't sure if there is something there.  They are upset about the scandals, declining fan base and stadium issue.


I.  Dan is hoping that Congress changes hands and the current NFL investigation on him takes so long that the story becomes passe by the time it gets released


J.  He thinks the death by 1000 cuts eventually brings Dan down.  He does think Dan fatigue, too many angles, too many stories eventually gets him out.  He bets more likely he's gone at some point (and not eons from now) than survives.  The owners indeed have a breaking point.


K. Keim suggested there are more stories on the subject that didn't make the cut because there is so much you can put out in one article.





Trust Keim's word and professionalism over any reporter this side of Edward R. Murrow (Google it youngins).


Seems that we are either exceptionally close to or have already reached critical mass.


So now the question for the league presumably goes from "if" to a matter of "where, when and how" they get rid of "little" Danny 


Most excellent news indeed (just as long as they don't opt for the cowardly Tanya route)!



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11 minutes ago, dyst said:

Seriously, if Tanya gets this team it will be another kick in the nuts for us fans and would somehow make me even more pissed.

Does anybody really believe that if they transferred to Tanya that Dan wouldn’t have have fingerprints all over this team and still be front and center.  If the owners think that either Tanya or a new stadium is the cure to what ails this franchise then they really don’t understand the situation at all. 

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The reporters can say whatever they want. 

There’s so much going on it’s not a coincidence. The timing means something. 

and it’s entirely possible the reporters did their best to adhere to journalistic integrity - but it’s still a take down. Who’s their sources? Owners and other high ranking officials. It’s not a stretch to think the reporters aren’t “in on it” but that it’s still happening. 

The whole transfer to Tanya thing feels like floating an idea and measuring the response - nothing more nothing less. It’s probably the idea that compromises getting him out of the picture and keeping it from getting messy. Given how ignorant the rest of the country is about how bad it is here, it’s not difficult to understand why they think that was worth trying. 

The Who picked wentz thing reeks of taking a shot. Which also aligns with the takedown idea. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think some information was put in there to get under his skin. The things about people close to him, etc. and again it doesn’t require the reporters to be in on it. It requires their sources to tell a consistent story. 

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16 minutes ago, dyst said:

Seriously, if Tanya gets this team it will be another kick in the nuts for us fans and would somehow make me even more pissed.

The owners will find out right quick that any member of the Snyder clan owning the team besides Dan won't even make the needle budge.  


NOTHING from the fans will change if a clean break from that awful family doesn't happen.  They'll still have no fanbase, tv rating, ticket revenue, etc.  And the scandals will absolutely continue because Dan will absolutely still be running things.  The owners cannot be this stupid.  

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2 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

The whole Tanya thing is more of a kick in the nuts than Dan remaining as-is.  I can’t imagine this has any real legs.  Everyone can see through that.

Absolutely. That even being floated around the vicinity of the Snyder camp though shows how deep in the corner he’s feeling. Not even an “idea” (as lame as it is) that he would have pretended to entertain not long ago. The walls of the garbage compactor are closing in and R2D2 isn’t out there to stop the slaughter. 


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3 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

The whole Tanya thing is more of a kick in the nuts than Dan remaining as-is.  I can’t imagine this has any real legs.  Everyone can see through that.



Yeah that's like reporting something to HR, HR acknowledging the problem and nothing being done about it.


You can not give full credence to the idea that there is a problem and then do the bear minimum to solve it. Switching ownership to Tanya would be like spitting in the face of everyone who asked for a ownership change in the first place.


An ownership change shows that at an NFL level there is a realization that change needed to occur. Once you public-ally display that there is a minimum threshold of change that needs to occur. Going from Dan to Tanya would be similar to us changing our name from Redskins to Indians. It would not meet the minimum threshold and we'd have gotten crucified for trying.


Once your at the point of a sell, no Snyder can remain.

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If Rivera isn't going to move on from Turner, we desperately need Turner to have some self awareness and evolve his system. You have to have audibles and hot routes in the modern NFL. No scheme is so perfect against every defense that you never need to adjust at the line. That's a ridiculously self absorbed stance to even promote as possible. We also need to intentionally create and attack mismatches more often. Turner may also need to hand over play calling duties to an assistant who has a better feel for gameday. He has no rhythm in his playcalling, and I can guess his next move from my couch 75% of the time. I'm sure opposing DCs have a much better read on him. When he does catch me off guard, like the Wentz run play on 2nd and goal, it's not in a good way. I have heard interviews from our group of previous OCs, who have gone on to greatness, talk about how much their schemes have evolved and grown even since being here. Turner seems to think he has already made it, and his scheme that hasn't worked since Carolina doesn't need to evolve. He needs a wakeup call.

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2 minutes ago, IrepDC said:

If Rivera isn't going to move on from Turner, we desperately need Turner to have some self awareness and evolve his system. 


Looks like he's going to be calling plays for TH with Wentz breaking his finger. That alone should force him to change things up. 


That said, Turner will probably still suck at OC whoever is lined up under center. 

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5 hours ago, tshile said:

What is this nonsense about forcing a transfer to Tanya that some espn heads are talking about?


that’s not changing anything. 

No way. She's already screwed up the uniforms. 

So we know Jones, Mara, and Lurie will not vote against Dan. So that leaves 4 owners that if they vote with Dan he'll still be out. The other 24 (or more) have GOT to help us. I beg of them to PLEASE think of the younger generation. Think of the kids.

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5 minutes ago, BleedBNG said:

No way. She's already screwed up the uniforms. 

So we know Jones, Mara, and Lurie will not vote against Dan. So that leaves 4 owners that if they vote with Dan he'll still be out. The other 24 (or more) have GOT to help us. I beg of them to PLEASE think of the younger generation. Think of the kids.

Freddie Gibbs Kids GIF by Desus & Mero

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Listened to Logan Paulsen a bit.


Paulsen in the past year was sort of agnostic on Scott Turner -- Paulsen is nice as far as how he couches things about most people -- but the way he described Scott was more or less, he's OK at calling plays, nothing at all like a McVay or Kyle.  He didn't find Turner inventive and you can lock in on his tendencies but he's competent.


This season he's been really going at him.  Goofing on how he runs like a zillion of mesh routes among other things.  It's pretty clear he doesn't think he's doing a hot job including suggesting on the last podcast abut perhaps hiring an offensive consultant.  


He agrees with Fitzpatrick's criticism of Turner's system being plug and play that doesn't cater to the players strengths. 


He's not taken by Wentz either.  So he seems to think its Wentz, Turner and pass blocking.  

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4 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

So he seems to think its Wentz, Turner and pass blocking.  

This is where I’ve been.  It’s basically a match made in hell all the way around.  I don’t see any salvaging it either.  Go ahead and call the Wentz experiment over with, roll with Heini for a few weeks while getting Howell ready.

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5 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

Keim suggested there are more stories on the subject


For me, you all know there's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Keim. He's tuned in more than any other beat writer for this team. He reports far less than he knows, and his sources appreciate it. He is pure gold. Listen to him. Read his stuff; between the lines tells a lot, too.


A few things: The Commish isn't scared of Snyder. Not hardly. He just doesn't want our little nimrod to damage the NFL; it's about the shield. And I can tell you without reservation that if Snyder ever releases anything that Inspector Clouseau dug up on ANY owners or the Commish, he will be sorry in ways he cannot possibly imagine.


Some of you guys know my family's connection to the league through our private messages. Snyder is DONE. Trust me. He can go nuclear on other owners if he wants, but it won't matter. MJW 's report will be a scorcher.

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5 hours ago, Conn said:

Absolutely. That even being floated around the vicinity of the Snyder camp though shows how deep in the corner he’s feeling. Not even an “idea” (as lame as it is) that he would have pretended to entertain not long ago. The walls of the garbage compactor are closing in and R2D2 isn’t out there to stop the slaughter. 


evil dead horror GIF

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58 minutes ago, skinzplay said:


For me, you all know there's Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Keim. He's tuned in more than any other beat writer for this team. He reports far less than he knows, and his sources appreciate it. He is pure gold. Listen to him. Read his stuff; between the lines tells a lot, too.


A few things: The Commish isn't scared of Snyder. Not hardly. He just doesn't want our little nimrod to damage the NFL; it's about the shield. And I can tell you without reservation that if Snyder ever releases anything that Inspector Clouseau dug up on ANY owners or the Commish, he will be sorry in ways he cannot possibly imagine.


Some of you guys know my family's connection to the league through our private messages. Snyder is DONE. Trust me. He can go nuclear on other owners if he wants, but it won't matter. MJW 's report will be a scorcher.





Strong post.


I don't know a thing about your connections but I have fairly sharp instincts honed from thousands of hours at both the poker and conference table and my gut feeling is you ain't bluffing.


That's good news all around for Washington football fans. 👍





In a subsequent post Skinzplay said: 

One other thing: transferring ownership to Tanya ain't gonna fly, unless there's a divorce (which might happen based on the truth he hasn't shared with her; stay tuned).



This news is like the cherry on top of my departed Mom's homemade coconut cake!


The best dessert I've ever had and the one thing I've been wishing for almost as much as Snyder's ouster. 


You just made my day!










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59 minutes ago, skinzplay said:

One other thing: transferring ownership to Tanya ain't gonna fly, unless there's a divorce (which might happen based on the truth he hasn't shared with her; stay tuned).


My guess is she knows about (or would assume about) affairs, messing around, that kind of thing. So I wonder what would be out there that would surprise her. 

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