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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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38 minutes ago, CapsSkins said:


Exactly. Letting Ron be HC & GM and then sucking at personnel decisions is ultimately Dan's fault, but also Ron's fault.


Dan Snyder is not why we replaced Scherff and Flowers with Norwell and Trai Turner. Dan Snyder is not why we let Deandre Carter leave to let Dax Milne make Antwaan Randle El look like Devin Hester. Dan Snyder is not why we signed Will Jackson to play a system ill-suited to his strengths. Should I keep going?   

Actually, that is totally Dan’s fault.


Ron Rivera has not earned the right to follow the likes of Bill and Andy, and select an FO to his liking, giving him ultimate say on the roster.  There is no history there to suggest this is a strength.  Yet he was given that much power because Dan is lazy, cheap and ignorant.

“Full control” also gets blown out of proportion.  Guys like @FLSkinz83 like to talk about it like it means the head coach doesn’t have to answer to Dan, doesn’t have to entertain his ideas, has no pressure from Dan in any capacity regarding the roster, etc.  The owner is always in charge, the coach/GM has to take direction from them, whether their contract says “full control” or not.  Some owners are smart enough to realize they pay professionals to make all football decisions and let them do their jobs.  Others like to be involved, particularly on the big stuff.

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2 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Actually, that is totally Dan’s fault.


Ron Rivera has not earned the right to follow the likes of Bill and Andy, and select an FO to his liking, giving him ultimate say on the roster.  There is no history there to suggest this is a strength.  Yet he was given that much power because Dan is lazy, cheap and ignorant.

“Full control” also gets blown out of proportion.  Guys like @FLSkinz83 like to talk about it like it means the head coach doesn’t have to answer to Dan, doesn’t have to entertain his ideas, has no pressure from Dan in any capacity regarding the roster, etc.  The owner is always in charge, the coach/GM has to take direction from them, whether their contract says “full control” or not.  Some owners are smart enough to realize they pay professionals to make all football decisions and let them do their jobs.  Others like to be involved, particularly on the big stuff.


Which is why I said it was ultimately Dan's fault. But you cannot strip Ron of his agency as a decision-maker. He owns a majority of the past 3 years. Dan owns a majority of the past 23.

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Just now, CapsSkins said:


Which is why I said it was ultimately Dan's fault. But you cannot strip Ron of his agency as a decision-maker. He owns a majority of the past 3 years. Dan owns a majority of the past 23.

I’m not looking to be the guys agent, and I never see him having personnel control in the event he ever gets another HC gig.


But it’s hard for me to want to tar and feather the guy for being put in a position to fail and failing.  He’s just a different character in the same story.

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7 minutes ago, Skintime said:

What about the other 23 years?


You clearly didn't read my other post:


"Which is why I said it was ultimately Dan's fault. But you cannot strip Ron of his agency as a decision-maker. He owns a majority of the past 3 years. Dan owns a majority of the past 23."

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10 minutes ago, CapsSkins said:


You clearly didn't read my other post:


"Which is why I said it was ultimately Dan's fault. But you cannot strip Ron of his agency as a decision-maker. He owns a majority of the past 3 years. Dan owns a majority of the past 23."

Yep, missed it sorry

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33 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Actually, that is totally Dan’s fault.


Ron Rivera has not earned the right to follow the likes of Bill and Andy, and select an FO to his liking, giving him ultimate say on the roster.  There is no history there to suggest this is a strength.  Yet he was given that much power because Dan is lazy, cheap and ignorant.

“Full control” also gets blown out of proportion.  Guys like @FLSkinz83 like to talk about it like it means the head coach doesn’t have to answer to Dan, doesn’t have to entertain his ideas, has no pressure from Dan in any capacity regarding the roster, etc.  The owner is always in charge, the coach/GM has to take direction from them, whether their contract says “full control” or not.  Some owners are smart enough to realize they pay professionals to make all football decisions and let them do their jobs.  Others like to be involved, particularly on the big stuff.


Every coach with full control answers to the owner.    IMO, no football decisions were made without the approval of Gibbs, Shanny and Rivera.    

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Those expecting Dan to be gone in a year are dreaming.


This will be multi- year fight. 2-3 years if not longer. That’s 2-3 years from the moment they get vote with 24 votes.


I expect you will see the MJW report after the SuperBowl. Roger’s not going to want to deal with that until after the season. You may get a vote in the March spring meeting. I think the first vote fails to get 24. Then you will Get more votes until they reach 24.  Then the fight occurs for 2-3 years. Dan will try to take down as many people as he can.  I can see a Snyder vs nfl case make it to the Supreme Court.  I also think the dirt Dan really has, how the nfl colluded against the players. Expose that and it blows things up with the Union.


The end result may see Dan sell but we are a few years from that.  We will go thru One and maybe two more coaches before the reality of Dan being gone happens.


Dan’s latest hire flopped big time. The rest of the nfc east will only get stronger. We really need the next Spurrier/ Zorn. Since we are going to be in last place for a few years; we really need to stink.


Then maybe when our fever dreams come true; the new owner will have some high picks awaiting him. 

Really hope Ron goes on his own.

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3 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


New owner: Peyton Manning 

New coach: Kenny Dorsey

New QB: Bryce Young


Ah a man can dream.... 



I want a new owner of the Commanders as much as anybody, but Peyton Manning, like Joe Gibbs, don’t have anywhere near what it would take to buy the Commanders. I think it will eventually be Bezos. 

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9 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


Every coach with full control answers to the owner.    IMO, no football decisions were made without the approval of Gibbs, Shanny and Rivera.    

In your opinion, solely because it helps you sleep at night.  It’s only been 23 years, over a handful of coaches, a few different front office guys, and every single one of them has been a failure.  You choose to be willfully ignorant of the common denominator.  In your strange mind, you believe that all the head coaches recollections of their time here with Dan are made up lies.  The same petty and spiteful Dan that would sue anyone with a pulse over less, somehow has never refuted publicly or in court - wonder why that is?  He’s never been vindicated in any way shape or form.  Yet you literally wake up everyday, choose to put on a tinfoil hat, and believe Dan just hires bad guys that lie instead of connecting the freaking dots.  It’s bizarre.   

Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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Moral of the story is simple.....

Ron sucks at coaching,  he sucks with personnel, and  he sucks at picking other coaches that sucks. I'm sure he's a great guy and human being but the record shows he's a terrible head coach.  That super bowl year was lightning in a bottle with Cam.


Dan sucks as a owner,  he sucks as a human being,  and he sucks at life in general.  Snyder is a total failure as a NFL team owner and I have no idea how this so called human being got so rich.  I guess I can say the one thing he's good at is being a total scumbag and treating people like garbage. 


Combine those two and we have a garbage product on the field and a garbage product of an organization.  At least during the Ron years. As for everything that happened before Ron I'd say it was a mix of terrible coaching and the Snyder effect.  Poop rolls down hill, so ultimately the piss poor culture built by our owner sooner or later reaches the field. 


We all know know what we need.  It's been discussed a million times on here. We need new ownership,  and we need a new GM with talent evaluators and coaching staff.  Until I come here and see that Dan is forced to sell I refuse to get my hopes up too high. I'll believe it when I see it.  If he doesn't go, then our only hope is finding our own lightning in a bottle by lucking out and hiring some up and coming coach that nobody else knew about.  I do believe that the right coach with the right QB can make this a completely different team regardless of who our owner is. 

Edited by DazedSkinsfan
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5 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:


Every coach with full control answers to the owner.    IMO, no football decisions were made without the approval of Gibbs, Shanny and Rivera.    


Those same owners force players like Dwayne Haskins, Carson Wentz, or RG3 on their coaches when their coaches were specific about not wanting them? 🤔 

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51 minutes ago, Zim489 said:

What we’re watching with this bills chiefs game is like watching a completely different sport than us. How can anyone with an ounce of football knowledge can see Ron isn’t getting us anything close to this 

If Ron had Mahomes or Allen and wasn’t coaching a team owned by Dan Snyder I bet the team would look pretty good.


(Ron isn’t GM in my hypothetical scenario)

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5 minutes ago, No Nonsense said:

I want a new owner of the Commanders as much as anybody, but Peyton Manning, like Joe Gibbs, don’t have anywhere near what it would take to buy the Commanders. I think it will eventually be Bezos. 


Like Gibbs tho he could certainly be part of a group.


Bezos is practically a lock to buy a franchise.

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30 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


New owner: Peyton Manning 

New coach: Kenny Dorsey

New QB: Bryce Young


Ah a man can dream.... 



For those of us that are holding on I'd say that's more of a wet dream for football fans lol 😆 


But you know our luck as fans of this organization is.  We'll be stuck with Dan until he's on his death bed at the ripe age of 105, while Ron and his offensive juggernaut buddy Turner are here another 2 to 3 years,  then we'll get to watch Dorsey,  Young and Bezos lead someone like the Broncos or Bears to decades of dominance and super bowls. 

Edited by DazedSkinsfan
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34 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Those expecting Dan to be gone in a year are dreaming.


This will be multi- year fight. 2-3 years if not longer. That’s 2-3 years from the moment they get vote with 24 votes.


I expect you will see the MJW report after the SuperBowl. Roger’s not going to want to deal with that until after the season. You may get a vote in the March spring meeting. I think the first vote fails to get 24. Then you will Get more votes until they reach 24.  Then the fight occurs for 2-3 years. Dan will try to take down as many people as he can.  I can see a Snyder vs nfl case make it to the Supreme Court.  I also think the dirt Dan really has, how the nfl colluded against the players. Expose that and it blows things up with the Union.


The end result may see Dan sell but we are a few years from that.  We will go thru One and maybe two more coaches before the reality of Dan being gone happens.


Dan’s latest hire flopped big time. The rest of the nfc east will only get stronger. We really need the next Spurrier/ Zorn. Since we are going to be in last place for a few years; we really need to stink.


Then maybe when our fever dreams come true; the new owner will have some high picks awaiting him. 

Really hope Ron goes on his own.

I see you’re posting with impossible surety again. Even though merely a year or two ago you were posting with exactly the same confidence about how he’d never be forced to sell. As usual, when you’re looking incorrect you pivot and continue on posting as if you never said whatever your last opinion presented as fact was. 

You realize if the owners vote him out he has no legal recourse, right? He cannot take the league to court over a process that he agreed to as an owner. This franchise isn’t something he just owns free and clear as an asset separate from anything else—he owns it as 1/32 of a trade association, within which the Commissioner is the top executive officer, who has the power to force the forfeiture of a franchise with 75% (or 24, whichever is greater) of member votes. Those are the conditions under which Snyder has always owned his member franchise in the NFL. The owners can use whatever criteria they like in their vote, as well—like at-will employment, they don’t need a legally enforceable reason to vote Snyder out of their club.

There is no case to eventually escalate to the Supreme Court, you just like being the authoritative buzzkill on every topic lol. And since you are so often loudly wrong, it gives me great hope that you think this will take nearly half a decade. 

Edited by Conn
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1 hour ago, CapsSkins said:


Listen, every committed and plugged-in fan would prioritize ousting Snyder over the machinations of the head coach.


But an honest evaluation of Rivera is not promising and also part of the soup here. And managing the roster & coaching staff isn't frozen in amber while we wait for the shoe to drop on Snyder.


That's cool.  I am just talking about myself.  I used to care what the coach is doing, I wish i still did.  I think if I was resigned that Dan is here forever, I'd probably care about the coach more -- but for the first time I feel like we got a fighting chance to get rid of Dan.


So for me at this point I am rooting for the whole thing to blow up so am rooting against Ron to some extent.  Whether Ron is good or terrible, I think there is upside to either scenario for different reasons.


Add Ron to the list of every coach we've had who did better elsewhere then here or with a different owner -- Marty, Ron, Gibbs, Shanny, Norv.  

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3 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


That's cool.  I am just talking about myself.  I used to care what the coach is doing, I wish i still did.  I think if I was resigned that Dan is here forever, I'd probably care about the coach more -- but for the first time I feel like we got a fighting chance to get rid of Dan.


So for me at this point I am rooting for the whole thing to blow up so am rooting against Ron to some extent.  Whether Ron is good or terrible, I think there is upside to either scenario for different reasons.


Add Ron to the list of every coach we've had who did better elsewhere then here or with a different owner -- Marty, Ron, Gibbs, Shanny, Norv.  

I guess Marty is the outlier though.  We'll never know what could have been had Dan not fired him after just one season.  If my memory serves me right we finished that season strong after a 0 and 5 start?? I admit I can't remember much of the details about the firing but I do remember it was my first red flag about Snyder.  Just imagine if Dan would have just stayed away and let Marty do his thing. Yeah I know he was famous for choking in the playoffs but I'd bet the trajectory of this franchise would have went in a total different direction and Gibbs 2.0 would have never happened. 

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3 minutes ago, DazedSkinsfan said:

I guess Marty is the outlier though.  We'll never know what could have been had Dan not fired him after just one season.  If my memory serves me right we finished that season strong after a 0 and 5 start?? I admit I can't remember much of the details about the firing but I do remember it was my first red flag about Snyder.  Just imagine if Dan would have just stayed away and let Marty do his thing. Yeah I know he was famous for choking in the playoffs but I'd bet the trajectory of this franchise would have went in a total different direction and Gibbs 2.0 would have never happened. 


8-8.  Marty did better before and after.  Heck even Norv multiple times elsewhere did something Dan's coaches never did once which is win more than 10 games.

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3 minutes ago, DazedSkinsfan said:

I guess Marty is the outlier though.  We'll never know what could have been had Dan not fired him after just one season.  If my memory serves me right we finished that season strong after a 0 and 5 start?? I admit I can't remember much of the details about the firing but I do remember it was my first red flag about Snyder.  Just imagine if Dan would have just stayed away and let Marty do his thing. Yeah I know he was famous for choking in the playoffs but I'd bet the trajectory of this franchise would have went in a total different direction and Gibbs 2.0 would have never happened. 

We won 7 or 8 to finish the season, just missing the playoffs

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