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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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After listening to Keims YouTube episode on the matter.... It seems this is all based off of one person's interview. Serious allegations nonetheless, but it's not even sworn testimony.


Also pointed out my previous point that it's possible multiple owners are doing the same exact thing as Dan did.


Before we jump to conclusions that this is the nail in Dan's coffin... It seems a lot will have to happen in order for him to get booted.


It's possible this launches a league wide investigation rather than an investigation into the Redskins only.


We will see.

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34 minutes ago, CommanderInTheRye said:


Twenty four...


To all of you I say 24 is the key.


Twenty four...


24 is the number of owners neccesary to remove another owner from ownership of an NFL team.


Twenty four...


From now on we all need to meditate on the number 24.


Twenty four...


Bring 24 into being.


Twenty four...


Mainifest 24 through the force of our combined will alone.


Twenty four...


Quote the Commander, nevermore...


Twenty four.






"The world is an idea organized and directed by the will."  Schopenauer





Lemme make a call.....




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40 minutes ago, redskinss said:

I don't get it, he said it was a pipe dream so he's very well aware that it's a fantasy. 

Why trash him with the cracks about his maturity?


That name meant more to some than others, there's no reason people can't cling to it a little until it's so far in the past it doesn't sting quite so much.

I think this is just a difference in how we use that phrase. To me a pipe dream is still within the realm of possible. Like, “pipe dream but imagine if Russ Wilson had been sold on coming to Washington because the NFC is weaker and we paid him as much as Watson”, not something obviously impossible. It wouldn’t make sense to me if someone said “pipe dream but imagine if Robin Williams came back to life and made Patch Adams 2”, and that’s the category I’d put the old name

coming back into, although I tried to be generous and put it in the same category as “like a kid of divorced parents wishing they’d get back together” to be funny. I wasn’t literally calling him childish but even indulging the fantasy is living outside reality imo. I get that some people move on more slowly than others but there’s no doubt in my mind someone who says that thinks there IS is a small possibility of it actually happening—the type of person who out of defiance still insists on using the old name all the time even though it’s dead. 

Edited by Conn
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1 hour ago, Forever A Redskin said:

False. I will always call the team the Redskins and know many other fans that will as well. And I will teach my children the history of the team and pass down my Redskins gear to them.


If we were a winning franchise and our owner wasn't hated I doubt we'd ever change it. That's the main reason I want Dan gone, he ruined one of the most storied franchise in sports and turned them into a expansion team.


Somehow I really doubt anything comes of this investigation.



No, the name would’ve eventually changed; especially if Dan wanted funding for a new stadium. It would’ve been a condition for funding.

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6 minutes ago, FLSkinz83 said:

Anyone know if congress has the authority to look at the other 31 teams to see if they are doing similar things?   

They certainly have the authority. It'd be part of a separate investigation, but they have oversight should they choose to exercise it.

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1 hour ago, sebestian said:


Gabriel Byrne is an outstanding actor, never mind the BS.  


Moral dilemma I am dealing with.  


What if the Commanders win the superbowl this year or next year and Snyder is still owner.  Do you want him to have a championship.  I understand unlikely but not impossible, and I can not answer my own question.

Dan will never win a championship, never.

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6 hours ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

Well boys and girls the old man is finally worn out from all the double fistings and heading to sleep. Calling it quits for the night after a good days work. --sigh--


Alas, there was a time when I could go all night and well into the next day double fisting everything in sight before turning off my computer and still have some energy left over to double fist a few scraggly posts from my laptop while laying in bed before closing my eyes and calling it a night.


Those days are long gone. I'm just too sore and exhausted to go on.


The old man is finally completely spent.


But before I go I also want to thank  all of you that were kind enough to give me some double fistings of my own to handle.

You sound just like my old summer camp counselor.

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I don't quite get the obsession with what any other teams are doing or downplaying the investigation because it's only one guy saying it, or whatever else.  Will this be the straw that broke the camels back?  Probably not.


But the constant digging and pressure being applied to Dan Snyder is a gift from the Karma gods that we should all be thankful for.

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26 minutes ago, Conn said:

I think this is just a difference in how we use that phrase. To me a pipe dream is still within the realm of possible. Like, “pipe dream but imagine if Russ Wilson had been sold on coming to Washington because the NFC is weaker and we paid him as much as Watson”, not something obviously impossible. It wouldn’t make sense to me if someone said “pipe dream but imagine if Robin Williams came back to life and made Patch Adams 2”, and that’s the category I’d put the old name

coming back into, although I tried to be generous and put it in the same category as “like a kid of divorced parents wishing they’d get back together” to be funny. I wasn’t literally calling him childish but even indulging the fantasy is living outside reality imo. I get that some people move on more slowly than others but there’s no doubt in my mind someone who says that thinks there IS is a small possibility of it actually happening—the type of person who out of defiance still insists on using the old name all the time even though it’s dead. 



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Snyder is putting the whole league on the governments radar and is damaging the NFL brand. That has got to make them want him gone combined with him stealing from them. The only thing that makes sense at this point is he has information that he would destroy them with if he has nothing to lose. Maybe that's why he didn't fight the cap penalty, because he has information on their collusion that would be extremely damaging and show their illegal activity. And he knew he could let it go, put it in his back pocket, and have all of the leverage he wanted on them if they ever tried to do anything to him.

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34 minutes ago, Conn said:

I get that some people move on more slowly than others but there’s no doubt in my mind someone who says that thinks there IS is a small possibility of it actually happening—the type of person who out of defiance still insists on using the old name all the time even though it’s dead. 

I can see that.

I haven't changed my username, not really certain why, guess I just haven't really been bothered to but I don't call them the redskins anymore mostly because I know I need to move on.

I usually go with Washington because Commanders still makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

Maybe someday way way way off in the future it'll feel normal.

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37 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I don't quite get the obsession with what any other teams are doing or downplaying the investigation because it's only one guy saying it, or whatever else.  Will this be the straw that broke the camels back?  Probably not.


But the constant digging and pressure being applied to Dan Snyder is a gift from the Karma gods that we should all be thankful for.

I think you have your cliches in the wrong order. This isn't about which straw will break the camel's back, but whether the NFL is worried Dan might kill the golden goose.

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1 hour ago, CommanderInTheRye said:

I haven't watched the talking head shows the last few days does anyone know if NFL Live, First Take, Undisputed, Total Access etc. have mentioned this story?






Briefly put on NFL Radio on Sirius this morning around 7:15 and they were talking extensively about it.

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If I'm Terry McLaurin or Chase Young the only thing keeping me in DC is how much I like or don't like playing for RR. It seems that every other intangible in this organization outside of the people they work with is a negative. Excluding the fans too. 

Also, for you people in the business field, how does it take Congress doing an investigation to pull out information that Dan Snyder is not paying his fair share in league revenues to the other teams? The NFL doesn't have a way of monitoring this stuff down to the penny given the billions of dollars they generate? 

I was told this week that farmers know exactly how much and which areas of their farms need more or less fertilizer to save every possible penny. Very sophisticated operation. 

So how do the NFL beancounters NOT pick up on a team that's with-holding money? 

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4 hours ago, Die Hard said:

I tried but….


You did try.  I remember. ☺️

But there were a lot of He’s just a fan, He’s changed and Go be a fan of the Giants comments to anyone who expressed any anti-Snyder comments.  

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Idk, I think the fans are a negative as well if you’re a player here. It’s not their fault but this fanbase is beyond apathetic, until Snyder is gone it’s essentially dead. Home games are away games, there is no home field advantage, usually the other team is being cheered louder while our players lose at home. I’m sure many of the players generally have a fondness for individual Washington fans due to interactions around town and in training camp and stuff, that’s not what I mean—but the lack of a larger fan population and lack of home field advantage at Fed Ex has gotta be a net negative for guys. Not enough to outweigh money or whatever necessarily, but to go from being kings on campus playing in front of bigger wilder passionate crowds in college—and downgrade significantly every home game of your NFL career? That’s demoralizing. So I wouldn’t exclude the fans when talking about the downsides of playing here, even if from a fan perspective we’re fully justified. 

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So looking at this, heres a half-baked theory that seems to be more realistic every day now that we are starting to learn the timing of these things.  First, its been strange to everyone how the NFL continues to have Snyders back and seems to be trying to sweep things under the rug, considering the perceived damage hes doing to the brand and blatantly obvious horrible stuff.  The first theory was owners were just reluctant to set precedent, but I think thats been blown out of the water by how far its gone.  The second theory was that Snyder has some dirt on the league, and so he can blackmail them into leaving him there.  While I think there is truth to the fact he knows the NFLs dirty laundry, its gotten so bad now that almost anything he released wouldnt be big enough for it to be worth him staying as owner.  Almost anything.


See, the release of this new information on Snyder seems to show he ordered money to be stolen from ticket holders by sleazy practices, but also that he fraudulently re-oriented ticket sales so as to not pay as much to the other owners.  Supposedly this started in 2012, and ended in 2017-2018.  On the face of it it seems the owners should be incensed with it, but there are no indications they are.  In fact, it seems this information comes from items already discovered in the Beth Wilkerson investigation that the NFL saw, and then ordered buried and to not be released.  Why in the world would the NFL owners willing bury information that shows Snyder stole from them?  What if they agreed to it in 2012.  What if thats why it was never discovered in NFL audits(because they knew it was there).

In 2012, the NFL hit the team with a salary cap penalty for not agreeing to collude with the rest of the NFL, in what appeared to be a blatantly illegal act by the NFL that the NFLPA stupidly left unpunished for the sake of some greed.  Now its possible that Snyder could have just then decided to screw over the other owners by keeping extra millions as payback.  But that also involves cooking the books for years, hiding it really well, and managing audits from his main revenue source who could force him out if discovered.  Or maybe the NFL agreed to it.  They needed to punish the franchise and hurt its ability to be competitive, seemingly nullifying the cap "bonus" they received during the prior year to even it out.  At the time it seemed so strange that Mr Litigation all of the sudden dropped the issue and didnt sue the league in what seemed an easy to win case.  Perhaps in payment for his silence they basically agreed "Look, the team will be punished so its not competitive and the balance is restored, but we dont want you talking to anyone, so how about instead we let you skim revenue to X Millions in extra profit.  In other words, the NFL and Snyder agreed to make the franchise worse and punish the team and fans, while making Snyder richer.  They colluded on the scheme, and Snyder sold out the fans.  Thats why the NFL covered it up when Wilkerson discovered it, thats why audits never "discovered it", and it would reveal the depths of the illegal collusion, thats why they wont remove Snyder and just keep hoping it goes away.  They arent against him because they are in bed with him much more than people realize.


TLDR: No one seems to understand why the NFL is backing Snyder still.  In 2012 the NFL hit the team with cap penalties, which is coincidentally when the skimming started happening.  What if the reason the NFL never discovered it in audits, saw it in the Wilkerson report and still buried it, and wont go after Snyder is they agreed to it as compensation for punishing the teams ability to compete for several years, collude against the players, and selling out fans.  Anyway, this is the only way I have fun with this team.

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3 minutes ago, Conn said:

Idk, I think the fans are a negative as well if you’re a player here. It’s not their fault but this fanbase is beyond apathetic, until Snyder is gone it’s essentially dead. Home games are away games, there is no home field advantage, usually the other team is being cheered louder while our players lose at home. I’m sure many of the players generally have a fondness for individual Washington fans due to interactions around town and in training camp and stuff, that’s not what I mean—but the lack of a larger fan population and lack of home field advantage at Fed Ex has gotta be a net negative for guys. Not enough to outweigh money or whatever necessarily, but to go from being kings on campus playing in front of bigger wilder passionate crowds in college—and downgrade significantly every home game of your NFL career? That’s demoralizing. So I wouldn’t exclude the fans when talking about the downsides of playing here, even if from a fan perspective we’re fully justified. 


The transitive property comes into play, too. We don't show up because of Snyder, so if Snyder, then fans pissed, then no fans. Once we get rid of Snyder, our home field advantage will be intense once we know the liberation is complete.

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