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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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14 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Goodell is just a mouthpiece for the owners.  He works for the owners.  I don't think he has a lot to worry about.  

This is a constant misconception around here that I’ve been trying to correct for years lol, to the point where I don’t sometimes because I feel like I’m nagging. Goodell eats the **** for the owners just like Wright eats the **** for Snyder. Them looking bad and keeping the pressure off of the owners behind them is literally the job. They have no agency or power of their own. Some people here really think Goodell is making big calls and decisions lol 

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5 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Cause Goodell is the owners lapdog and wants to control everything getting out as much as possible.  


There has to be a written report, somewhere.  I mean, what the ****?  What'd her law firm do, commit everything to memory?  




There's definitely a written report. Melanie Coburn confirmed that today on her interview. Hours upon hours of interviews, emails, phone calls, etc. ,etc. The NFL may not have it, but it exists. 

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Just now, Dissident2 said:


There's definitely a written report. Melanie Coburn confirmed that today on her interview. Hours upon hours of interviews, emails, phone calls, etc. ,etc. The NFL may not have it, but it exists. 


For a few weeks in like the 11th grade, I got a bug up my ass about getting really into computers and becoming a hacker.  I'm not sure what derailed me but this is one of those times where I wish I'd followed through in life.

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6 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


For a few weeks in like the 11th grade, I got a bug up my ass about getting really into computers and becoming a hacker.  I'm not sure what derailed me but this is one of those times where I wish I'd followed through in life.


Well, remember, someone supposedly leaked a portion of the report to the Sports Junkies, local radio broadcasters. They claimed that the portion of the report they saw suggested that Dan be removed as their number one recommendation. I've heard through the grapevine that Snyder threatened to sue them, hence why they've never brought it up again. 

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28 minutes ago, Califan007 said:



What happens if they don't? Does anyone know?

Bottom line up top: The answer is nothing in almost any event.  


More detail:


So, I found an article which I am going to quote from but not link, because while it is an "explainer" and does a good job explaining congressional subpoena power, the article is a Reuters article that was penned based on a political issue (which isn't relevant to this conversation or what I will quote.) So I just quoted the parts which had no reference to the political situation.  


But first, I believe Congress has, to date, not issued a formal Subpoena. Which is a process.  More on that in the quotes below.   It has demanded documents, and that carries no legal weight.  The NFL could say, "oh **** off with you" (preferably in a British accent) and suffer no legal or criminal recourse.  Except it would anger those congressional members who care, and they MIGHT be able to issue an official subpoena, and they could definitely keep being amazingly irritating and annoying to the NFL and our beloved Commanders. (Which I think the vast majority here would appreciate.)


Now to the official subpoena stuff: The lesson begineth as such:



A subpoena is a legally enforceable demand for documents, data, or witness testimony. Subpoenas are typically used by litigants in court cases.


The Supreme Court has recognized Congress’s power to issue subpoenas, saying in order to write laws it also needs to be able to investigate.


Congress’ power to issue subpoenas, while broad, is not unlimited. The high court has said Congress is not a law enforcement agency, and cannot investigate someone purely to expose wrongdoing or damaging information about them for political gain. A subpoena must potentially further some “legitimate legislative purpose,” the court has said.

... So, SCOTUS has granted congress the ability to issue subpoenas, it's somewhat unclear if there is any legitimate legislative purpose behind this.  (I personally think the purpose is to grandstand and embarrass Dan.  Which is fine, but I don't think that's a legal basis for issuing a subpoena).


We continue with the lesson, what happens if a subpoena is ignored:



If lawmakers want to punish someone who ignores a congressional subpoena they typically first hold the offender “in contempt of Congress,” legal experts said.


The contempt process can start in either the House or the Senate. Unlike with legislation, it only takes one of the chambers to make and enforce a contempt citation.


Typically, the members of the congressional committee that issued the subpoena will vote on whether to move forward with a contempt finding. If a majority supports the resolution, then another vote will be held by the entire chamber.

Only a majority of the 435-member House needs to support a contempt finding for one to be reached. After a contempt vote, Congress has powers to enforce a subpoena.

So, it's a process.  I'm not sure if the entire house wants to go on record to issue a formal subpoena to the NFL or Dan.  That just seems like bad business to me.  Maybe not. But I just don't see what the whole house would have to gain for this.  And again, there has to be a clear legislative reason, which, at the moment, I don't think there is.  


And you can bet your bottom dollar if a subpoena is issued, and the NFL or Dan's lawyers think there ISN'T a sound legislative reason, they have the legal horespower to contest it all the way to SCOTUS.  Who I THNK would actually side with them, but who really knows.  


We continue:


How is a contempt finding enforced?


The Supreme Court said in 1821 that Congress has “inherent authority” to arrest and detain recalcitrant witnesses.


In 1927, the high court said the Senate acted lawfully in sending its deputy sergeant-at-arms to Ohio to arrest and detain the brother of the then-attorney general, who had refused to testify about a bribery scheme known as the Teapot Dome scandal.


It has been almost a century since Congress exercised this arrest-and-detain authority, and the practice is unlikely to make a comeback, legal experts said.

Congress is not going to exercise arrest and detain authority against Dan or Rodger especially when it hasn't been done in 100 years.  I'm sure there would be folks who would love to see it, but it aint happening.  


And the lesson continues....



Alternatively, Congress can ask the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, a federal prosecutor, to bring criminal charges against a witness who refuses to appear. There is a criminal law that specifically prohibits flouting a congressional subpoena.

I'll pause here.  I very much doubt the US attorney for DC has any significant interest in this case.  It's possible.  But I don't think it's very likely.  The question is if the administration wants to get involved or not.  This is not a political statement AT ALL  It's just that the US Attorney is part of the DOJ, which is in the Federal Executive Branch.  So it's a different branch of congress.  So clearly, the administration would need to be somewhat on board with wandering into this mess



For this reason, in modern times Congress has opted for a third and final approach to enforcing a contempt finding: getting its lawyers to bring a civil lawsuit asking a judge to rule that compliance is required.


Failure to comply with such an order can trigger a “contempt of court” finding, enforced through daily fines and even imprisonment, Griffin said.

I think this is the most likely scenario.  However, I don't think even this is very likely.


So, Bottom line, I think the NFL can basically ignore congress entirely if it wants to.


NOW, there ARE things Congress can do to make the NFL's life really difficult.  I'm just not sure there would be enough (and it would have to be bipartisan) support for things like revoking anti-trust exemptions, changing tax rules, etc.  


Thus concludes our lesson.  (PS: I learned all of this today while researching @Califan007's question because I'm a geek for this type of stuff. )

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7 minutes ago, Dissident2 said:


Well, remember, someone supposedly leaked a portion of the report to the Sports Junkies, local radio broadcasters. They claimed that the portion of the report they saw suggested that Dan be removed as their number one recommendation. I've heard through the grapevine that Snyder threatened to sue them, hence why they've never brought it up again. 


I'd not heard that.  I really don't listen to DMV sports talk radio anymore. 


But if that's true, that's awesome that the number 1 recommendation is to remove him.  I hope that's true.

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8 minutes ago, Dissident2 said:


Well, remember, someone supposedly leaked a portion of the report to the Sports Junkies, local radio broadcasters. They claimed that the portion of the report they saw suggested that Dan be removed as their number one recommendation. I've heard through the grapevine that Snyder threatened to sue them, hence why they've never brought it up again. 

*******. Lurch or EB should go rogue and spill the beans. It's clear listening to them they don't want to be on the radio anymore and they all hate Snyder with a passion. I'd gladly donate to their legal funds if it meant taking down Snyder. 

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"After assuming oversight of the investigation, however, Mr. Goodell personally instructed that Ms. Wilkinson was to present him with oral, not written, findings in a stark departure from the League's previous practices," according to a statement released by the congressional committee Friday morning.


Leaving aside the existence of a written report for a minute, the fact that Goodell made this request is telling.  This isn’t standard “cover your ass” behavior.  This is avoiding a paper trail that can tie him to legal disaster.  No one would do this normally, and the league has not in the past.  

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37 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I'd not heard that.  I really don't listen to DMV sports talk radio anymore. 


But if that's true, that's awesome that the number 1 recommendation is to remove him.  I hope that's true.



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2 hours ago, TrancesWithWolves said:

I'm beginning to wonder if Snyder was essentially running the equivalent of a high class bordello out of Ashburn and some of the clients include NFL front office personnel, corporate sponsors, players from other teams they were recruiting during free agency and perhaps even other owners.

That's a possibility.

But I guess that would have been out a long time ago and lots of people would be serving a long time in jail right now as there's no way you would be able to shut everyone up regarding this kind of stuff.

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A mere crumb resulting from this investigation caused the firing and certain exile of a popular head coach in Gruden. And that was just collateral damage, and not the primary focus. I can only imagine what the full disclosure will do to Snyder and perhaps other owners/GMs/coaches who were dumb enough to associate themselves with him.

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1 minute ago, Redskins 2021 said:

I dont know if he will lose the team or not but if the Amazon guy want this team I think he will end up getting it.

I'll take Bezos 100/100. He would make sure the team is run properly, as his obsession at Amazon at the expense of workers and vendors has been on attaining customers and keeping them satisfied. So at least the fans would get a good experience.

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4 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

I'll take Bezos 100/100. He would make sure the team is run properly, as his obsession at Amazon at the expense of workers and vendors has been on attaining customers and keeping them satisfied. So at least the fans would get a good experience.

I dont know this but I find it interesting that Bezos may want to by this team and congress is looking into Syder. If he owns the team I think we will get the old RFK spot for stadium if he Bezos buys the team.

 Also Syder looks terrible these day I suspect he starting to feel the heat. If he does not sell I suspect corporate sponsorship will pull out. I don't like how I think this will go down but I would like to get rid of are owner.

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There really needs to be an team insider who decides to go nuclear with all the receipts and first hand knowledge.  Somebody up the food chain.  Clearly, there are folks who don't wanna get wrapped up in this that could probably blow this wide open.  Too much went on for too long for all those folks to know nuthin'.  Problem is, half of 'em are probably implicated in wrongdoing themselves.


But a side note to all this is, all these alumni that allow themselves to be associated and chummy with this guy.  Even after all the allegations come out. Theismann, Williams, Gibbs, all these guys.  I felt bad seeing all those guys get used as props the other day standing next to Snyder cheesing like nothing's going on.

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nothing is going to come of any of this....i dunno why we are even wasting time...congress is wasting time as well, Snyder is never going to be forced into selling ever he is our owner so we just need to come to terms with it. It sucks but what can u do....

Edited by CjSuAvE22
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