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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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1 hour ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

If the NFL won’t police their own, like Snyder, then maybe sponsors should become more concerned. I’m thinking something like FedEx wanting their name off the stadium. If people put pressure on sponsors, then Things may change. The NFL doesn’t want to lose money from sponsors. Sponsors forced a name change, but obviously that did not go far enough.

That still remains a possibility that sponsors enter the fight at some point.

Which is probably the only thing the owners care about.


Regarding FedEx, I might be wrong, but I think FedEx owns the stadium no?Don't know what kind of contract they have with the team but that would be funny to have them break that contract and WFT being persona non grata at FedEx.


1 hour ago, NewCliche21 said:


Ugh.  I was hoping that giving up Snyder would be enough to lock their skeletons up, not make them more vulnerable.  Giving up Snyder says, "See?  When one of us does a bad, we get rid of him.  So obviously nobody else has done a bad or we would've gotten rid of them, too."

They haven't reached that point yet. Some already are there, and I would say 75% are undecided. That's just like everything in a group. There's 10% for, 10% against, and everything else is just waiting to know where to sign.

Mark Davis has seemingly made his mind about it, and as weird as the guy is, I believe he's somehow respected in the NFL and do have some kind of power within the inner circle.

Personnal thought here, I'd rather be in Mark Davis' camp than Dan Snyder's.


1 hour ago, UK SKINS FAN 74 said:

They can’t really sacrifice Dan because he will just take those equally as guilty of similar down with him. All this is probably a wake up call for many though. Might result in change, just not change that’ll be publicly clear. Boys club with privately tidy their own patches up.

Gruden might not be finished yet. Or Bruce for that matter.


I've read this more than once, and I'm having a hard time understanding this. From all accounts guy doesn't even use emails. What kind of proof would he have against those owners? Earsay? Wouldn't hold much I believe. Dan's reputation is already rock bottom for being a dick.


Also, any time Dan do something it ends up backfiring and exploding in his own face, just like the emails... He more than likely leaked them, and all of a sudden, BAM, congress wants in, and that stuff for sexual harassment is coming back hard on him...


Owners may be assured that whatever Dan might do against them, will ends up beating him up the ass.

7 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:





I love it when the NFL is trying to keep anonymous people that are asking publicly themselves or through their lawyers to release a report.


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I dont really need to subcontract my opinion of Dan, Goodell or the WFT to anyone else and their report at this point.  Failure to release it tells us everything we need to know, and everything we have known.  Just absent the details.   


The team is obviously replete with mysoginistic, racist and incompetence at the top.  They keep trying to bring in staff to put Band-Aids over the gangrene infected mess.  Rivera seems like a genuinely good guy.  I give him another 18 months.


This just in.  Dan is a **** show and he's turned my favorite team for 45 years into a **** show and I hate him.  It actually feels like a personal attack on my idealized childhood. I honestly hope he has a special place in Dante's Inferno reserved for him.

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1 minute ago, spjunkies said:

Imagine sacrificing the reputation of your multi-billion dollar league to protect doofus Dan.


Not just Snyder. He's a piece of ****, but there's no way the other owners don't also have skeletons in their closet that they'd prefer not see the light of day. They don't want the spotlight shining on them.

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One thing I will say is that this is a slow burn but it is a growing fire with this report and how the NFL has handled it. I've never seen NFL fans apart from our own have disdain towards another NFL owner like they do Snyder. This isn't going to die down and now apparently with Mark Davis requested the report (he won't get it), it's still in the headlines and gaining traction. 


The NFL needs to be very careful in how they handle this, sponsors jumping off the bandwagon is the best we can hope for. I do think most other owners have skeletons in the closet in some way, but I don't think any of them are as bad as Snyder. 

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17 minutes ago, Burgundy Yoda said:



The NFL needs to be very careful in how they handle this, sponsors jumping off the bandwagon is the best we can hope for. I do think most other owners have skeletons in the closet in some way, but I don't think any of them are as bad as Snyder. 

Two sides of hypocrites quite a few of the said sponsors would love to wash their hands clean of this, look at nike for example they were applauded for removing redskin themed apparel although imo its worse thay they utilize factories in third world countries under harsh  conditions to manufacture said goods but who cares... , nonetheless i think in the end this will be a nothing burger with damn snyder still running the show ten years from now ill prob be bald and still aimlessly supporting this franchise due to growing up in the dmv and having grandparent who adored this team. Man that Damn Snyder twitter handle is awesome lol

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10 minutes ago, CjSuAvE22 said:

Two sides of hypocrites quite a few of the said sponsors would love to wash their hands clean of this, look at nike for example they were applauded for removing redskin themed apparel although imo its worse thay they utilize factories in third world countries under harsh  conditions to manufacture said goods but who cares... , nonetheless i think in the end this will be a nothing burger with damn snyder still running the show ten years from now ill prob be bald and still aimlessly supporting this franchise due to growing up in the dmv and having grandparent who adored this team. Man that Damn Snyder twitter handle is awesome lol

The thing is, unlike any issue that's been politicized (masks, #metoo, kneeling etc), this issue with Dan and the team is a pretty universal and unanimous mentality by all, which SHOULD make it easier for advertisers to take a stance. I don't think anyone, left or right, would disagree with any pulling their support for Dan.

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Based on that Seth Wickersham article, the league has a much bigger problem than Snyder when it comes to the St. Louis lawsuit. Jones and Kroenke really effed that one up, and the other owners are paying the price.


For those who don't want to read the article, Kroenke is now threatening to stop indemnifying the other owners over their legal fees in the lawsuit (which is against a number of them personally in addition to the league), and apparently some owners are incurring fees in the eight figures over it. John Mara apparently complained that he and others wouldn't have voted for the move if they'd known that Kroenke would bail out on his end of the deal.


Real gang of upright citizens, there.


As for Snyder, I reiterate that he's a slippery little rodent. Gonna be tough to rid our house of him.

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5 minutes ago, profusion said:

Based on that Seth Wickersham article, the league has a much bigger problem than Snyder when it comes to the St. Louis lawsuit. Jones and Kroenke really effed that one up, and the other owners are paying the price.


For those who don't want to read the article, Kroenke is now threatening to stop indemnifying the other owners over their legal fees in the lawsuit (which is against a number of them personally in addition to the league), and apparently some owners are incurring fees in the eight figures over it. John Mara apparently complained that he and others wouldn't have voted for the move if they'd known that Kroenke would bail out on his end of the deal.


Real gang of upright citizens, there.


As for Snyder, I reiterate that he's a slippery little rodent. Gonna be tough to rid our house of him.

Just read this article, and found it interesting even if it doesn't belong to BHRBN.





Over the years, teams have been required to provide eight years of phone records and emails for discovery. This past summer, St. Louis Circuit Judge Christopher McGraugh ordered Kroenke and five other owners to provide financial records to help a jury determine potential damages. Earlier in October, McGraugh fined Clark Hunt of the Kansas City Chiefs, John Mara of the New York Giants, Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots and the Cowboys' Jones for failing to provide full records. Kroenke has been footing almost all the bills.

Sources said the room seemed stunned by Pash's update on Kroenke's view of the indemnification agreement.

Jones spoke and reminded his colleagues that Kroenke has been a good partner, engineering the league's return to Los Angeles after 22 years away and building a stadium that some involved in its construction refer to as "our $6 billion stadium."

Next came Kraft, who sources said seemed to speak for many in the room that Kroenke's position was unfair. He mentioned all the legal hassle he had gone through. In 2016, he had served on a six-person L.A. committee. He argued that if providing financial records as a result of lawsuits would be a consequence of serving on league committees, it would dissuade other owners from wanting to be on committees and making consequential decisions for the league.

Raiders owner Mark Davis reminded the room that, in 2016, the L.A. committee recommended a rival Raiders-Chargers stadium project in Carson, California, by a 5-1 vote over Kroenke's project in Inglewood.

Mara spoke next and said that Kroenke's change in position was ridiculous and that if Kroenke had not agreed to indemnify the league, the owners wouldn't have voted for him to move. He said anyone who was in the room in Houston when the vote was taken would know that.

The sources said Jones argued that he has been dealing with the legal issues, too, and indicated that the problems were not the fault of Kroenke or the league but were because one owner's deposition was shaky. That owner's name was not mentioned.


That's some interesting stuff here.

I never believes in coincidences, and I'm wondering why Kroenke is doing this right now?


Looks like guns will be firing anytime soon at the NFL Owners inner circle at the worst time.


After the worldwide shortage of microchips, there will soon be a shortage on popcorns in the DMV area as everybody will hold his breath until the end of this movie.

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4 hours ago, ConnSKINS26 said:

Maybe not the best example, as nothing has changed as of yet. In fact funding has increased in most places despite cries to the contrary. I won’t go further, obviously this isn’t the right forum for it.

The name change is a decent example though, and directly related to this team of course. 


The uproar over George Floyd was not just about defunding the police.  The uproar changed America and Fed Ex insisting on the name change was just one example of that change. 

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20 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

That's some interesting stuff here.

I never believes in coincidences, and I'm wondering why Kroenke is doing this right now?


He's one of the richest owners (married into Walmart money), so I doubt he's hurting. Someone on Twitter commented that this sort of thing is Kroenke's MO. I remember that he seemed like a real piece of work in the pieces written about him back when the Rams were terrible and when they first moved to L.A., but the Rams' on-field success in recent years has taken the focus away from him.


None of this applies to Snyder, per se, but it certainly provides context. The NFL is starting to look like La Cosa Nostra...with Danny Boy playing the role of Fredo, of course.

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1 hour ago, 86 Snyder said:

As one person not connected to the investigation (but generally connected to the happenings of the league) predicted on Wednesday, “It’s way bigger than even you think.”

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. One way to prove that it isn’t would be to release the information.

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50 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

So what is preventing Beth Wilkerson from speaking out?  She could certainly answer some questions but must have signed an agreement, which was kinda stupid. Everyone saw what was coming, we knew damned well the league would bury the story. 


As she's a lawyer I doubt she wants to go to the press about juicy details she uncovered about the people who hired her. Future work would be hard to come by.

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During the afternoon’s privileged session—an owners-only period of the meetings with Goodell—Tanya Snyder followed a spirited back-and-forth between the commissioner and Raiders owner Mark Davis by standing to address the room with a prepared statement.


She said she was sorry that the investigation had created so much negative attention and apologized to those affected by the investigation itself, such as Davis. She said the team wanted to move forward and went on the offensive.

Snyder said she and her husband had been extorted by their limited partners. She’d also told the group that neither she nor her husband were responsible for leaking the emails that wound up leading to Jon Gruden’s ouster in Las Vegas, and that her husband doesn’t even have an email account.

And while she showed regret that the matter wasn’t handled internally, she never took responsibility for her own or her husband’s role in the workplace climate in Washington, other than to say that the team would “get this right.”


A brief, awkward silence followed Snyder’s monologue, before Goodell moved the session along. “Tone-deaf,” is how one person in the room described Snyder’s remarks. Two more owners agreed with that characterization, when asked about Snyder’s handling of a situation that has the NFL facing a congressional inquiry.

The Washington Football Team declined to comment on Snyder’s address to the owners.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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Clearly if RR and our GMs didn't like any of last years QB draft crop (nor see the need), they certainly won't next spring. 


Is Mrs Synder going to choose our next QB, or force our coaches to take one?


The more things change the more they stay the same.

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4 hours ago, Wildbunny said:

That still remains a possibility that sponsors enter the fight at some point.

Which is probably the only thing the owners care about.


Regarding FedEx, I might be wrong, but I think FedEx owns the stadium no?Don't know what kind of contract they have with the team but that would be funny to have them break that contract and WFT being persona non grata at FedEx.


Dan Snyder owns FedEx field. FedEx owns the advertising rights only. That was one of the first things danny boy did was change the name of the stadium to sell the advertising rights.



Not directed at you - There is only one way dan sells the team - if sponsors start dropping out or force him to sell. That remains the only reason he changed the name (not starting a name thread here too, but it relates to dans actions).  


If he truly loved the team as much as he says he would sell it. But he is too self centered to accept any responsibility. 

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6 minutes ago, RandyHolt said:

Clearly if RR and our GMs didn't like any of last years QB draft crop (nor see the need), they certainly won't next spring. 



Rivera has talked about it multiple times including just two days ago about liking Qbs among last draft's crop but he didn't want to give up trade capital to make the move and trade up.  Hinted strongly that he might do so next year or whatever it takes to get a QB.  A lot of posts and quotes about it on the Qb thread.


6 minutes ago, RandyHolt said:



Is Mrs Synder going to choose our next QB, or force our coaches to take one?



Hopefully not but that's Dan's ammo.  Sadly that's how he rolls so its possible. 

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