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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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Listening to Al Galdi this morning and his preference is to bring in announcers with ties to the area because 'reasons'. Had a caller chime in, that he would like Chris Cooley on the mic, with Fred Smoot on the sidelines and Doc in some capacity.


This is such a major problem with this team and it extends to the fans. Instead of going for the best, they prefer familiar. Forget a qualified GM, let's bring in Bruce Allen. Forget a qualified front office VP, let's bring in Doug Williams. Forget a legitimate game-day host, but instead lets bring in Cooly, Smoot and Doc.


I want to hear actual football being broken down and discussed professionally. I like all three of those guys, but one is whiny, the other ALWAYS cracks jokes while talking like a preacher as his voice gets louder and louder and the other wants to punch people in the mouth because we are neanderthals. 


I absolutely understand the sentimental reasons for a cast like this, I sort of want people that know football, yet never played it professionally and certainly not locally. I don't need to hear 'how back in my day' or 'under Gibbs' and '50 gut' all the damn time. Please start fresh and get some new blood in here. 

Edited by dyst
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13 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

hey I’m a VT fan. If I have to hear about our ****ing lunch pail one more time I’m going to go jump off a bridge. 

but it’s all we got so sometimes you just gotta take the win 





In 100 yeards, Beamer will be dead and buried but every time a DB intercepts a lame duck, the commentators are going to let loose "aaaaaawwww maaaaan, LOOK at that! it's that good old BEAMER BALL"

Edited by NickyJ
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Good article about Dan, much of this is stuff we've talked about here



Speak to the Public:

It has been well documented that Snyder has an aversion to speaking in public. Whether he is shy, uncomfortable, or afraid to engage with the media, it is very rare to see him stand up in front of a podium. Especially when the team is struggling.

He needs to get over this. As the owner of a multi-billion dollar corporation, he has the means to hire public speaking consultants and PR managers to develop his skills. Over the last two weeks, his team has lost its rights to an 88 year-old team nickname and has been engulfed in a nationally covered scandal. His response? Two canned written statements that can be found in PR Writing 101. No personal epithets, no sight of the owner.

It would go a long way if Snyder stood in front of a microphone and simply took it on the chin. He should humbly acknowledge his wrongs, and acknowledge he is at a loss on what to do. He should then reiterate he will do everything in his power to do things the "right way".

This would humanize the owner, and show that he is vulnerable like the rest of us. People like a good comeback story, and are much more willing to support someone who is earnest and honest. At this point, that's not how he is perceived.

Hire the Right People:

One thing that has plagued the Snyder era in DC, is his propensity to hire close friends and commit to them for long periods of time. We saw this with former General Manager Vinny Cerrato and most recently with Team President Bruce Allen.

This has created a crooked system in DC where nepotism and cronyism is rewarded, as opposed to achievements based on merit. And as we have seen in the recent report from the Washington Post, there has been a blurred line between friendship and work, which has bled into immoral decisions.

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4 minutes ago, Chris 44 said:

Will Julie Donaldson also take over the daily t.v. show "Redskins Nation" (or whatever they change the name to) that Larry used to do?

If I was Julie, I would revamp the entire show and even stage set up. Completely remove yourself from that disaster that was there previously. As for her role, I think she should focus on big picture and not be in front. Total confidence she can do it, but hire someone else to do the on camera stuff and have her focus on the blue print of everything media. 

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15 minutes ago, Riggo#44 said:


And NOT Grand Paulsen. Hell, I am not even sure I'd take him over Chad Dukes.

I agree. Whoever they hire, I just want professionalisms. Lets get back to football talk.

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Started listening to Liz Clark on Keim's podcast.  they both talked about how hard it is to get people to talk on the record.  She suggested some ex-employees flat out say that they are scared of the team's lawyers.  Plus they push just about everyone to sign a non disclosure form when they leave -- I gather for benefits or whatever is part of the package.



On another note, I've heard multiple times that's the dude below that Dan is the closest to among owners.  Johnson and Jerry Jones.  not that Woody's behavior if true reflects on Dan. But I'll just say from my own personal experience, if I am hanging with certain people, it's not hard to smoke out if they are sexist or not. 




Edited by Skinsinparadise
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9 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

This thread was a decent read:



I think the problem is that it's probably not the first time Dan has told someone from outside the organization that he's looking for change and if it doesn't work out, we'll readjust.  I'd gather similar conversations were had with LaFemina and we see where that went.


Who knows perhaps the epic organizational meltdown that occurred in 2019 was enough to even wake him up. But it's going to take years of positive, forward thinking actions before my nostrils can bypass the stench of the past two decades.

Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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2 hours ago, dyst said:


This is such a major problem with this team and it extends to the fans. Instead of going for the best, they prefer familiar. Forget a qualified GM, let's bring in Bruce Allen. Forget a qualified front office VP, let's bring in Doug Williams. Forget a legitimate game-day host, but instead lets bring in Cooly, Smoot and Doc.

great post.


what I would say is that this week we have appointed one of Dan buddy’s, plus Donaldson, who appears very qualified for the job, but has clearly formed an inside track with Rivera over the last 6 months.


now that’s done and those people are in position, let’s start to widen the net. As you say, get the best. Not just insiders for ease, convenience etc.

2 hours ago, dyst said:

^Too late for Snyder. People are just fed up.

you would think so wouldn’t you.

1 hour ago, Riggo#44 said:

Why cant Snyder be this bad?

I would think before the scandal is resolved a lot more individuals associated with NFL organisations will be smoked out. 

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On 7/20/2020 at 9:54 PM, Riggo#44 said:


Ok, I'll bite.


What do we have to be positive about under Dan Snyder? Our 2 playoff wins? What "feel good" story do the media have? We've drafted relatively well? Covered. Chase Young? Covered. This organization shoots itself in the foot over, and over, and over again--and you want happy sunshine and rainbows? This team. This organization is, has been, and will always be a dumpster fire under Snyder. There is nothing but doom and gloom with the petulant, soul less ass leading this team. And you can put that in caps.

So you've got Chase and boat load of good picks. You've got Ron and the rest of the new regime. You've got a women as the face of the overall media. Ok. Now the team starts to win. Do you change your doom and gloom?

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I am not a big Sally Jenkins fans but at this point I want as many arrows pointed Dan's way as possible.  



You think the transgressions end with the sexual harassment reported last week by The Washington Post? You think it started there? The sordidness began the moment Snyder bought the team in 1999 when his front office demanded the cheerleader uniforms be cut away until they were skimpy as pole dancers. Next, came the turn toward soft porn in the calendars and the annual leering cheesy videos of “Beauties on the Beach.” And then that bikini shoot in Costa Rica when they were made to pose half-nude or in body paint for male VIPs, as documented by the New York Times. And the time they were shopped for a booze cruise to a wealthy suite-holder.


All of which should have forced a sale.

Remember in 2009, when the promise of wet cheerleaders was sold to contestants in that radio “carwash” promotion, with the heavy-breathing on the sports-talk station Snyder then owned, asking the audience to imagine a sopping cheerleader “soaping up and scrubbing you?” And the station’s website picture of women in thongs and high heels holding buckets and sponges?


So, what precisely did people think was happening to the other female employees in his building? And does anyone think all the harassments — the female marketing coordinator told to wear a tight dress for a business meeting “so the men would have something to look at,” the buttocks-grabbing, the lewd comments about breasts, the peering under skirts on the staircase — are the end of it?


Roger Goodell and Snyder’s fellow owners know exactly who and what Snyder is from league meetings. He operates with a combination of panting twerpism, incurable nastiness, and wormy duplicity, throwing human shields and checkbooks in front of him to absorb the blast injuries caused by his behavior.


The obnoxious ways the franchise treats employees and customers alike have been well-aired, and cover a broad spectrum, not isolated but a pattern. In addition to the unsavory promotions, there was the suing of elders who could no longer afford season tickets, selling beer past its fresh date, and secondhand airline peanuts, flouting smoking laws, phonying the season-ticket waiting list. Vulgar rants cussing people in meetings. Retaliations at players fallen into disfavor.


Under section 8.13 of the NFL’s bylaws, if an owner “is guilty of conduct detrimental to the league” his rivals can take a vote to compel a sale. When has Snyder’s behavior ever been anything but?


...No coach, no matter how many Super Bowl rings, has been able to turn his dump of a team into a winner; they all walk away with losing records. Those who do business with him, from the city of Richmond to his minority shareholders Fred Smith, Dwight Schar and Bob Rothman, invariably come away appalled.


Given that Snyder has suffered zero consequences, some future embarrassment seems inexorable. Snyder’s hiring of lawyer Beth Wilkinson to “assess” his “culture,” and of well-regarded Julie Donaldson to replace “voice of the team” Larry Michael so no more women have to suffer remarks about a “tight ass,” are merely his latest frantic temporary efforts at public damage control.


They don’t get at the real problem. Not even close. Because never has the phrase “lipstick on a pig” been more apt.

Edited by Skinsinparadise
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It got me thinking, what's the most rock bottom any club had ever hit? Was it the Lions going 0-16? Baltimore sneaking out in the middle of the night to move? What moment in time for any organization has made you say "Oof, i'm glad they're not MY team!"

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3 hours ago, dyst said:

Listening to Al Galdi this morning and his preference is to bring in announcers with ties to the area because 'reasons'. Had a caller chime in, that he would like Chris Cooley on the mic, with Fred Smoot on the sidelines and Doc in some capacity.


This is such a major problem with this team and it extends to the fans. Instead of going for the best, they prefer familiar. Forget a qualified GM, let's bring in Bruce Allen. Forget a qualified front office VP, let's bring in Doug Williams. Forget a legitimate game-day host, but instead lets bring in Cooly, Smoot and Doc.


I want to hear actual football being broken down and discussed professionally. I like all three of those guys, but one is whiny, the other ALWAYS cracks jokes while talking like a preacher as his voice gets louder and louder and the other wants to punch people in the mouth because we are neanderthals. 


I absolutely understand the sentimental reasons for a cast like this, I sort of want people that know football, yet never played it professionally and certainly not locally. I don't need to hear 'how back in my day' or 'under Gibbs' and '50 gut' all the damn time. Please start fresh and get some new blood in here. 


I rarely listen to the radio broadcast, so personally, I really am indifferent to who is calling the games on the radio.  I wasnt a fan of Larry, but mainly cuz I was still holding a grudge over how they did Frank. But it wasnt because Larry wasnt a competent broadcaster.  Find a decent play by play guy, throw an ex-player in the booth and call it a day.  I just dont listen enough to really be vexed by it. 


Having said that, they probably need somebody level headed to balance whatever high strung 3rd guy they go with, if it is a 3-man team.


I'd actually be curious how big the audience really is for the radio call though.  

21 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

It got me thinking, what's the most rock bottom any club had ever hit? Was it the Lions going 0-16? Baltimore sneaking out in the middle of the night to move? What moment in time for any organization has made you say "Oof, i'm glad they're not MY team!"


I cant fathom the indignity of 0-16.

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