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Summer of 2020---The Civil Unrest Thread--Read OP Before Posting (in memory of George Floyd)


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19 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

The only problem there is, the couple is saying the protesters were peaceful and that it was a few individuals that made them feel unsafe. So the whole "mob enters private neighborhood and made them feel unsafe" is now flushed down the toilet, because they're saying it was NOT the "mob" that made them fearful.


Of course that's all bull****. Their original story of "The horde of people breaking down the iron gate to force their way in" was all bull**** as well. It got shot full of holes by the live stream video. We are now left with giving reasons for their actions that even they themselves are saying isn't true.

Right, but that’s what I’m saying. The protesters may have been peaceful, but a large group of people entering your neighborhood is going to appear threatening even if they’re just standing there, so it’s not surprising to me that the people living in the neighborhood are going to run for their guns. When judging how people are going to respond to the situation, the perception in the moment is what’s important, not what actually happens in retrospect once the whole thing has played out. 

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You also have to consider all the possible perspectives


we joke and don’t know, but clearly many of us have sized these people up as the watch Fox News all day read right wing propaganda type. So, you know what their perspective of this is. That the BLM stuff is more about rioting and destroying. 

so coming at it from your perspective of them just being peaceful protestors, while all well and good and I agree with that perspective, doesn’t really help you in terms of understanding possible and expected outcomes. 

im sure those people were actually scared. I don’t think that’s right, I don’t think it’s a particularly intelligent way to perceive things, but I think they were probably actually scared. 

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22 hours ago, Califan007 said:


The issue here should not be whether or not they were trespassing. It should be what did they do once they were in the community that warranted having guns pointed at them. And guess what--trespassing isn't enough. It's even pointed to in their gun laws--it's not enough for someone to simply be on your property.


legally maybe you are correct. The question is do you want to leave your life in the hands of our legal system, or someone’s one interpretation of it.  Also, yay antidotal evidence, but one time I called the cops on someone because they pointed there gun on me, and the cops response was that the guy was in the military and that I was trespassing in his yard. So I guess it depends on which cop...



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way too many ignorant egotistical white male rigthwing ****heads have jobs in the military and law enforcement


which is also to say our population has way too many ignorant egotistical white male rigthwing ****heads






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44 minutes ago, Jumbo said:


way too many ignorant egotistical white male rigthwing ****heads have jobs in the military and law enforcement


which is also to say our population has way too many ignorant egotistical white male rigthwing ****heads



The arrogance of ignorance


There has always been this lesser/loser/drunkard dregs faction around, this isn't new, but the expanding swarming empowered behavior of acting an ass on camera is.


This is in some ways my demographic, agewise, socio-economic wise, etc., I am one of those white guys tryin to get along in many ways, have been for quite a while. So I know them, I hear them and they often make the assumption that I am one of them and say vile **** they won't be caught dead saying around others. They are % wise a minority, but their volume and the willingness of others to enable and follow them gives them power and strength, along with the unwillingness of others to openly disagree and object to these behaviors.


For the longest time, on the job for instance, you'd hear guys talking ****, nasty, offensive **** but you knew that calling them out would get you ostracized and isolated, "you're not one of US??!?", so whether you liked it or not you just kept your yap shut. 


That paradigm has shifted.


It is not enough to simply not repeat the nasty jokes, not enough not to laugh at them, we all have to start cutting them off and telling them to their faces this **** is unacceptable, and by we I mean older white guys. Gee, that's hard, don't wanna?, tough titty said the kitty, these older white guys are to blame, they are the ones that put this burden on you and me and all of us, they are the ones that got us all painted with that nasty shade of white supremacist horse****. 


Pick a side. Act, BE different, as in "be is a verb that requires some action".


They will go after younger POC, actually anyone different that they can consider "those people"


**** them


We have to be "those people", we have to be willing to stand up in their faces and see that white guys won't take their ****, that no one has their back other than their loser ass brethren.

Edited by LD0506
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LD0506, I long for the day when more of us start to see there is no distinction between "them" and "us." 


We are.


Furthermore by this, We are ALL responsible for the things the greater We do, the good and the bad. 

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'Enough is enough': 31 protestors arrested as Seattle Police clear CHOP area


SEATTLE -- Dozens of protesters in Seattle's CHOP area have been arrested after Seattle Police officers flooded the area early Wednesday morning to clear out the weeks-long occupation of several streets.


Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan issued an executive order in the predawn hours Wednesday, essentially declaring CHOP over and authorizing police to clear the streets.


"The City's obligations under the First Amendment do not require the City to provide limitless sanctuary to occupy City property, damage City and private property, obstruct right of way, or foster dangerous conditions," Durkan wrote in the five-page order.


After giving several warnings to disperse, police have arrested at least 31 protestors who refused to leave, Seattle Police said.


"One of the arrestees, a 29-year-old man, was in possession of a large metal pipe and kitchen knife when he was taken into custody," SPD tweeted. "Anyone who remains in the area, or returns to the area, is subject to arrest."


Click on the link for the full article and video

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On 6/30/2020 at 3:41 PM, visionary said:






I hate the term Islamophobia.  Suggesting that muslim women should be hung by their scarves isnt a phobia of muslims -- thats incitement of violence, thats terrorism. 

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Yall should check this out. ****s me up how similar this is to now. I understand why where I see hope, my mother sees fear and no change at all. Its honestly a little sad. But its totally worth the watch. 




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So I made a lesson on BLM for my Year 7 (11 year old) citizenship class. I don't profess that it was a perfect lesson, but I do feel I did a relatively good job covering the major bases appropriate to that age group. (Lesson is free to download here if anyone wants to have a look - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/black-lives-matter-citizenship-12343276 - Mods, if that's not OK then please remove). I'd welcome any feedback on the lesson too.


First comment (this is a platform for education professionals in the UK to share resources): 




What a moron. The lesson even explicitly demonstrates why all lives matter is a stupid response to BLM. and his comment also demonstrates exactly why I made the lesson and why I think teaching racism in school is SO important.


Fortunately the feedback from my students has been overwhelmingly positive and far more mature than that loser!

Edited by UKskins
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2 hours ago, Llevron said:


Seriously why tf would that even still be there? 

Oh probably for the same reason the Andersonville and Alcatraz  prisons are still around, the execution block in the Tower of London is still around (as are the Tower's torture equipment), the Auschwitz and  Dachau concentration camps are still around. There is a difference between monuments and artifacts. It's a pretty minor artifact but I don't like the thinking that went into removing it. It wasn't a celebration or a tribute to previous punishment, it was an artifact that showed what had been done. 

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18 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Oh probably for the same reason the Andersonville and Alcatraz  prisons are still around, the execution block in the Tower of London is still around (as are the Tower's torture equipment), the Auschwitz and  Dachau concentration camps are still around. There is a difference between monuments and artifacts. It's a pretty minor artifact but I don't like the thinking that went into removing it. It wasn't a celebration or a tribute to previous punishment, it was an artifact that showed what had been done. 


You dont agree with what thinking? 



"It is appropriate for an item like this to be preserved in the state's collections, so that future generations may view it and attempt to understand the full context of its historical significance," said HCA Director Tim Slavin. "It's quite another thing to allow a whipping post to remain in place along a busy public street - a cold, deadpan display that does not adequately account for the traumatic legacy it represents, and that still reverberates among communities of color in our state."


Thats what the Director of HCA said. Im not sure I understand what you disagree with. 

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