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Next Day Thread: Redskins vs. Lions


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1 hour ago, KDawg said:

I'm not a fan of the way he carries himself. He's proven it time and time again. 


I came away with that feeling after the initial interviews he gave at the time we drafted him. I tend to agree with your take on him.


However, he is a very polorising figure. He's almost directly on that fine line between self assured confidence/belief and blind arrogance. I'm struggling to work out if Iike him or not :ols:.


I'm also unsure if the way he presents himself is a good thing or a bad thing. You have to factor in the utter desperation on the situation he has landed in. Perhaps his nature will carry him and us as a team through that. On the flip side, it's equally as likely he shows little progression in maturity and performance to the point he simply flames out in 2 years time. 


I do wonder what impact a new HC and potential new scheme would do to his development. It's a bit of an unknown as to how he would adapt to that.


On balance, from my personal perspective, it's probably wise to remain open minded for a while yet to watch this story unfold.

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5 minutes ago, daveakl said:


This stood out to me. That plus he is waiting to see a guy open and then trying to burn the throw in rather than anticipating. Ties into what you said earlier about the game slowing down. I know for me having my feet set was really important for both velocity and accuracy - and i was heavy on my lead leg as well (without anything like the arm Haskins has).


Haskins heavily relies on his front leg to transfer energy throughout his kinetic chain. This means a lower-body imbalance can have a much greater effect on Haskins’ accuracy than a QB who doesn’t put as much pressure on their lead leg. If Haskins is unable to plant his front foot where he wants, his arm has to compensate for the varying amounts of energy, which can lead to wild throws.

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24 minutes ago, MartinC said:


This stood out to me. That plus he is waiting to see a guy open and then trying to burn the throw in rather than anticipating. Ties into what you said earlier about the game slowing down. I know for me having my feet set was really important for both velocity and accuracy - and i was heavy on my lead leg as well (without anything like the arm Haskins has).

100% truth right there.  Throwing guys open vs throwing when guys are open is what happens when the game slows down but also when you trust your receivers.  I hate the narrative that we should just start 3 rookie wr's with our 3rd string TE so we can see what we have (or should have done this at the start of the year).  If someone isn't running things perfectly in practice the chances of them doing it in the game are low.  And that's how you burn out a QB in their first few years.  Have them out there when they aren't 100% yet on things throwing to other people who are not 100% on things.  Talk about starting bad habits.


I like what we have done this year as far as playing time.  Sims Jr will probably start seeing a little more time with Harmon and McLaurin. Cam Sims may be the 4th by the last 2 games and Guice will probably keep eating into AP's workload over the last 5 games. 

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@Thinking Skins


Interesting tweet that makes a lot of sense as to the short shrift of some of his answers that I've questioned. Thanks for posting. 


He does need to learn to ignore those that give him the negative press though and be accommodating to all of them. Making enemies and alienating the media is a now-win situation with their far-reaching scope. 



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I see all these comments about Haskins maturity and potential arrogance. I wonder if any of those questions would exist if he was playing better. Wonder if they will persist inside the Redskins fan base if he starts playing much better. NM that was rhetorical. 


I could care less right now he "carries? himself. He is kid. He is going to make stupid kid mistakes, and that includes saying dumb **** to the media. He will either learn from it and get better or not. He is not locked into a certain person for life based on who you are in your early 20s. I know I am certainly glad I am not judged that way. I realize this will not stop anyone - in fact it will probably galvanize them to prove they are "right!", facts be damned.  "See I told you he was an asshole! He said _____" filled in with conjecture and over-reach followed by "this guy sucks!" Such is life on the board here. 


In the meantime, the only thing that really matters is what is on the field. So far, while the progress has been slow for certain, it has been progress each game. He came in noticeably behind the learning curve in terms of experience. Many of the things he is learning and working on are things many of the other QBs coming out of college learned in college. So he looks really bad at times. Having a most **** team in front of him does not help but it's good experience. But that does not mean his ceiling is low. It's not a positive but does not have to be a negative long term either. 


Looking forward to see where his development goes the next 6 gms. Is it enough? Can he be good enough? Hard to tell right now despite some peoples guarantees. We should all be hoping like hell he does develop. It makes the coming off season so wide open. That's what having a franchise QB gives you - a whole lot more flexibility in the off-season to keep building your team. 



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7 minutes ago, goskins10 said:

I could care less right now he "carries? himself. He is kid. He is going to make stupid kid mistakes, and that includes saying dumb **** to the media. He will either learn from it and get better or not. He is not locked into a certain person for life based on who you are in your early 20s. I know I am certainly glad I am not judged that way.

While I understand and agree to a certain extent about not being judged when you’re young, he doesn’t have the flexibility to wait as long as many do to grow up.  Fair or not, when you’re being paid millions to play a sport, it comes with certain expectations. Not only fans and media but teammates. Does he alienate them with me-firstness?  Throw them under the bus?  Or give them their props for their part in the win?  Does he put in the work to get better or try to get by on his talent?

I’m not claiming he’s doing any of that now, but it all goes into his potential success and that of his team.   So stupid mistakes will be magnified and potentially deadly to his career.  

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11 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Lol, losing to us, rock bottom




I'd say it was rock bottom for the Detroit news, they can't even get the score right in their headline.  Maybe the Redskins ineptitude is contagious, and now everything the Lions touch will turn to crap.

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6 hours ago, Gibbs Hog Heaven said:

Jeez. Tough, TOUGH crowd. 

You seem surprised 😂

Yesterday, I didn't realize the scoreboard showed no time on the clock, so I admit it makes me feel a little better, that he probably was focused on the game then let his guard down a bit when he saw the zeroes, a pretty sure sign the game is actually over.  I think the social media, selfie generation as a whole is ridiculous, but it's the way of the world now, and he is young, so it's all good.


The "I'm a closer" comment was just stupid.  Even if you were lighting it up (you have been far from it), you don't stand at the podium and say arrogant, me first statements.  You think Tom Brady or drew Brees would ever say anything like that, even in their rookie years?  Arrogance is one thing, but it's just pure stupidity.  


I hope there is a mentor that is in his ear today about the comments at the presser, and how to conduct yourself as a leader.  If he acts like this now, I can only imagine what he is going to be like when he performs better than bottom of the barrel QB.  Dude be strutting to the podium like





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I think when you except a job that pays you millions of dollars and are to be the face of a multi billion dollar franchise it should go without saying you might have to mature a bit faster than other 22 year olds, I dont know might just be me.

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28 minutes ago, KillBill26 said:

You seem surprised 😂

Yesterday, I didn't realize the scoreboard showed no time on the clock, so I admit it makes me feel a little better, that he probably was focused on the game then let his guard down a bit when he saw the zeroes, a pretty sure sign the game is actually over.

I haven't read all the articles on the situation. Did the stadium clock actually show all zeroes at the end of the interception?

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5 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

I haven't read all the articles on the situation. Did the stadium clock actually show all zeroes at the end of the interception?

That's what it sounds like based on what others have said.  Someone posted a picture of the fox telecast showing zeroes, and I'm pretty sure some mentioned that the scoreboard at the stadium showed zeroes too.  

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Just to steer it back to football...how bout Morgan Moses?!  He made PFF's team of the week with a 84.2 grade!  






Moses was a road grader against Detroit on Sunday. He earned a 90.6 run-blocking grade, which is far and away his best single-game mark of the season. In fact, Moses hasn’t earned a single-game run-blocking grade above 90.0 since Week 6 of his 2017 campaign.




That's him in a nutshell.   He has performances like this every so often that make you wonder what he could be if he could put it together consistently.  

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19 minutes ago, megared said:

Just to steer it back to football...how bout Morgan Moses?!  He made PFF's team of the week with a 84.2 grade!  



That's him in a nutshell.   He has performances like this every so often that make you wonder what he could be if he could put it together consistently.  


The o-line is far better than the national media writes about.  I think all of us know it's not the dumpster fire the media portrays.  I'd say it's even better than most here realize.  It's a decent line, and it's not the reason the offense is struggling.


Having TE's would help.  Having WR's would help.  Kind of hard to experiment with other run game packages when we only have 1 WR that defenses respect.  Likewise it's hard to run jumbo packages with 2 TE's, a FB, or a 6th OL or something...because none of the TE's really show much as a receiver either.

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21 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Happy for Moses, I guess.  Still, our outstanding RBs had 59 yards on 20 carries.


Meanwhile, some dude named Scarborough was running it right down our throats.

Yeah I thought if the Lions would just keep running the ball they’d win the game but they decided to throw instead, to their detriment. 

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How many touchdowns has he led us to in non garbage time? That’s right, 0. All the signs and patterns are there in what I admit is a short sample size, but it’s right there. Some of you are holding out hope he is going to be good..but he won’t be. One thing people seem to be overlooking is that we don’t even have the culture to lead him down the right path away from this immaturity and arrogance. No one is checked in this environment especially if you’re the first round QB. It’ll only get worse IMO. I bet he ends up saying something similar to Mason Foster about the Skins fans (not nearly as bad, but something that pisses off half the fanbase).

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5 hours ago, KillBill26 said:

I'd say it was rock bottom for the Detroit news, they can't even get the score right in their headline.  Maybe the Redskins ineptitude is contagious, and now everything the Lions touch will turn to crap.

The Lions have one WON game in DC, for the entirety of their existence. At one point, ours was the longest streak in the NFL, maybe NFL history.  We finally lost a home game to them.  They don't win in DC, end of story.

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17 hours ago, KDawg said:


Probably a little of both. They accidentally did their homework on McLaurin when they went to Haskins pro day and McLaurin was running routes with him. I'm sure at that point they paid much more attention to his film and realized what kind of person/player he was. So I'd say they absolutely did their homework, but I think him running routes for Haskins is what really got their attention.


Maybe that is why both are here today. So it might not be Dan's son thing after all. :)


I would have liked to see Haskins start the season or at least 5 games ago. Haskins needs lots of real game time practice/play. He only played one year in college and it shows. The Skins needs to design the plays and schemes around Haskins strengths and capabilities like what the Ravens did for Lamar Jackson. We would also need a good OL to give him some time to throw as well next year. 

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17 hours ago, bakedtater1 said:

Sooo the lions punted to us with how much time on the clock?..wasnt it just a couple seconds?..how did they screw up the game winning fg?


Because they should have let the clock run down to 3 seconds like every other team who has ever been in this situation has done.  It's such an easy thing to do but the head coach admitted he blew it, got caught up in the moment.   It's a long shot that anything happens but there was no excuse for giving the Lions the ball back at the end.  

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16 hours ago, VaK9Trainer said:



That Post game presser. Wow!  I have to say, the kid acted like a complete Douchebag.  ****y, Arrogant, Rude. Not a good look for a kid who has miles and miles to go to be considered a good QB. At this point. he hasn't even made it to the mediocre level yet. He's young and immature and hopefully will outgrow this. If he doesn't, he will have zero success in this league!!  




This. I already dislike this guy and am convinced he will bust.  As I posted he arrived at 10:43, the reporter said that was the latest he has ever seen a starting QB arrive. He stinks up the joint for 3 quarters, I have no idea why some fans can't admit how bad he was.   He got those 2 drives with swing passes and good field position. Then he acts like a complete jack ass by posing instead of being on the field, I mean that's a move Jamis Winston (confirmed knucklehead) would make.  Then he comes off as if he is John Elway in the post game presser.


I said after the draft that his inaccuracy concerned me.   I was criticized but I stand by it. Strong arms don't mean squat, the QB's #1 job is to hit what he is throwing at.  An inaccurate knuckleahd is not an NFL franchise QB. There is close to a zero chance this guy ever lives up to his draft position.   He was Snyder's pick, that should tell us all we need to know.    

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