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SCOTUS: No longer content with stacking, they're now dealing from the bottom of the deck


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The core problems we have as a country are that there is no penalty for politicians for lying*, and people fall for the lies.  We saw that yesterday with basically every Republican.  And they will pay no price.  Indeed, for them its win win.  If they are punished in a blue wave and lose their seats, they just go make millions at lobbying firms.


This country is rapidly becoming a failed experiment.


*elections are woefully inadequate

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3 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:




You mean, "why do teenagers...."  <---- Is that a serious inquiry, because that would be hard to answer.  Probably for starters, they are teenagers.


Was that one a teenager?

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6 minutes ago, Hersh said:


There you have it folks: Victim blaming. 


The source is not surprising. 


Nor is your take.


Is it common knowledge just for males and the females unaware?

LKB seems a expert so perhaps he knows.

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The problem for BK is that there is now a pattern of behavior that is being lied about... not even about the alleged rape, but the degree of his drinking when he was younger.

Its clear to me, he believes it should be dismissed as "boys will be boys" or "youthful indescrections". And his life shouldn't be "ruined" over that.

I mean they all said, we believe you Dr. Ford, except the one fact about who assaulted you.

BK didn't even say, "it is clear that this incident happened in the summer of 1982", by saying, "this incident happened at an unknown time and unknown place" and repeating it he was trying to further discredit her.

I believe Dr. Ford was sexually assaulted in the summer of 1982.

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37 minutes ago, bcl05 said:

Again, this is not true.  Using capital letters does not make something more true.  Her testimony is evidence.  The fact that she talked about it, repeatedly, to various people, over multiple years, is evidence.  The fact that he clearly lied under oath is evidence against him.  This may not be enough evidence to convict in a court of law (though it certainly could be), but that threshold does not exist for the supreme court.  


Also, you cannot believably claim that you consider sexual assault horrific, and then support a president who has bragged about doing it, has over a dozen credible accusers, supported a child molester for senate, and is completely uninterested in investigating multiple allegations against the chosen supreme court pick.  

Is Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony evidence?

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16 minutes ago, twa said:


Why do women continue to go to parties where it is know they will have pricks out?


Inquiring minds want to know.......or are they ignorant of what you claim is obvious?




Clearly, because they are whores.



Seriously, this is an idiotic question.


Why do women stay with abusive husbands?

Why do so many women not report sexual assault?

Why do women smile and laugh at the sexual harasser who is their boss?


I was in the Ivies in the early to mid 90s. Kavanaugh was there in the early to mid 80s.


When Kavanaugh was there, Yale at been co-ed for about 12 years. And it was still a controversy. When I was at Princeton, we celebrated 25 years of being co-ed so only the really old alums still had a hang up. But we were only in year 2 or 3 of all the eating clubs being Co-ed. I read an article in the Daily Princeton last week about how Tiger Inn members STILL go to Sally Frank speeches to boo her. Sally Frank sued Tiger Inn in 1980 to force it to admit women. The club finally gave in in 1991. So, people born in 1998 are pissed about a lawsuit from 1980 and a decision from 1991.


When I was at Princeton, I think it was around 55/45 male/female. We celebrated this as a great leap forward, because it was around 70/30 in the 80s to my understanding. I assume Harvard and Yale were roughly the same.


This is all background to explain the culture at Yale in 1983 or 84 or whatever. Women at these were still treated to some degree as an experiment. "We'll let you get your ticket punched like the boys do, but don't ruin our fun." Your choices were go along with the boys hijinx or hide in the library for four years. And when you interview for that job with his dad's firm, I'm sure the fact you called his son a small-pricked loser won't matter at all. I mean, its not like his uncle might be president or something.


I come to this from the perspective of an outsider. If you aren't a member of the club, you don't really know. There was a Kennedy who lived on my floor, and I honestly to this day don't know if it was THAT family. You want in the club. Once you're in the club, I mean, look what opens up for you. George W. Bush is currently calling all the Yalies on Capitol Hill telling them to support the Yalie.


So, why do women not leave the party? The party question is why would any women ever leave the party?


If the choice was be accepted by dudes who will run ever large law firm and brokerage house in the country....or maybe hope for a tenure-track position at a SUNY school, I'd probably give the dude's prick a little tap myself.


Here's the other thing. When these guys turn on you, it is VICIOUS. One day, I'll tell the story of how little LKB actually became part of TI's initiation process for the simple fact that an editorial I wrote got the rugby team put on probation for a year. I mean, you may want drunken ruggers showing up at your door at 2 AM with the order of "delivering you" like a pizza. But, it's not that much fun.



1 minute ago, B&G said:

Is Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony evidence?




I found it non-persuasive and self-serving.

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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50 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

A shameful, disgusting process. Women of America, please save us because the men of this country have repeatedly failed you.


I don't understand what is wrong with us.  Why is it so hard to be a decent man in this country?  Masculinity in this country is utterly toxic and every family is filled with failed men.  Women are coming to the table of civil society in good faith and trying to make things better for everyone and we're just getting nastier and more shameful and selfish and making things worse.  We need a ****ing come to Jesus moment and to do some honest to God soul searching, but as men we are born with our heads up our asses and it is our natural state.

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41 minutes ago, B&G said:

Liberals are of one mind on this issue and that is deeply troubling.


I would really love to hear just one liberal tell me what evidence they have that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Dr. Ford.  Not an emotionally charged diatribe but real evidence.


Testimony from the victim is evidence. More evidence is available if there is a will to investigate, which the republicans do not have. You’re bull**** argument about evidence holds no water given these two facts. 


Further, according to the jury handbook if a witness lies on the stand the rest of his or her testimony can be ignored in the consideration of a verdict. 


Guess which one lied on the stand yesterday. Here’s a hint, it wasn’t dr Ford. 



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55 minutes ago, B&G said:

There is no evidence to support Dr.  Ford's allegation...PERIOD.


Sexual assault is horrific.  We are a nation of laws, however.  Can you imagine our country as one where allegations are accepted as a whole piece of cloth even in the absence of any a shred of evidence?  I cannot as that is the hallmark characteristic of despotic governments throughout history.  God forbid that the United States ever goes down that route.  




I have to assume that with your horror over sexual assault you didn't vote for Trump, correct?


Or are you going to say "Yeah, he boasted about it on tape, yeah there were over a dozen women who publicly accused him of various levels of sexually inappropriate behavior or outright assault, sure he settled lawsuits brought by some of those out of court, but.......WE DON'T HAVE ANY EVIDENCE!111!1!!!"?


Did you say the same thing and dismiss the allegations against Bill Clinton then?  (FTR, I believe the women in that case as well).

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38 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


No, he said something along the lines of he's aware that it'd be a felony, if I understand the last line before his signature.  


https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-09-27 Judge to Grassley, Feinstein - Ford Allegation.pdf


Just now, bcl05 said:

Of course it is.  It is also significantly diminished in value by his repeated lying.  

So, we have two testimonies, both evidentiary but conflicting.  The accuser’s witnesses do not support Dr.  Ford’s testimony.


Tell me specifically how you would decide the issue.  By the evidence or your gut  feelings?  In other words would you judge against a man and ruin his life based upon emotion alone or via the evidence presented?


BTW, specifically, how do you know Dr. Ford isn’t lying?

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Here's a Princeton tale for you. I knew this guy:




I don't think this guy could exist in any place by the Ivies. Like at WVU, you're just a weirdo if you do this stuff.


This guy was originally accepted in, like, the Class of 89 or 90. I don't even know. He was a member of the class of 96 with me, but he didn't graduate with me. No one does this. 92 percent of students graduated in 4 years. A handful take a year off and graduate in 5.


He was on year 7 or 8. He kept taking semesters off to open businesses. He started a one-issue competitor to the Daily Princetonian. He bought an apartment building. No one knew where the money came from. No one really knew him. He lived in a subdivision in a house he owned or rented, which literally no one in Princeton history had ever commuted like that.


Anyway, our senior year, a story starts flying around that someone had been caught purchasing their senior thesis and was facing expulsion. The rumor was it was him. I was on the paper, and we didn't feel comfortable running with the story until another publication made a huge joke about it and basically named the guy with a bunch of silly psuedonyms. So, I called him and actually reached him.


We believed he was the son or nephew of the Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin. That turned out to be false, but it was 1996, and there was no real way of tracking this online. Anyway, he declared his innocence and told me that if I spiked the story, he'd get me an interview with the managing editor of the Washington Post - a dear family friend.


I could tell he was full of BS and we ran the story. He finally graduated in 98 or 99, I think. The university confirmed that someone did plagiarize their thesis that year but didn't name names.



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4 minutes ago, B&G said:


So, we have two testimonies, both evidentiary but conflicting.  The accuser’s witnesses do not support Dr.  Ford’s testimony.


Tell me specifically how you would decide the issue.  By the evidence or your gut  feelings?  In other words would you judge against a man and ruin his life based upon emotion alone or via the evidence presented?


BTW, specifically, how do you know Dr. Ford isn’t lying?


We don't know. Which is why there should be a thorough investigation. 


We do know that BK lies. That's been established even without yesterdays hearing. 

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7 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


I don't understand what is wrong with us.  Why is it so hard to be a decent man in this country?  Masculinity in this country is utterly toxic and every family is filled with failed men.  Women are coming to the table of civil society in good faith and trying to make things better for everyone and we're just getting nastier and more shameful and selfish and making things worse.  We need a ****ing come to Jesus moment and to do some honest to God soul searching, but as men we are born with our heads up our asses and it is our natural state.

What a load of crap this is.  Neither women nor men have a gene for “goodness”.   Both are good and bad, often within moments of one another..  Everyone is flawed regardless of gender, race, age, etc., none of which have anything whatsoever to do with the quality of the individual.






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20 minutes ago, B&G said:

Is Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony evidence?


It sure is.  So, we have conflicting testimony, which resolves nothing.  Which is why we should have a thorough investigation before we hand perhaps the most important lifetime appointment our country has to a person accused of attempted rape.  Just have a thorough investigation by a reasonably non-partisan organization, and let the facts fall where they may.  If the FBI or whoever comes back and says Dr. Ford's account doesn't hold water and Judge Kavanaugh's does, then I'll accept that he didn't do it.  Then I'll just need to get over his ridiculously poor temperament and partisan threats issued yesterday, and that fact that he probably has a drinking problem and probably lied during his confirmation process.  

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14 minutes ago, B&G said:

What a load of crap this is.  Neither women nor men have a gene for “goodness”.   Both are good and bad, often within moments of one another..  Everyone is flawed regardless of gender, race, age, etc., none of which have anything whatsoever to do with the quality of the individual.

So its nurture then.

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14 minutes ago, B&G said:

What a load of crap this is.  Neither women nor men have a gene for “goodness”.   Both are good and bad, often within moments of one another..  Everyone is flawed regardless of gender, race, age, etc., none of which have anything whatsoever to do with the quality of the individual. 


You have been gung ho in support of putting a lying sexual assaulting **** on the Supreme Court.  You think the women who accused him are liars and are, at best, an inconvenience.

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16 minutes ago, B&G said:

What a load of crap this is.  Neither women nor men have a gene for “goodness”.   Both are good and bad, often within moments of one another..  Everyone is flawed regardless of gender, race, age, etc., none of which have anything whatsoever to do with the quality of the individual.







Except one gender has pretty much ruled over mankind since the dawn of time and seems pretty upset whenever they feel a shift in the balance of power. 

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