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Common Kirk....I just don't know....


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I'm sure while staring down a fearsome pass rush Cousins is thinking "I better throw a 5 yard checkdown here so my completion % will go up by .0003 for when I negotiate my contract!"


Good lord the extent the anti Kirk crowd will go to to try to justify their position.

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Kinda hard to evaluate Kirk today. He did take some sacks when it looked like he could have thrown it away, but we played a tough D known for playing well at home. We missed 4 of 5 starters on OL and arguably his 2 best pass catchers. He still put up 247 yards and no TOs. All things considered I wouldn't say he did bad.


3 of our 4 wins have involved late TD drives by Kirk to either take the lead or ice the game, not to mention the KC honorable mention.

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1 minute ago, skinsmania123 said:

Yes.  And once again many, many fans think that Pete.  Who are you?  Cousin's agent?  You jump in every time someone suggests this.   It is just weird dude.  And you insult everyone that disagrees with your "expert" opinions.....:rofl89:


Pot meet Kettle.

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People are having trouble understanding evaluation vs valuation. It's something our formerly employed GM, who wasn't actually the GM, understood.


And it's something Bruce Allen doesn't understand, which is in common with the Cousins detractors here. 


And it's something Allen has severely botched for multiple consecutive seasons. 


McC would have already had Kirk under contract, for less.


And McC understood the difference between film evaluation and the augmentation of final valuation, in order to do what was right for the organization, at large. 

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1 hour ago, BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93 said:

**** can you idiots just all enjoy an improbable win????


we never win these 


You are often one of the ones that helps lead the calvary with the torches and pitchforks at Kirk with each loss.  The idea that you want people who have been behind Kirk to be more gracious to the Kirk detractors after a win -- I get where you are coming from.   But with all respect, doesn't that point cut both ways?  

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As per today, re: sack 'n' stuff:


Cousins purposefully protected the ball when a sack was imminent.

It was a purposeful attempt to brace for contact in order to secure the ball and to not compound mistakes by allowing a backbreaking turnover on-top of a sack.


Yes, he could have, perhaps on one or two occasions of the 6 sacks ... (I'm thinking of the M. Bennett sack in the 2nd half as an example) ... tried to attempt a last-second throw.

Something along the lines of a half-step, a 3/4 throwing motion, before being lambasted in mid-throw by the defender. 


Who knows what would have happened were Cousins to have followed the orders from the ES Generals commanding him to just throw the ball. Likely, in the scenario I just laid out, he gets hit mid-throw and the ball is errant, wobbly, decreased velocity and it is ultimately picked off. 


"I apologize if I do, I apologize if I don't."

He would have been blamed either way. 



In today's game, a turnover would have killed the Redskins chances. He understood this. And anyone who remembers our playoff losses in seattle should know this from history. 


Kirk protected the ball and didn't turn it over. Did he tuck it a second early, a half-second early on some of the sacks? Yes. 


But also conveniently missing from the list of demerits is just how comically bad Clemmings was today. Seriously, some of you guys need to go to gamepass, re-watch the game focusing only on Clemmings and see what a turnstyle he was today. 


Comical LT play. Clemming will be cut from this team the second Trent and Ty are ready to go again. 

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I just think the need to micro analyze every bad play by Cousins is tiresome and to be quite honest, absurd. He's a damn good QB. NO QB is perfect on every play, none. But the other top guys have a lot more leeway(deservedly so I guess but still). Has Cousins had an awful game like Big Ben's 5 pick game vs. the Jaguars? Was he ever at this point anywhere near as bad as Dalton was the first two weeks of the season?

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17 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


You are often one of the ones that helps lead the calvary with the torches and pitchforks at Kirk with each loss.  The idea that you want people who have been behind Kirk to be more gracious to the Kirk detractors after a win -- I get where you are coming from.   But with all respect, doesn't that point cut both ways?  

Dude, I’m talking about everyone 


Miss me with this tribal bull****. Everyone is reaching like a **** to prove their irrelevant ****ing points when we just won in improbable fashion 

Anti Kirk


pro Kirk


semi Kirk


3/4s Kirk 


who cares. Save it for at least tonight 

24 minutes ago, grego said:

What facts? 



Dude. All i said was that the Seahawks don’t invest at all in the OL. That is an indisputable fact and has been widely reported for years. 


It honestly doesn’t matter. I don’t give a **** about Seattle anymore 

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6 minutes ago, BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93 said:

Dude, I’m talking about everyone 


Miss me with this tribal bull****. Everyone is reaching like a **** to prove their irrelevant ****ing points when we just won in improbable fashion 

Anti Kirk


pro Kirk


semi Kirk


3/4s Kirk 


who cares. Save it for at least tonight 



Dude. All i said was that the Seahawks don’t invest at all in the OL. That is an indisputable fact and has been widely reported for years. 


It honestly doesn’t matter. I don’t give a **** about Seattle anymore 


You said the their line has been as bad as ours even when they were in or winning super bowls. 


What do you base that on? 

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58 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Games like today are where you DON'T want your QB to take unnecessary risks. It's a defensive game. Give yourself a chance. Cousins did that.


No he didn't put up a monster statistical game, but no QB puts up 16 of those a year. He was clutch at the end and made the throws he had to. End of story.

Obviously you weren't paying attention to what we were debating. I was asked if I thought Wilson played like a 20+ million dollar QB and I said yes. It had nothing to do with Kirk.

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2 hours ago, Bunny Kelly said:

Maybe it was on Quick, it just didn't look like a smooth play, my point is two plays don't give me a pass for 58mins of ineptitude if we want to pay him the going rate next off season

That play was picture perfect.  There was a safety closing from the inside.  Kirk puts the ball on the outside shoulder like he's been coached to do his entire football life.   Quick tracks the ball and adjusts perfectly.    But, we see what we want to see.  I saw a scrappy win against a tough opponent in one of the toughest places to go play in the league.  Could Kirk have thrown it away and avoided a few sacks? Probably.  But given the lack of an effective running game, and the passing game being hampered by a porous O'line, holding the ball too long to try to let omething develop is a forgivable sin.  At the end of the day, our QB contributed to a winning effort.   What happened in the middle doesn't really matter.  

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1 hour ago, Bunny Kelly said:



Maybe it's the time difference but i dont understand, you were slagging off Denver for having a great D(at least under Phillips)? My point is for having good D, which I think we have, I dont think you can justify paying the 'elite' money for your QB, obv Simian is bad & KC is better but contracts wise we are talking totally different numbers.



Because Peyton played in Denver for free

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12 minutes ago, Tsailand said:

Statistically, both Cousins and Wilson had bad days.


Cousins' excuse is that he has no O-line, no run game, and no WRs.  What's Wilson's?

No O-line, no run game and 1 WR lol

4 minutes ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

Well his kicker did miss 3 field goals

And the team did have 16 penalties

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Kirk Cousins played like Kirk Cousins today. Very up and down, though today it was mostly down. He had some excellent throws in the face of pressure on the one long drive earlier on but other than that played like crap for almost the whole game; deer in the headlights, not feeling pressure, double clutching over and over, being incredibly hesitant and seeming to play scared.


The last drive was good for Kirk...he had a couple of very nice throws but he also got bailed out big time twice by Doctson. The overthrow to Pryor I think it was, on the sideline, would probably have been picked by Sherman if Doctson hadn't gotten in front and used his body to box him out and make a great save catch. The overthrow (yes it was overthrown) on the deep ball was an absolutely Julio Jones level catch by Doctson. Though I definitely think Kirk looked pretty mentally strong on that drive with such a short time frame to work with so kudos there.


I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the Kirk/Kurt thing has caused him to develop multiple personality disorder. Others commented on this in the game thread. It is absolutely bizarre. I've never seen a QB who has looked so completely different from drive to drive. He started off poorly and looked extremely rattled by pressure. Then suddenly he comes out and engineers this great long drive with plenty of top notch throws where he stood tall right in the face of pressure, looking like a completely different guy. Then he comes back out and plays like the guy before that drive. It's literally like night and day. I have no clue what to make of it.


I don't get why anyone who comments on the rest of his game and not just the last drive gets freaked out at or has childish drive by insults thrown at them by some Kirk diehards. It isn't relevant when it comes to the win itself (which was awesome), but it is definitely relevant in the larger context of his future here and how much money he wants in order to stay here.



5 minutes ago, KingGibbs said:

Suck it haters. Suck it real hard.


Case in point.

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1 hour ago, BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93 said:

Dude, I’m talking about everyone 



I get it.  But you are making the point as if you've been one of the calm ones on the subject.  You've been one of the more active ones adding lighter fuel to in effect help inflame the Kirk hate after losses.    That's fine to each their own.


We got a win and a clutch Kirk performance and now you tell people to calm down when we ironically got a pretty pro Kirk tone at the moment -- so just wondering if you are going to do the same thing calming people down the next time the Redskins lose and or Kirk has an off day?  :)   Because the team will likely lose at some point again.  And Kirk is mortal, he will have a bad game in a loss like any QB.   It's coming.  The NFL is all about ups and downs.  And I agree that you don't get too high or too low.  But this thread IMO tends to become an anti-Kirk zoo after every loss. 


My point is lets all have peace here -- is a nice sentiment and I agree with it.  But it doesn't feel like that's the prevailing sentiment when people are angry after a loss where the thread becomes more or less a venting thread. 

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Some thoughts:


Kirk got some help from some guys, he was almost in an impossible situation though considering his supporting cast.  

He probably just lead one of the most injured offenses in the modern era to a win in the hardest place to play...in bad weather... and put together a game winning drive to do it.  

Seattle hurt themselves in impressive fashion.  

Skins caught some very lucky breaks.  

Impressive bend but don't break defense, particularly considering we were missing our two best dlinemen.  They also got extremely good fortune with the missed FGs.  

No, Kirk did not play like garbage for 58 minutes... unless the defense scored the other 10 points and I missed it.  He absolutely had a poor game.  I expected far worse though considering the circumstances.  Game winning drive erases a chunk of that though.  

I think it's fair to say the 'Kirk isn't clutch' argument needs to be dropped.  Doesn't mean he's God's gift in that department, but it's no longer a relevant point (if it ever was).  


Considering the injuries, playing in Seattle, facing a mobile qb, etc., I think this is easily one of the most surprising wins I can recall.  



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