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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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7 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

Its not about total support but support in the swing states that determine the election. What do his #s look like in say Michigan or Florida...


IIRC there was a pretty recent poll that showed Biden up by something like 14 points in Michigan and most recent polls have Biden either leading or in a dead heat in places like Arizona, Florida, and as @Larrynoted, even Texas.


It's no coincidence that Trump and his campaign are freaking plum the **** out right now and going so far as to try hail mary passes like sending a cease and desist letter to CNN for publishing a poll that showed Biden leading by a large margin and hiring notoriously bad pollsters like John McLaughlin to basically call other polls fake without actually pointing out what was wrong with them from a methodological standpoint. 


Which is all fine with me. I want Biden to continue to campaign like he's down 5 points and Trump to continue to do everything he possibly can to convince himself that all of this bad stuff happening to him is simply fake so he can just keep doing the same **** that's gotten him into this mess. It's amazing...multiple huge crises that each had the potential for basically handing Trump re-election if he had handled them the opposite of how he did. But Trump gonna Trump, and Mango Mussolini just can't ever seem to get out of his own way.

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3 hours ago, Rufus T Firefly said:

At the primary in February, the time it took me to drive to the polls, park, walk, check in, fill out my ballot, drop it off, walk back to my car and drive home wasn't 30 minutes, and that was longer than usual. 


My prostate wouldn't allow to wait in line for hours, and even if there was facilities to make such a thing possible, waiting that long would make me so enraged I can't even fathom it. The fact that these people are doing it without causing property damage or injuries to others is truly heroic imo. 

Remember that astronaut that wore a diaper for a cross-country trip to assault the woman that had stolen her extra-marital affair partner?  If she can do it, so can you.

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2 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

Remember that astronaut that wore a diaper for a cross-country to assault the woman that had stolen her extra-marital affair partner?  If she can do it, so can you.

Oh, to be clear, boss, I AM voting in November. Just if something goes wrong I'll be pissed (pun intended).

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we've hit 10 likes on my new-voter-thread survey post


and now, as usual, i'm paralyzed with indecision given i'm fully cognizant of the poorly named thread of dumb excuse's but the people are crying for yet another venue (or two) for exorcising the demons 


plus there's other game afoot


the pressure here is unbearable sometimes




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4 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

we've hit 10 likes on my new-voter-thread survey post


and now, as usual, i'm paralyzed with indecision given i'm fully cognizant of the poorly named thread of dumb excuse's but the people are crying for yet another venue (or two) for exorcising the demons 


plus there's other game afoot


the pressure here is unbearable sometimes





A wise man named Simon once said "Do it, Gordon"

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14 minutes ago, mistertim said:


What's even funnier to me than re-using the 2016 platform is the dumb idea that the GOP nowadays even has a platform outside of "Agree with whatever crazy **** Trump says today on Twitter".


I ain't gonna care about their platform.  


I'm gonna judge them based on what they've actually done.  


(They ain't gonna come out of the judgement well.)  

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3 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

Only official party business like selecting the nominee is happening in NC. Trump's acceptance speech should be in Jacksonville.


So, the Party is going to have a convention in NC.  Trump is going to have a rally in Jax.  :) 

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1 hour ago, Rufus T Firefly said:


Apparently people are getting upset about this, but he's just asking 'the coloreds' a question. What's the problem?


Did he say which color?


EDIT: and "Huffman, an emergency room physician". FFS.

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Speaking of forecasts, CNN put out their first Electoral Map today. As soon as I saw that they were doing so, the thought went thru my mind "I have a prediction here". Which I'm mentioning because that prediction was correct, like nearly 20% of my predictions are. Anyway, what I knew was coming was they would be afraid to post accurate, current assessments of the state of play, because they wouldn't want to look anti-Trump nor be open to criticism that they were predicting a Dem win after what happened in 2016. So, they basically fudged it and gave readers a slanted view of where the race is to be "safe".


Using data from 270toWin (they have more data on states' polls than Real Clear Politics), Biden is currently up 6.3% in Wisconsin, 3% in Florida, 6.2 in Michigan and 3.2 in Arizona. CNN lists those all as toss-up states.

Meanwhile, Trump is up 1.5% in Georgia, 0.5 in Iowa, 0.5 in Texas and is down 2% in Ohio, but CNN lists all those as "Lean Republican". 


Even in their discussion of the map, there's this line:


There will be much for people to quibble about here. There are those who argue that Michigan has already drifted to leaning Democratic and there are those who believe New Hampshire and Nevada are true toss-ups or that North Carolina may not be really at risk for the President to lose.

3 of the 4 examples suggest that maybe they're not being fair enough to Trump. So, even in presenting their Republican-slanted map, they qualify it by essentially saying 'We're sorry if we're not being nice enough to Mr. Trump'.


Not that it really matters or that it's anything to be upset about. It's just funny the way the media will twist themselves in knots to benefit Trumpsters. If you wonder why some of the ridiculous complaints or threats come out of the White House and the right in general, this is it. The media allows themselves to be worked. 

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