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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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2 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Trump could have EASILY won BECAUSE of Covid. He just chose to be a turd instead. That was more important. That’s why he’s a loser.



Yep, if anything Covid gave him cover for the economy that was not doing as well as he advertised. If he hadn't handled Covid like a 5 year old and actually showed some leadership he would have sailed into a 2nd term on perception of the econnomy and looking Presidential. Trump was his own worst enemy all along.

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2 minutes ago, Califan007 said:


Yeah....the best possible outcome for HIM...sure lol...


It probably is, as far as losing goes. This way he get's to scream and cry about fraud for a few months and most importantly, tell himself that he actually did win, but there was fraud...so he's not a loser, he's a winner. If he'd been blown out he'd have less of a way to realistically make that claim to himself.

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20 minutes ago, wrilbo67 said:


Just for some context, if that ratio holds up (72%-28% Biden), then he'll win those remaining votes 634k - 247k, a difference of 387k, which wins PA by 18k votes.


A bit concerning in that this is quite a big difference from the 100-200k vote lead it seems many were expecting just an hour or two ago.

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16 minutes ago, wrilbo67 said:


Just for some context, if that ratio holds up (72%-28% Biden), then he'll win those remaining votes 634k - 247k, a difference of 387k, which wins PA by 18k votes.

Just for an analogy, if you take last quarter's GDP growth, and assume it holds for a four-year Biden Presidency, then GDP grows by 314%. 

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8 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

my apologies if I upset you with my last comment. It was meant as a joke, but I realize that is not a laughing matter. I will delete it.



I have no idea what happened here. But it's all good, whatever it was :cheers:


Despite popular opinion, I am a very hard person to truly upset 

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9 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Trump could have EASILY won BECAUSE of Covid. He just chose to be a turd instead. That was more important. That’s why he’s a loser.


Bush parlayed 9/11 into a 92% approval rating. Trump just sucks. 

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