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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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17 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Yes. Indeed. I do know this is a thing. 


Allow me to re state my opinion: As a black man this whole 'Jewish people hate white people' thing is ****ing Stupid


Correct. But watch how the Ted Cruz types talk about it. They rarely mention support for Americans who are Jewish. They support Israel in a vague half-the-world-away kind of thing and only against Muslims. When a guy walks into a Synagogue in Pittsburgh and kills a bunch of people, they'd never do more than hopes and prayers because deep down, they know there is a chunk of their supporters who don't view Jewish people as "white" even in the United States where for example, my Jewish family came over from Eastern Europe between 120-150 years ago.

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As a whitey, I would like to say that the whole hating certain groups of people because of their skin or beliefs is stupid. So is not taking care of each other and stepping on people

if a person is not harming you, such as if they are gay or dress in women’s clothes, then leave them be. Same goes for the color of their skin.


I wish we took everyone at face value. There are good and bad in all groups. For that matter, there is good and bad in all of us. 


with that said, **** the current crop of Republican politicians and media. As a group y’all can collectively suck each other off and **** down each others throats. 

Yeah, I’m a hypocrite…. Suck it!!!


Edited by Fan since a Fetus
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9 hours ago, mistertim said:

Right wingers really can't seem to figure out whether they love or hate Jews. On one hand they scream about unconditionally supporting Israel and wiping out the Palestinians, but on the other hand their ranks are full of blatant white nationalist antisemites and they also love Elon Musk, antisemitic tweets and all.


With antisemitic tweet, Elon Musk reveals his ‘actual truth’




9 hours ago, balki1867 said:


There's a fringe belief within the evangelist community that the Messiah won't return until the Jews rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, which can't be done without destroying the Al-Aqsa mosque that currently sits in that location. (Note also that the mosque was built ~300 years after the temple was destroyed by Rome-- most evangelicals paint the story as if Muslim conquerors destroyed the temple themselves).  So while they don't care for Jews, they need the Jews to eradicate the Palestinians and rebuild the Temple.


Conversely, many Jews believe they aren't supposed to rebuild the Temple until the Messiah comes back and tells them to, so this is the worst chicken and egg conundrum ever.


balki basically nailed it. At least from the Christian side, I can't speak to the Jewish side of it. Evangelicals that believe in a literal Book of Revelation with a Rapture and Armageddon and all that believe that Israel as a country needs to exist for the End Times prophecies to come true. But that's where it stops. Many of them do not give a single actual **** about the Jews as a whole or even the Jews that they desperately want to hang on to this territory at all costs (to them, not us, obviously) so that Jesus can come back and smite the sinners and all that jazz. The actual Jewish people in Israel (and everybody there, really, but again they specifically think there needs to be a Jewish state of Israel) are nothing but a piece of the prophetic puzzle. A means to an end. And, in fact, every war that Israel gets itself involved in is just one more chance for Armageddon and the end times to finally come about. And if each war happens to get a bunch of unbelievers (Jews and Muslims) killed in the process regardless....there aren't exactly a lot of tears shed over either side, really.


I, sadly, grew up in this fringe version of Christianity, so I've seen a lot of this first hand my entire life. It's very depressing, and the exact reason you can see so many die-hard Christian Zionists who are also very anti-Semitic. It's just another version of "They have the right to exist, but they should go back to where they belong" mindset, but with a nihilistic religious backing that makes it nearly impossible to change their minds.

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7 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:

At some point you just give up arguing with these people...



They should be allowed to have their lead paint.  Give them asbestos insulation and siding for their houses too.  Take away their seat belts.  Give them Kool-Ade with Red dye #2 and artificial flavors made from benzophenone, ethyl acrylate, methyl eugenol, myrcene, pulegone, or pyridine.  Allow them to have all these things on the condition that they cannot seek medical treatment for any medical condition that may result from these things.




Edited by China
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6 hours ago, China said:

They should be allowed to have their lead paint.  Give them asbestos insulation and siding for their houses too.  Take away their seat belts.  Give them Kool-Ade with Red dye #2 and artificial flavors made from benzophenone, ethyl acrylate, methyl eugenol, myrcene, pulegone, or pyridine.  Allow them to have all these things on the condition that they cannot seek medical treatment for any medical condition that may result from these things

I had a co-worker in the '80s who still had DDT at his house because "it's a great pesticide." That was about 13 years after it was banned. 

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Why Has America Tolerated Six GOP Presidents Who Cheated Their Way to the White House?


As we watch the Trump campaign prepare to replace 50,000 civil servants with fascist toadies if he wins the White House, it’s important to remember that Dwight Eisenhower was the last Republican president who believed in democracy, the rule of law, and that government should prioritize what the people want.


From 1960 to today a series of leaders within the Republican Party have abandoned the democracy that American soldiers fought the Revolutionary War to secure, the Civil War to defend here at home, and World War II in Europe and the Pacific to defend around the world.


This has brought us a series of criminal Republican presidents and corrupt Republican Supreme Court justices, who’ve legalized political bribery while devastating voting and civil rights.

None of this was a mistake or an accident, because none of these people truly believed in democracy.


This rejection of democracy and turn toward criminality and it’s logical end-point, fascism, started in the modern GOP with Richard Nixon.


He took millions in now-well-documented bribes both while Vice President to Eisenhower and as President (his VP, Spiro Agnew, resigned rather than go to prison for taking bribes). Nixon saw public service as a way to bathe himself in money, power, and adulation.


He didn’t care a bit about democracy.


As Lamar Waldron and I point out in detail in Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination, then-President Eisenhower’s then-Vice President, Richard Nixon, was getting beat up badly in the 1960 election by his opponent, Senator John F. Kennedy.




Thus began the first Republican plot to commit full-out treason to win a presidential election.


It started in the summer of 1968, when President Lyndon Johnson was desperately trying to end the Vietnam war. It had turned into both a personal and political nightmare for him, and his vice president, Hubert Humphrey, was running for President in the election that year against a “reinvented” Richard Nixon.


Johnson spent most of late 1967 and early 1968 working back-channels to North and South Vietnam, and by the summer of 1968 had a tentative agreement from both for what promised to be a lasting peace deal they’d both sign that fall.


But Richard Nixon knew that if he could block that peace deal, it would kill VP Hubert Humphrey’s chances of winning the 1968 election. So, Nixon sent envoys from his campaign to talk to South Vietnamese leaders to encourage them not to attend upcoming peace talks in Paris.


The bribe was straightforward: Nixon promised South Vietnam’s corrupt politicians that he’d give them a richer deal when he was President than LBJ could give them then.

The FBI had been wiretapping these international communications and told LBJ about Nixon’s effort to prolong the Vietnam War. Thus, just three days before the 1968 election, President Johnson phoned the Republican Senate leader, Everett Dirksen, (you can listen to the entire conversation here):


President Johnson: “Some of our folks, including some of the old China lobby, are going to the Vietnamese embassy and saying please notify the [South Vietnamese] president that if he’ll hold out ’til November 2nd they could get a better deal. Now, I’m reading their hand. I don’t want to get this in the campaign. And they oughtn’t to be doin’ this, Everett. This is treason.”


Sen. Dirksen: “I know.”


Those tapes were only released by the LBJ library in the past decade, and that’s Richard Nixon who Lyndon Johnson was accusing of treason.


Click on the link for more

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