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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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So maybe our 'divorce' could be on grounds of infidelity, since the GOP has been sucking Russia's **** in public for several years now.

So i hate to say i toldya so, but she is now saying in public what I've figured was coming for a long time. They will try to break up this nation, but there wont be any 'division of states'..  in their mind it will be a situation to not give any of their perceived enemies anything, except death and slavery. 
Best be ready.


Now, she may not actually mean it, although I don't think she's smart enough not to, but those telling her what to do and say knows it will never happen like that, and her job is to keep the loons stirred up just long enough so that they can accomplish what they already tried to do once, and pretty much what they have been doing since.. i mean unless all of the substation shoot-ups, train derailments, food farm fires and other assorted destruction of infrastructure that has gone on IS just the coincidence they want us to think it is.


But I doubt it. Like I said before. We're too big, too spread out as a nation to notice how many and their effects, because these attacks don't affect most of us directly. Terrorism here has to be HUGE, or it's just local crime or an 'accident'. It's just a news item, a matter for the cops.

Except it is awfully coincidental that the destruction of the things being destroyed is partly how insurgencies are fought.


But it's probably nothing.

Again. and again. and again. and again. and again.



Edited by Bang
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The Alaska House of Representatives formally reprimanded Wasilla Republican Rep. David Eastman Wednesday after he asked during a committee hearing whether there could be economic benefits from the deaths of abused children. 


The censure vote was 35-1 with Eastman as the sole no vote. A censure vote is a formal statement of disapproval, but it has no other consequences.


Eastman recently faced a court challenge after a former constituent said his membership in the far-right Oath Keepers made him ineligible to hold office in Alaska. An Anchorage judge ruled in Eastman’s favor, allowing the Wasilla lawmaker to return to the House to serve his fourth term. Legislative hearings were held into his Oath Keepers membership last year, but no action was taken against him. 


In 2017, Eastman became the first Alaska House member to be censured in state history, after he claimed that women in rural villages try to get pregnant so they can get a free trip to the city for an abortion. He is now the first and only state legislator to have been censured twice.


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9 minutes ago, Hersh said:

and he will win re-election because that's who his constituents are. 


Well he is a known member of the Oath Keepers and that didn't dissuade anyone...and his district is 80% white with a less than a 20% college graduation rate (Ballotpedia source).

Edited by The Evil Genius
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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:


Well he is a known member of the Oath Keepers and that didn't dissuade anyone...and his district is 80% white with a less than a 20% college graduation rate (Ballotpedia source).

I spent a summer in and around Wasilla in '13.  When I was stopped at a light and my windows were open, I turned down the NPR I was listening to.  That's the vibe I got.  Lots of exceptions of course, but still.


It was so refreshing when I got into Canada on the way home and there were mostly nice people again. 

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