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Fixing the The United States Democratic Party


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15 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I think the biggest electoral question facing the Dems right now is a two part study-

1- Was Obama so loved as a candidate that he outperformed the expected norm both as the Candidate and his affect down ballot

2- Was Clinton so hated as a candidate that she had the opposite affect?


Maybe Al Gore is the true measuring stick for Dems.




It's a good question and just to piggyback.  The Clintons & Obama have pretty much been the national face of the Democratic party since 1992.  To go even further, even when Obama was in his 8 years as President, the Clinton presence made itself known plenty.  2020 might be the first time in awhile there is a "fresh" face running for national office.  It's exciting and scary at the same time.  

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3 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Wasn't 2008 a new face?  No one kmew Obama before that. 

He was a rising star, but he had youth, race and a perfect storm surrounding both parties at the time.  My point is that I dont think there is ANOTHER Obama.

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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

There isn't another Obama, but that doesn't mean there aren't other good candidates. Unfortunately the Dems latched their horses to the Hilary wagon from the getgo and screwed over Bernie who would have trounced Trump.


I don't know why they (both sides) keep rolling out these names for things that end up getting nicknames on their own. ACA - Obamacare is the last one that really stuck.


Broken record time. Instead of packaging something under a big easy target. Privately identify common sense ideas and policies that are already very popular in the United States. Once every week or two. Launch a mini campaign around that idea. Keep it going. Keep pushing these out one after another on their own. 


I feel like Dem supports should start mailing copies of The Art of War to the DNC and Dem Leadership. 

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Heard Chuck S say on the radio tonight that the Dems were going to raise wages, lower expenses people have to pay, and create jobs and train people for those jobs.


He totally missed his opportunity to include "make every friday pizza day"

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1 minute ago, skinfan2k said:

the only person who would have trounced trump would have been Joe Biden.  Bernie would lose by more than what Hilary lost by. 


High praise for someone rejected at every national election.

Even Bernie beat his record.

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Joe wouldn't have won either, but this nonsense about Bernie turning out the vote...hogwash. Bernie is a true socialist, he would not have won the center. Sure he got the kids going, but the center is not held by college kids without jobs. The center is held by the middle class. And the middle class doesn't want more taxes. 

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So tired of Schumer. His message is lost because of how he's viewed. 


Meanwhile, the Dems would be stupid to not look at the Boy Scout event and make sure it's done correctly. They should create something for both the Boy and Girl scouts to come and talk about what it means to do what they do. How they work to help make their community and country a better place for everyone. Make it about the kids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Future Dem candidate are going to have to pass the Bernie litmus test:




For those hoping for a Democratic rise in 2018 and Trump or Pence's defeat in 2020; going left isn't the answer.


Single payer isn't going to win you many places in Red areas or even swing areas.

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On 7/24/2017 at 10:01 PM, skinfan2k said:

the only person who would have trounced trump would have been Joe Biden.  Bernie would lose by more than what Hilary lost by. 

Joe Biden introduced the bill (way back when) for asset forfeiture/seizure.  If anyone has kept up with what this legislation has become, you'd know he did the citizens of this country no favors in that regard...and it's led to where we are now in terms of prison over-crowding, and the general decline in the lives of folks who were never even charged.  (There was a nice 9-page article in the New Yorker about it a few years ago.)


Just another reason I was on the Bernie train.  But I digress.

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The biggest problem with fixing the Dem party used to be how to contend with gerrymandering. Now, the Republicans are getting bolder and bolder in their efforts to remove people from voting rolls (now, they will toss you not for a crime, not because you moved, but if you happen to miss a letter they send you or for no particular reason at all). Then, if that's not good enough... they are closing down as many as half of the polling stations in some states.


The biggest problem with the Dem party is the modern Republican party is anti-Republic, anti-Democracy, and scary as hell.

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8 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Single payer isn't going to win you many places in Red areas or even swing areas.

Bet you it would if it were to be done correctly. 

I'd bet double if everyone paid taxes/Medicare/SS on all of their income, there would be plenty to go around...and everyone would be happy except for the people who step over the homeless getting out of their limos, 'cuz they don't care about anyone but themselves.


I've been in a bunch of waiting rooms, *we all have been at some point* where people are either complaining or thanking God and Barack because they're NOT DENIED CARE ANYMORE.  We can find middle ground, if the gazillionnaires will just give up some of the higher part.

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On 6/1/2017 at 1:12 PM, Kilmer17 said:

He was a rising star, but he had youth, race and a perfect storm surrounding both parties at the time.  My point is that I dont think there is ANOTHER Obama.


I agree with you about the perfect storm. Part of what made Obama was following Bush. I honestly dont think Obama necessarily becomes president if not for Bush.  Trump makes Bush look like Abe Lincoln (or insert a president people think highly of).


I think Obama was a rising star if you followed politics closely, I dont think the masses knew who he was before the campaign started.

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3 minutes ago, justice98 said:


I agree with you about the perfect storm. Part of what made Obama was following Bush. I honestly dont think Obama necessarily becomes president if not for Bush.  Trump makes Bush look like Abe Lincoln (or insert a president people think highly of).


I think Obama was a rising star if you followed politics closely, I dont think the masses knew who he was before the campaign started.

Here's a question that everyone should have fun pondering- 


if Hillary wins the nomination in 08, does she beat McCain?   And if so, does that mean we'd have President Obama starting this year?

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I kinda think all the hand wringing over the Democratic Party is a bit overdone. Yes, they have some things to work on, but the state of things is not THAT bad.  The fact is it took electoral map laziness and a technicality to not put Hillary in the WH.  And on top of that, these special elections that Republicans have historically dominated by 20, 30, up 70-80% in some districts were getting closed to single digits. 


You would think none of that happened though.

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3 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Here's a question that everyone should have fun pondering- 


if Hillary wins the nomination in 08, does she beat McCain?   And if so, does that mean we'd have President Obama starting this year?


Good question.  I imagine being a fresh face helped him though.  Being in Congress those extra years mighta hurt him. 


Kinda like a junior QB staying in college for his senior season and his game gets picked apart and doesnt seem as great.  


He mighta been the Matt Barkley of presidential candidates right now.  lol

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2 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

Here's a question that everyone should have fun pondering- 


if Hillary wins the nomination in 08, does she beat McCain?   And if so, does that mean we'd have President Obama starting this year?

I've pondered this question and I think yes and yes.


Bush 43 was very unpopular so McCain had a tremendous uphill battle.  Further Hillary's biggest issues had not shown up yet.


Obama definitely waits in the wings and likely would have been the heir apparent barring something crazy.  Odds are yes, he runs in 2016.  Whether he won would be based on a bunch of other factors but I would say odds are good he pulls it off.  It's probably tighter than 08 though because he's probably following 8 years of Clinton so can't quite run on hope and change as much, and presumably the GOP wouldn't have collectively lost all their minds with Clinton in there instead of Obama (though who knows, maybe they still do), so maybe there is a better GOP candidate, but Obama was a tremendous political talent.  He probably would have won.  Definitely would have walloped Trump.

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