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BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

No Excuses

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Remember this from the AP interview a couple of weeks ago?

TRUMP: And I don't watch things that I know are going to be unpleasant. CNN has covered me unfairly and incorrectly and I don't watch them anymore. A lot of people don't watch them anymore, they're now in third place. But I've created something where people are watching ... but I don't watch CNN anymore. I don't watch MSNBC anymore. I don't watch things, and I never thought I had that ability. I always thought I'd watch.

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Isn't this like the 30th time he's sworn he doesn't watch wahtever it is he's crying foul about?


Still believe this guy?
Then you are a ****ing idiot. You'd drink piss and swear it was lemonade if he told you it was.



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^^^^^It drives me crazy because one of the smartest guys I know and a mentor of mine when I first started with my current employer is a serious a Trump defender as it gets. I keep telling him hes too smart to believe the stuff that comes out of his own mouth and he dosent budge even an inch. Now question alot about him. Everything from the little racist jokes we would make back and forth at the bar (he said black dudes cant swim, I said its because its harder to swim with 3 legs -- **** like that) to the tone of voice he uses is questionable in my mind at this point and I know thats messed up. But it is what it is at this point. 


Hes a ****ing idiot and im not afraid to tell him that. But its sad cause I lost alot of respect for the dude. 

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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Damn, that stupid press conference of lies and obfuscation interrupted twenty minutes of General Hospital. Good thing for fast forward.

I'm in the only city on the east coast that has YnR at 3, what time do you get GH, since I record everything too? (Sorry fellas, this is important ****):ols:


My brain can't get a thought together to post about the topic at hand...other than "oh ****in' ****, can we just impeach this *****grabber so we can get on with how Pence wants to ruin us?"

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3 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

KAC said on CNN last night that Rosenstein wrote the memo all on his own.

I honestly wish "The KAC" would just go away.  I cringe every time she does an interview and know she will provide some material for the Democrats.  I keep wondering if I am being watched every time I am reheating leftovers.

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2 hours ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


It's being a liar....and not being really good at it. But trying your hardest to pretend you believe what you're saying. 


I get that but she still looks like she was made out of clay by a 2nd grader

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2 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


I get that but she still looks like she was made out of clay by a 2nd grader


He needs a hot young one that dresses to impress.


Make it happen.

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5 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

This is a perfect example crying wolf.  This SHOULD be a huge deal for everyone in the country.  But the majority have completely tuned out the echo chamber.

I'm sorry but this is absolutely ridiculous. Because right minded people didn't ignore Trump insulting POWs, misusing his charities funds, compulsively lying, falsely accusing Obama of wiretapping, making false claims about illegal voting, the whole Flynn deal, the whole Russia deal, saying he could grab women by the ****, etc etc etc, it's our fault that the same people who HAVE ignored all of that are going to ignore this as well? They're going to do it for the same reason they have been all along... unprincipled, hyperpartisan, ideology that trumps facts or reason.

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1 minute ago, Jumbo said:



Melania wrote the book. :P


Well, she put her name on it. 



Just the visual makes me wanna vomit...how could she?  With a Cheeto Orangutan?  EEwwww....

New conspiracy...did she ever?  Can he ever?  Isn't this whole thing a classic case of "overcompensation"? 

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1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

I'm in the only city on the east coast that has YnR at 3, what time do you get GH, since I record everything too? (Sorry fellas, this is important ****):ols:


My brain can't get a thought together to post about the topic at hand...other than "oh ****in' ****, can we just impeach this *****grabber so we can get on with how Pence wants to ruin us?"


GH is on at 2pm. Y&R is on at 12:30PM. These are prime Trumpinterruptus times. 


The bonanza health insurance and tax decrease for the extremely wealthy vote interrupted part of GH last Thursday, Tracy's last day. 



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