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BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

No Excuses

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2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


The GOP will pay for this. Pretty much both parties have paid a heavy price for scandals and the stench of coverups in the past. 


There are a few GOPers who are wisely separating themselves from this train wreck. 


But ultimately, the question is how crazy has the GOP base gone. I don't think the Kasich/Sasse wing has any national support. It's either Trumpism or a different type of nutjob like Cruz.


Kasich sounds like a man who's thinking about primarying Trump

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2 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


The GOP will pay for this. Pretty much both parties have paid a heavy price for scandals and the stench of coverups in the past. 


There are a few GOPers who are wisely separating themselves from this train wreck. 


But ultimately, the question is how crazy has the GOP base gone. I don't think the Kasich/Sasse wing has any national support. It's either Trumpism or a different type of nutjob like Cruz.

Well, typically mid-terms are turned out by older folks,, so I am not holding my breath. It's been my experience that people hate a President and then usually the left and the younger voters stay home from the mid-terms. 
The US has piss poor voter turnout as it  is, mid-terms are even worse.



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22 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Politically speaking, I think you are wrong.  There's almost no chance the Dems take the Senate, and very little chance they can take the house.


The best way to motivate GOP voters is for Dems to continue to come out and scream at absolutely everything that Trump does.


This is a perfect example crying wolf.  This SHOULD be a huge deal for everyone in the country.  But the majority have completely tuned out the echo chamber.


Pitched opposition anger and energy doesn't activate your own base.  If it did, then Democrats would not have had energy problems during the Obama presidency.  If there actually were a negative cry wolf effect on your base, then Hillary would have won the election.  I think the opposite actually happens.  When the dialogue from the opposition around your government becomes nuclear in its negativity, it keeps your own base home.  And outrage has been how Republicans have managed to keep their voter base energized and turning out.


Their is unprecedented grassroots anger and activation of the Democratic base right now.  The more these outrages keep coming, the better for Democratic candidates, because it keeps the base energized.  Their main challenge right now is figuring out how to organize this anger and energy into support for candidates who have real shots at unseating Republicans.

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48 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

Democratic version: 


Truth:. "Like your plan, keep your plan" "attack was about a video" "served with honor and distinction" Did you wipe server.."What? With a cloth" "I never sent classified material" "Comey should be fired" "Comey is honorable". Definitely a lot of truth in those statements.  


Justice:. Sanctuary Cities, email scandal, classified information shared with everyone, no consequences, unmasking Americans for plotical gains, selling arms to Mexican cartel, don't I force federal laws, we can do what we want


American way:  Free speech, unless you disagree with us, then you need to shut up, put ILLEGAL immigrants BEFORE our own Americans,  blame everything on everyone else, accept no responsibility for failed healthcare system, blame everyone else for own party failures (all Trumps fault), demonize everyone who disagrees with you.


You can have all the above!  



Alright, just focusing on one part here... can we put to bed the idea that Democrats hate free speech? Clearly you don't understand what the first amendment does, so lemme spell it out for you.


The first amendment says the GOVERNMENT cannot censor or halt your ability to speak freely, practice religion freely, or publish written word (freedom of press). 


So if you say something that someone finds offensive... they have the freedom to say something back to you! And furthermore, if you post something derogatory on social media, and you work for a privately owned company, they can terminate your employment as they see fit! 


I'm tired of hearing that free speech is being assaulted by those on the left simply because a right winger wants to say hateful BS with no consequences. And if it's unpopular opinion? We have debate and the ability to say those things.


And for a party that claims to be about free speech, they sure are applauding the US Gov't/President trying to delegitimize major news that disagrees with their views... 


Even then, there are limits on free speech that exist. Hateful/Fighting word speech is barred, and many on the right don't seem to get that. Should dissenting voices be told to just shut up? No, there's a better way. But they certainly can say shut up; it's their right.

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Particularly given the character traits of trump, and certain relevant associates, too (as well as these associates' ideology), I see no reason to expect them to do less than to push what Kilmer and others have said---"eff the left"--- deal as far as it will go. It's the (sad) horse to ride for the large majority of people on the right. I have little doubt if the tables were turned, the left would be the same way under similar conditions of course.  


I also expect don & co to just generally push his authoritarianism as far as it can go, but i'm hopeful there will be less riders from the right on that wagon. I fully expect McConnell (despite his words) and trump to work towards ending the rules of the senate to pass legislation, for instance. I expect maybe a martial law troops deal somewhere at some point if the resistance is enough to piss him off that much.


I'm not in the sky is actually falling mode right now, though I see what's happened as quite serious, and really, I still hold hope that most people in office will pull up short of a compete abdication of any non-partisan efforts. It's NOT as ugly as I've ever seen it- --YET.  I remember Kent sate, the riots/protest of Vietnam and race issues of the late 60's and early 70's, and Watergate, vividly, and that investigation went on for more than 2 years before the final curtain fell (not a prediction).



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The four candidates include acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, assistant FBI director in charge Paul Abbate, Chicago special agent in charge Michael J. Anderson and Richmond, Va., special agent in charge Adam Lee, the official said.


The official said the Justice Department is running the process with job interviews being conducted by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


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13 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Now apparently DoJ is saying it was neither resources nor money. These people are complete dolts.


It could easily have been other agencies or govts cooperation/assets.


Or resources :)



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2 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

Jeff Sessions is interviewing candidates who will be handling an investigation from which he was supposedly recused?




He will probably just ask them about the kids,maybe share photos

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