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BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

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4 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Truth. Justice. And the American Way?


Yep. I can see why you would oppose that, comrade.

Democratic version: 


Truth:. "Like your plan, keep your plan" "attack was about a video" "served with honor and distinction" Did you wipe server.."What? With a cloth" "I never sent classified material" "Comey should be fired" "Comey is honorable". Definitely a lot of truth in those statements.  


Justice:. Sanctuary Cities, email scandal, classified information shared with everyone, no consequences, unmasking Americans for plotical gains, selling arms to Mexican cartel, don't I force federal laws, we can do what we want


American way:  Free speech, unless you disagree with us, then you need to shut up, put ILLEGAL immigrants BEFORE our own Americans,  blame everything on everyone else, accept no responsibility for failed healthcare system, blame everyone else for own party failures (all Trumps fault), demonize everyone who disagrees with you.


You can have all the above!  



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8 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

Democratic version: 


Truth:. "Like your plan, keep your plan" "attack was about a video" "served with honor and distinction" Did you wipe server.."What? With a cloth" "I never sent classified material" "Comey should be fired" "Comey is honorable". Definitely a lot of truth in those statements.  


Justice:. Sanctuary Cities, email scandal, classified information shared with everyone, no consequences, unmasking Americans for plotical gains, selling arms to Mexican cartel, don't I force federal laws, we can do what we want


American way:  Free speech, unless you disagree with us, then you need to shut up, put ILLEGAL immigrants BEFORE our own Americans,  blame everything on everyone else, accept no responsibility for failed healthcare system, blame everyone else for own party failures (all Trumps fault), demonize everyone who disagrees with you.


You can have all the above!  



Blah blah blah....Trump's da man 'cause I hate Libs....zero content and nothing more than Faux News drivel....blah blah blah.

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30 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:


You mean human beings?

Yep, you know us Republicans.  We hate women, Muslims, animals, babies (yet some democrats support killing babies), old people, young people, anyone who breathes.  Pretty much nailed it didn't you, got us pinned in a corner.

We also hate freeloaders who believe they are entitled to free money (who are able bodied and capable of work),  free college (someone has to pay for that, it ain't free), anyone who puts other countries BEFORE our own, anyone who stomps on the American flag, opposes freedom, hate hypocrites who claim to love free speech but don't allow anyone with opposing views to speak, hate being worried of lawsuits when expressing our faith in GOD.


Yep, we are all about hate.

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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Blah blah blah....Trump's da man 'cause I hate Libs....zero content and nothing more than Faux News drivel....blah blah blah.

That might be the most intelligent response yet.  Good for you, you even spelled the words correctly.  Thank god for that free public education you received.

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Just now, Rskins06 said:

Yep, you know us Republicans.  We hate women, Muslims, animals, babies (yet some democrats support killing babies), old people, young people, anyone who breathes.  Pretty much nailed it didn't you, got us pinned in a corner.

We also hate freeloaders who believe they are entitled to free money (who are able bodied and capable of work),  free college (someone has to pay for that, it ain't free), anyone who puts other countries BEFORE our own, anyone who stomps on the American flag, opposes freedom, hate hypocrites who claim to love free speech but don't allow anyone with opposing views to speak, hate being worried of lawsuits when expressing our faith in GOD.


Yep, we are all about hate.

LOL!!! Opposes freedom...hehehe 

Since when is the GOP interested in freedom for anyone OTHER than for the white Christian straight majority?

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I said last night how tone deaf this White House showed itself to be not to anticipate any blowback from firing Comey.


Then they double-down by having Trump - the very next day - welcome the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister into the White House.


They're trolling us, right?  Donald Trump is flipping us the bird.

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Just now, Rskins06 said:

That might be the most intelligent response yet.  Good for you, you even spelled the words correctly.  Thank god for that free public education you received.

Yup...stop derailing the thread.

We get the fact that not even the most brain washed Trumpster-divers are willing to defend Trump, but trying to derail this thread is childish.

Get on topic and stop doing your weak twa impression, he's had a lot more practice.

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2 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

I said last night how tone deaf this White House showed itself to be not to anticipate any blowback from firing Comey.


Then they double-down by having Trump - the very next day - welcome the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister into the White House.


They're trolling us, right?  Donald Trump is flipping us the bird.

I think so too.  This is a giant Eff You to the left wing in the US.

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2 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

I said last night how tone deaf this White House showed itself to be not to anticipate any blowback from firing Comey.


Then they double-down by having Trump - the very next day - welcome the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister into the White House.


They're trolling us, right?  Donald Trump is flipping us the bird.

And as you can see, even here on ES, some are lapping it up and applauding with him. To quote Trump, "Sad."

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2 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

I said last night how tone deaf this White House showed itself to be not to anticipate any blowback from firing Comey.


Then they double-down by having Trump - the very next day - welcome the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister into the White House.


They're trolling us, right?  Donald Trump is flipping us the bird.


He's only doing it because his brainwashed followers accept it. I'm not naming names, but a prime example can be found in this thread and you don't have to dig deep to see it.

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2 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I think so too.  This is a giant Eff You to the left wing in the US.

I'd go broader and say it's a giant Eff you to the United States. What's worse is that the more they let him get away with the further he will go. Profiteering and selling us out to foreign interests may be the most benign thing he does.

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1 minute ago, Kilmer17 said:

I think so too.  This is a giant Eff You to the left wing in the US.


I don't know... I don't think he's that clever.  I think he's just dumb and oblivious.


But if he truly were trolling the Left, that would also be dumb.  Democrats are so energized right now that he's setting himself up for a Democratic wave in Midterms that should have been a cakewalk for Republicans.

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14 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

Democratic version: 


Truth:. "Like your plan, keep your plan"





Did you ever notice that when the right wing needs to show that Barack Obama lies, they rehash this one line about health care over and over again? To the exclusion of any other examples they trot out that single statement to say "See? He lies like everyone else!"  Meanwhile, with Donald Trump, you need IBM Watson to keep track of all the lies he's spewed over the course of his disgusting career.  But yeah, Obummer lied to, 'member?


And that's putting aside the discussion of whether Obama thought it to be true when he said it. 

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1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Yup...stop derailing the thread.

We get the fact that not even the most brain washed Trumpster-divers are willing to defend Trump, but trying to derail this thread is childish.

Get on topic and stop doing your weak twa impression, he's had a lot more practice.

Wait, so I respond to being called an "undercover republican" when discussing this topic, which leads to multiple comments, then respond to another comment by you, then I am the one accused of derailing the thread?  Seriously?  There you go practicing the democratic version of truth.

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1 hour ago, Burgold said:



On top of all of that, the Comey firing is not unique. He is the third person to get the axe for looking into Trump and Russia. If you need three to make a pattern... now you have it.


"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action."


- Auric Goldfinger.  

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1 minute ago, Rskins06 said:

Wait, so I respond to being called an "undercover republican" when discussing this topic, which leads to multiple comments, then respond to another comment by you, then I am the one accused of derailing the thread?  Seriously?  There you go practicing the democratic version of truth.

What's the topic again Freedom-man?

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Just now, stevemcqueen1 said:


I don't know... I don't think he's that clever.  I think he's just dumb and oblivious.


But if he truly were trolling the Left, that would also be dumb.  Democrats are so energized right now that he's setting himself up for a Democratic wave in Midterms that should have been a cakewalk for Republicans.

Politically speaking, I think you are wrong.  There's almost no chance the Dems take the Senate, and very little chance they can take the house.


The best way to motivate GOP voters is for Dems to continue to come out and scream at absolutely everything that Trump does.


This is a perfect example crying wolf.  This SHOULD be a huge deal for everyone in the country.  But the majority have completely tuned out the echo chamber.

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