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BREAKING: Trump fires FBI Director James Comey

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1 minute ago, Kilmer17 said:

This is a perfect example crying wolf.  This SHOULD be a huge deal for everyone in the country.  But the majority have completely tuned out the echo chamber.

Define "the majority" please.

Trump lost the popular vote.

Trump has a majority disapprove rating.

Who is the majority again?

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For the record, Comey SHOULD HAVE been fired the minute he politicized the investigation into HRC in July and definitely should have been fired AFTER he reopened the investigation a week before the election.


As to the timing, sure you can question it.  But, it was recommended by the DOJ after they concluded he had lost the confidence of the FBI and was unable to continue leading it.  Argue symantics, everyone was surprised he wasn't fired on 21 January.

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2 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Politically speaking, I think you are wrong.  There's almost no chance the Dems take the Senate, and very little chance they can take the house.


The best way to motivate GOP voters is for Dems to continue to come out and scream at absolutely everything that Trump does.


This is a perfect example crying wolf.  This SHOULD be a huge deal for everyone in the country.  But the majority have completely tuned out the echo chamber.


Just about all of this goes against recent history. Dems have a real shot at both the house and senate and Dems screaming at absolutely everything won't motivate GOP voters just as Dems aren't motivated by the GOP screaming at everything. 

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Just now, AsburySkinsFan said:

Define "the majority" please.

Trump lost the popular vote.

Trump has a majority disapprove rating.

Who is the majority again?

The majority of Americans either voted for Trump or didnt vote at all.  

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20 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:

Yep, you know us Republicans.  We hate women, Muslims, animals, babies (yet some democrats support killing babies), old people, young people, anyone who breathes.  Pretty much nailed it didn't you, got us pinned in a corner.

We also hate freeloaders who believe they are entitled to free money (who are able bodied and capable of work),  free college (someone has to pay for that, it ain't free), anyone who puts other countries BEFORE our own, anyone who stomps on the American flag, opposes freedom, hate hypocrites who claim to love free speech but don't allow anyone with opposing views to speak, hate being worried of lawsuits when expressing our faith in GOD.


Yep, we are all about hate.


Really drank coolaid right on down, dincha?  

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15 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

I think so too.  This is a giant Eff You to the left wing in the US.

You mean to America. At least you should cause Trump is ****ing the right wing of the country just as much as the left. Make no mistake about it. 

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17 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

I said last night how tone deaf this White House showed itself to be not to anticipate any blowback from firing Comey.


Then they double-down by having Trump - the very next day - welcome the Russian ambassador and the Russian foreign minister into the White House.


They're trolling us, right?  Donald Trump is flipping us the bird.


Could be they are using the same tactic that worked during the election.

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Just now, Hersh said:

You mean to America. At least you should cause Trump is ****ing the right wing of the country just as much as the left. Make no mistake about it. 

Again, Im referring to the actions after the firing.

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2 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

The majority of Americans either voted for Trump or didnt vote at all.  

I could just as easily say "The majority of Americans voted for Hillary or didn't vote at all."

You know that's stupid right?


**Actually, a GREATER number voted for Hillary or didn't vote at all.

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first---if this recent dumpster dive into the lower level discourse in here doesn't turn around quickly, the people engaging in it are going to experience some real consequences




moving on (wrote this next earlier but had to leave)


some of us enjoy a hearty guffaw reading posters who have been widely regarded for years for regularly posting like rigid partisan hacks (or even trolls) are belaboring how partisanship is such a problem


it's plainly visible--- die-hard partisan hypocrites posting with those exact traits being quite dominant in here week in, week out, for year after year, but are still all about the other sides' hypocrisy, even if throwing out a few "both sides do it" every now and then to cya and give a little nod to trying to appear credible


another thing some of us note , and it is relevant though i won't unpack it for anyone, is what it might say about the keyboard warrior on a football team fan site who rarely/never posts about the football team (the reason for the site/community) but hangs out in political threads in a side forum year after year, doing little other than whining, arguing (not discussing), or simply trolling in political threads


a few of the "internet politicos" I've come across here are of a nature that smart people don't attempt to engage them in serious or thoughtful discussion very often, if ever, but the majority of posters here are fairly reasonable even within the restrictions of "normal" (strong) partisanship 


energy conservation is a good thing and prioritizing energy usage is highly recommended....after a long break in political activism locally, i am really enjoying using my ammo where it's really been counting (in 3D)...


but if you're going to use your "energy" here, don't feature too much typcial internet  dumbassery in your product because you can be banned for it at any time (just like we do in the stadium threads)





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1 minute ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Jumbo, I like your signature quotes.


The Ignore User function is pretty sweet. I park lots of ESers there. It keeps my blood pressure at an even keel.

I just wish that when you ignore someone that the site didn't show when they post. Just ignore it and don't even show them.

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12 minutes ago, Hersh said:


Just about all of this goes against recent history. Dems have a real shot at both the house and senate and Dems screaming at absolutely everything won't motivate GOP voters just as Dems aren't motivated by the GOP screaming at everything. 

People have grown tired of the constant obstructing by both parties.  If the Democratic Party continues screaming, whining, and obstructing.  I don't believe they will be rewarded with anything other than more lost seats in the house and senate, that is only my opinion.  There is almost zero chance they take the Senate as they are defending 25 of their own seats.  The house, doubtful but more plausible than the senate.  But, as history shows and you stated, everything is possible.

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I leaned the value of "ignore" as a kid reading Doc Savage (the bantam paperback reprints of the pulp magazines with the great cover art by James Bama--had thew whole collection). Doc would do this thing I thought was super-cool. When people said stupid ****, he wouldn't respond and he'd act as though like they didn't say anything and continue on with whatever he was saying/doing. But then Doc has the cred to pull that off. BTW, that is entirely on topic. :ph34r:

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19 minutes ago, Rskins06 said:



As to the timing, sure you can question it.  But, it was recommended by the DOJ after they concluded he had lost the confidence of the FBI and was unable to continue leading it.  Argue symantics, everyone was surprised he wasn't fired on 21 January.

Not sure this is a reasonable conclusion given that the inquiry into Comey's actions have not been completed and no conclusions published. 

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lol, the Russian media is invited in (the official state run russian media, who will only give the story the russians want to show.)


and of course, cries for transparency among those who went hoarse yelling for it over 8 years are silent.


Yeah, this is all OK, right?



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3 minutes ago, Bang said:

lol, the Russian media is invited in (the official state run russian media, who will only give the story the russians want to show.)


and of course, cries for transparency among those who went hoarse yelling for it over 8 years are silent.


Yeah, this is all OK, right?




The GOP will pay for this. Pretty much both parties have paid a heavy price for scandals and the stench of coverups in the past. 


There are a few GOPers who are wisely separating themselves from this train wreck. 


But ultimately, the question is how crazy has the GOP base gone. I don't think the Kasich/Sasse wing has any national support. It's either Trumpism or a different type of nutjob like Cruz.

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