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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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Are you suggesting that the Susan Rice "scandal" is somehow a made-up scandal created by the right wing media?


I AM SHOCKED!  SHOCKED, SIR!  Shocked that you would suggest that the National Security Adviser unmasking, in intel reports, names of US individuals who were clearly collaborating with Russia, which she has the power to do, is somehow NOT a scandal.


I mean, the real story has always been the leakers.


I mean, okay, so she didn't "leak" anything, but, um, she found out names.  Who cares if they were collaborating with the Kremlin in illegal manners, SHE unmasked names.


That's like, several times worse than collaborating with Russians.




Now if you'll excuse me, I have to support the GOP voting to allow my online data to be unmasked to the highest bidders.

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37 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

^^^^ That's exactly what it's like.

Where does the @twa-bot fit?

30 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Are you suggesting that the Susan Rice "scandal" is somehow a made-up scandal created by the right wing media?


I AM SHOCKED!  SHOCKED, SIR!  Shocked that you would suggest that the National Security Adviser unmasking, in intel reports, names of US individuals who were clearly collaborating with Russia, which she has the power to do, is somehow NOT a scandal.


I mean, the real story has always been the leakers.


I mean, okay, so she didn't "leak" anything, but, um, she found out names.  Who cares if they were collaborating with the Kremlin in illegal manners, SHE unmasked names.


That's like, several times worse than collaborating with Russians.




Now if you'll excuse me, I have to support the GOP voting to allow my online data to be unmasked to the highest bidders.

Now THAT is exactly how it is!!! 150%

Then you have the GOP voters and politicos who know that this is true and are willing to sit back and embrace this useful hysteria in order to further their own ends.

This ladies and gentlemen is the puppetshow.

Edited by AsburySkinsFan
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Well, politicos may be willing to embrace it, but I'm not sure the voters know the duplicitous nonsense that is going on.


It goes back to the entire right-wing media machine out there.  A huge chunk of GOP voters, not all, but a very large percentage, is inside this bubble.


I have a family member who, about once a month, posts like 20 super far right articles in a 24 hour period, and they reveal a totally alternate universe that is incompatible with the actual facts of our real reality.


Like, her last batch had a ton of articles shortly after the Nunes WH Press Conference, saying that Nunes uncovered this HUGE Obama scandal and how Obama was definitely guilty of crimes and definitely going to jail and how the ENTIRE Russian investigation was DEFINITELY lies from Obama to try and cripple Trump.


All those articles conveniently left out the part where Nunes said that everything he saw appeared totally legal and done in the normal course of intel gathering.  And of course they neglected to ever discuss what Comey/others were saying about how the Russian investigation is completely legitimate and very concerning, at a minimum.


Wherever Comey is mentioned, it's always picking out a phrase or two to try and find something to support their alternate worldview, and again, completely leaving out everything else.


But if those websites are your only source of news...well shoot, your brain is toast.

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The Susan Rice thing is so ridiculous. She was doing her goddamn job. She must have seen something concerning in those communications that caused her to decide to find out who it was the Russians were talking to. She wouldn't even know who it was until she unmasked them so it isn't like she would have been able to search for Trump people talking to the Russians. The whole fact that she found those communications concerning enough to warrant unmasking who the US citizens involved were just makes the case against Trump and his cronies even WORSE.


What exactly should a National Security Advisor do when he/she sees communications between a hostile foreign power and US citizens that obviously seems concerning and not above-board. Just say "meh, probably nothing" and throw it in a filing cabinet?

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Nunes has recused himself from the investigation blaming left wing activists. 


This is why libs lose elections.


But really, he's stepping aside because he's under investigation by Office of Congressional Ethics. :rofl89:

Edited by No Excuses
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4 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Nunes has recused himself from the investigation blaming left wing activists. 


This is why libs lose elections.

But really, he's stepping outside because he's under investigation by Office of Congressional Ethics. :rofl89:


"Liberal Hypocrisy" strikes again!

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Nunes' statement regarding stepping down says, in part, this:


"The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power."


Hey dip****, your focus should have been on Russian interference and possible collusion.



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45 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:

Well, with a name like Nunes he couldn't be trusted to be impartial against Trump since Trump's building a wall and making Nunes's people pay for it. So he decided to embarrass the President. Sad.


Nah. Nunes is "one of the good ones".

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Rep. Mike Conaway, R-Midland, is comparing the use of Mexican entertainers to energize Democratic voters to the email hacking that officials say was orchestrated by Vladimir Putin's government. "Harry Reid and the Democrats brought in Mexican soap opera stars, singers and entertainers who had immense influence in those communities into Las Vegas, to entertain, get out the vote and so forth," Conaway told The Dallas Morning News this week. "Those are foreign actors, foreign people, influencing the vote in Nevada. You don't hear the Democrats screaming and saying one word about that."




These rat****ers better be sure there is no hell, otherwise they are in for it

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Mike Conaway is either too stupid to realize how ****ing idiotic that is, or he thinks you are too stupid to realize it.

GOP, Which quality best exemplifies why you will vote for him?

that he is an idiot, or that he thinks you are?


(Oh wait,, i know..  he ain't got no "d" after his name. And that's good enuff, ain't it.)





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