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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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3 hours ago, Dan T. said:

Trump commutes the 27-year prison sentence of Iowa's Sholom Rubashkin, convicted of bank fraud in 2009. "Many have called (his sentence) excessive in light of its disparity with sentences imposed for similar crimes," WH says.




^^ The most surprising thing about that is that there is a Jew from Iowa.



He wasn't from Iowa originally,  He was born in .......  Russia.  :)

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1 hour ago, redskinss said:

Please forgive my ignorance as I have almost no understanding of middle east politics but can someone explain to me why its so important to them where our embassy is and the particular location we recognize as the capital of Jerusalem. 

Conservative Evangelical Christians and Zionist Jews

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2 hours ago, NoCalMike said:


In other words, despite being equally defrauded, they won't be equally be forgiven on debt.  Huge surprise, a money grab by someone invested into privatization.

We love our children, except **** them straight to ****ing hell, the rotten little ****s. Squeeze them for every ****ing penny.


But bless them. Innocent little darlings.  Such easy and tasty little marks.
God loves them, right to ****ing death.



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1 hour ago, redskinss said:

Please forgive my ignorance as I have almost no understanding of middle east politics but can someone explain to me why its so important to them where our embassy is and the particular location we recognize as the capital of Jerusalem. 


I thought someone else was going to do it, but here's the short, oversimplified version.


Two groups that have traditionally supported Republicans are Orthodox Jews and Fundamentalist Christians. Jews believe that Israel (including Jerusalem) was given to them by God. Fundamentalist Christians want Israel (and Jerusalem) in the hands of the Jews because they believe it's part of the End Times in Revelation. Republicans (and Democrats, to be fair... the initial bill to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel passed in 1995 with overwhelming majorities on both sides, but then Presidents of both parties wisely waived it until now) pander to these groups.


Jerusalem, though, is also VERY important religiously and culturally to the Palestinians, who lived there a very long time before the current situation unfolded.


Both sides want Jerusalem as their capital.


This is a hypercomplicated mess with no good (or even bad, really) solution, but the U.S. has traditionally been considered a neutral party in attempting to help broker a peace, and possibly even a permanent solution.


Trump is basically tossing this out the window and taking a side, scoring some cheap political points with part of the base, while simultaneously angering literally everyone else in the world (except Israeli Zionists... I'd imagine even most Israelis aren't thrilled at the escalation in tensions this is causing), and ending the U.S. ability to act as a broker.

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16 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

:rofl89::ols::hitfan: Right.  Hah.  They guy might win some of the Trumpsters votes but there's no way in hell, he would become president.


My pet conspiracy theory is that Steve Bannon is secretly a big ol' liberal.  Think about it.  He's from a Democrat area of a swing state (Norfolk).  He went to Harvard.  Sure, he's a Goldman Sachs alum, but Goldman is pretty middle of the road politically.  He has deep ties to Hollywood.  And, most importantly, he is seriously trying to destroy the Republican party from the inside.  

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Congress votes to avert government shutdown, but Senate fails to pass disaster aid package

WASHINGTON — Congress approved a temporary spending bill to prevent a government shutdown, but failed to complete work on an $81 billion disaster aid package to help California, Gulf Coast states and Puerto Rico recover from wildfires and hurricanes, as lawmakers scrambled Thursday to wrap up business before a Christmas break.

The stopgap measure continues federal operations for a few more weeks, setting up another deadline for Jan. 19. But it left undone a long list of priorities that members of both parties had hoped to finish this year.

The House approved the spending bill 231-188, with 14 Democrats joining a majority of the chamber’s Republicans. The Senate quickly followed, voting 66-32 to avert a federal shutdown Friday.

The stop-gap spending bill would fund three more months of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, which provides insurance for nearly 9 million children nationwide. Congress has been deadlocked on a longer-term renewal of the popular program, and several states are on the verge of running out of money to keep it open.

The bill would also extend for a few weeks the National Security Agency’s legal authority for domestic surveillance of emails, which is set to expire at the end of the month. The debate over major reforms in the program would be punted, along with many other issues, into the new year.

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