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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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1 minute ago, mistertim said:


I think it's all really getting to him, especially the Mueller probe. Day by day more and more stuff comes out and it looks more and more serious. And now I think people are starting to flip. He was already unstable but I think he's slowly but steadily fully derailing.

I hope so.

I hope he wakes every morning with Mueller as his first thought, and I hope that the thought of Mueller’s ever growing shadow sticks in his cut like a kidney stone wedged in his urethra slowly scraping it’s way out but never quite making progress.

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4 hours ago, nonniey said:

No not really I think I'm part of the 10% and think most of the Republicans and the Democrats have lost their friggen minds. As a Republican I I have some hope that Moore loses but am starting to lose some confidence on that lately. The 10% may be larger (I hope) and includes members of both parties.


Donald Trump is the leader of your party.

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3 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

Another remarkable thing is that millions of people don't see this insanity and feel alarmed.


Like even if you agree with his politics, this man is mentally not right. Can't you accomplish the same policies with Mike Pence, instead of this clearly bat**** insane person.


Well, it is what seems now like an age-old question:


Do you want to keep Trump because he is incompetent and appears totally incapable of getting legislation through Congress and to his desk.  And just have to deal with his aggressive assholishness on an hourly basis.


Or do you want Pence, who is likely to be much much much more effective in actually implementing a hard-right agenda, but at least would not be a complete national embarrassment and is less likely to prompt an international incident.  



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