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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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How does he say (in the same speech) that the tax cuts will drop the corporate rate from 35 to 20 percent and eliminate or reduce the estate or death tax,  and also say these tax cuts will be bad for him? 


How does he get away with that? 


It'd be like jimmy Johnson suggesting changing NASCAR rules to allow all past champions higher octane fuel and better tires and then saying "but hey this will only hurt me"

It's obvious bull**** and there's no way even his fans would believe him. 

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:


Dude looks like he has a learning disability if you just watch him talk with no sound.

i want to laugh at this, but I really believe that was a big issue of his. 


He has a learning disability but they didnt know how to treat it when he was a kid. Mixed with the hell of being Fred Trumpf's son and having a lot of money lead to him being pushed through the educational system without actually having to learn anything.


I would not be surprised if he could not read at a 9th level.

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5 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I'm going to take issue with this.  I'm a lawyer that deals almost exclusively in the same area of the law as the CFPB operates.  My boss is a former top CFPB official.  My firm has followed this as closely as anyone in the world.  While it is true that most people believe that this aspect of Dodd-Frank is going to be found unconstitutional at some point in the future, (specifically in PHH v. CFPB) the law as it currently exists is unclear, and many legal scholars thought the better legal argument is the common legal principle that the more specific law rules.  Here, Dodd Frank is the more specific law over the Vacancies Act.   


This is correct, and thanks for taking the time to explain the nuances.  I was too lazy.  

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4 minutes ago, visionary said:

Trump is not right in the head....

This timeline we're in sucks.  His brain is so clearly a pile of STD ridden mush.  He is nothing but slogans he dreams up and spews forth.  You can see it in the word association game he plays with "rocket."

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33 minutes ago, Predicto said:



Makes sense, since she reminds me of a hallucination I once had back in my drug-taking youth.  




LOL.  Bothsidesism.   One of my favorites.  

No not really I think I'm part of the 10% and think most of the Republicans and the Democrats have lost their friggen minds. As a Republican I I have some hope that Moore loses but am starting to lose some confidence on that lately. The 10% may be larger (I hope) and includes members of both parties.

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45 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

This timeline we're in sucks.  His brain is so clearly a pile of STD ridden mush.  He is nothing but slogans he dreams up and spews forth.  You can see it in the word association game he plays with "rocket."


Its basically all just free association word salads with him. He's so obviously not right in the head...all you have to do is see his twitter rampages and watch him speak. He is seriously unbalanced and mentally unstable. Exactly what we need when a rogue nation apparently just developed ICBMs.


He's going to get us all ****ing killed.

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52 minutes ago, nonniey said:

Fixed that for you.


This is a laughable load of ****. If you believe that, you are clueless and you don’t actually read what people post right here in this forum as an example. It has nothing to do with spite. It has to do with health care, the environment, social justice, our friggin democracy, the basic right to vote and on and on. 

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21 minutes ago, nonniey said:

No not really I think I'm part of the 10% and think most of the Republicans and the Democrats have lost their friggen minds. As a Republican I I have some hope that Moore loses but am starting to lose some confidence on that lately. The 10% may be larger (I hope) and includes members of both parties.


Everyone thinks they are part of the 10 percent.  But when I look back on how I reacted to the allegations against Bill Clinton, I realize that I am seriously prone to bias as well.


Nevertheless, both sides may have some blindness, but as of 2017, the Right is far, far, FAR more effed up, led by and beholden to lunatics than is the Left, as least in this country. 


Go to Venezuela and the reverse may be true, but I don't live in Venezuela.

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Clearly short-circuiting. It's rejecting it's new body. Must have crossed wires somewhere 



I think it's all really getting to him, especially the Mueller probe. Day by day more and more stuff comes out and it looks more and more serious. And now I think people are starting to flip. He was already unstable but I think he's slowly but steadily fully derailing.

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