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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Trump speaking in the Rose garden in 60 seconds (on the Paris accord):




or, if you prefer:




Summary so far: Pulling out but willing to re-enter / renegotiate under new terms. I'm a big supporter of the environment but this deal puts us at an economic disadvantage. 

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I can't stand to listen to his mouth, so I'm not turning up the volume. What "terms" is he upset about?! All I've heard is that the ****ing dumbass doesn't believe scientists. 

We're going to be in such good company.


BFFs 4EVA: Syria and Nicaragua.

Argh... "prioritizing jobs". Right, because no jobs were created by trying to invent new, environmentally-friendly power sources. I can't even facepalm myself enough.

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1 minute ago, TheMalcolmConnection said:

I can't stand to listen to his mouth, so I'm not turning up the volume. What "terms" is he upset about?! All I've heard is that the ****ing dumbass doesn't believe scientists. 

We're going to be in such good company.


BFFs 4EVA: Syria and Nicaragua.

The claim is that it will cost American jobs. Claims redistribution of American wealth to other countries. Claims it only kills coal in America and not in other countries. He thinks that it we have 3 or 4% we would need all forms of energy production to prevent brown outs in America. 

But "we are going to have the cleanest air and the cleanest water." Apparently the US is the environmental leader in the world. 

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5 minutes ago, Hersh said:

"we are going to have the cleanest air and the cleanest water." 

Gonna be like arguing you have the cleanest porta-potty on game day!! You may be the cleanest, but that aint saying much.

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I find a lot of politicians painful to watch/hear...and hillpill was  often one of the very difficult ones....but don eclipsed them all by miles upon miles....his capacity to evoke contempt and revulsion in some otherwise very warm and fuzzy humans I know who rarely express such  is impressive...

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15 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


I get physically ill listening to the scumbag.

My wife will not let me listen to him or watch any of his speeches, she swears I'm only going to make myself sick. I've come home only to find my kids holler, "Mom, he's home turn the channel." Listening to him is simply revolting to me. I never understood loathing until Trump. He is quite literally the embodiment of nearly everything I dispise about humanity. 

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I swear if I hear about the "saving the coal industry" one more time.  


Also, whenever someone from the GOP says "I think we need to listen to the scientists" then are provided with information from the vast majority of scientists goes against their personal politicos it suddenly turns into "well yeah.......but jobs!"

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Couple observations. He is full of ****, I bet Bannon wrote that tripe. I also find it odd that while he may not have ever uttered the phrases "climate change" or "global warming" he would suggest that we might get back in if we can renegotiate more amenable terms.  Does that not suggest that climate change is real?  Because watching his sycophants comments scroll I can tell you they don't believe it is real. Maybe it's what he told Ivanka to make her feel better.

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As is now an inviolable, ironclad pattern, this clown show of an administration seeks out the absolutely, manifestly worst possible decision and embraces it.


You have to be impressed on some morbid level at how quickly and thoroughly Trump has turned the U.S. into not just a waning superpower but a laughingstock. As a friend of mine at State texted me, "This is literally if less intensely what it's like living in a personalist dictatorship in Africa or Central Asia."

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Good on Musk to keep to his word.


Clown.  Show.  This whole administration.  Seriously, can someone photocopy the paris agreement, change the name to the Mar-A-Lago Accords, and let Donny sign first and in big letters?


He'd be all gung ho on it if we did that.

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