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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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31 minutes ago, mistertim said:

So basically Macron said "Hey non-stupid US entrepreneurs and companies...ever been to France? We'll hook you up if you bring your technology, ideas, and sweet clean energy jobs to our economy."


Trump is a goddamn disaster and he's too clueless to even understand what he is doing.


It's going to be hilarious when he realizes that he traded 4 years of power in return for being the butt of all jokes for the world elite whose attention and admiration he so badly craves.

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So some of the comments from the die hard supporters. I'll leave the names out


"Good. We should not kill our economy over a hoax. Too many treat this theory as fact. Is has not been proven. Biggest hoax of the century."

"Fantastic keep our jobs and money home 1f1fa_1f1f8.png

China and India's emissions are allowed to increase 50% for 10 years...and America pays the bill. The Paris accord is BS....Trump is 200% correct"

"#MAGA 1f1fa_1f1f8.png 1f1fa_1f1f8.png 1f1fa_1f1f8.png"

"Climate change 1f602.png, earth will go through its changes whether we want it or not and it's been doing so for millions of years....smh"


This is America 2017 ladies and gentlemen. These comments were on Facebook by the way. I'm pretty sure the comments section of the Post or Yahoo has some real geniuses over there. 



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2 hours ago, No Excuses said:

Good thing all those coal jobs came back. We did it guyz. 


They did come back in Germany :806:

They have increased co2 and particulate emissions for the last few years


but Paris.....

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8 minutes ago, AJ* said:

I'm not sure why anyone is shocked. The writing has been on the wall for a while now. Anything Obama did is going to get reversed out of spite. That's all it is really. 

We're shocked (not sure that is right) because it is such a monumentally stupid thing to do. Exxon Mobil opposed Trump leaving the Paris Accords. Apple opposed this action. So did his own SecState opposed it. Even the Pentagon thought leaving the Paris Accords is a bad idea. Corporations, politicians, scientists, all urged him to stay in.


I guess some of us hoped that all of these people could sway him.

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18 minutes ago, Burgold said:

We're shocked (not sure that is right) because it is such a monumentally stupid thing to do. Exxon Mobil opposed Trump leaving the Paris Accords. Apple opposed this action. So did his own SecState opposed it. Even the Pentagon thought leaving the Paris Accords is a bad idea. Corporations, politicians, scientists, all urged him to stay in.


I guess some of us hoped that all of these people could sway him.


You really still have faith in that guy to change after what we've seen the past 5 months? Trump is going to do what's best for himself and his ego. He's going to throw out the "America first" garbage to keep his supporters in line but his entire purpose is to tear down anything Obama did, not because he understands what's going on but simply out of spite. He has some weird obsession with Obama that's been going on since the birther movement.

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At this point I don't even buy that Trump himself is doing this out of spite, and it's more him being led around on a leash by his top advisers in his administration.  I honestly don't think Trump has ever really put much thought into most of these issues before he was surrounded by people with a clear hard-right agenda.  They are doing the "thinking" for him, he just has to be the hand that picks up the pen and signs the paperwork. 


Also, how does pulling out of this agreement send a message of "America First?"  Wouldn't taking the lead on climate change issues, leading by example for the rest of the world, showing them that the richest nation is committed to it be an example of "America First?"

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11 minutes ago, AJ* said:


You really still have faith in that guy to change after what we've seen the past 5 months? Trump is going to do what's best for himself and his ego. He's going to throw out the "America first" garbage to keep his supporters in line but his entire purpose is to tear down anything Obama did, not because he understands what's going on but simply out of spite. He has some weird obsession with Obama that's been going on since the birther movement.

Not much, but hope survives.... even if it's the last thing stuck at the bottom of this giant Pandora's Box. A part of you thinks... he can't be all bad. He can't be all stupid.

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