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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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I will say that as a conservative (does not mean Republican) I will be taking a hard look at the Dems running in the mid-term.  I will NOT vote for a Dem that I whole-heartedly disagree with on a majority of their positions.  But a Dem candidate will be given a LOT longer leash on what I'm willing to put up with.  For this cycle, they don't need to earn my vote.  They just need to not lose my vote.  I want Dem control of Congress after this mid-term.

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5 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I will say that as a conservative (does not mean Republican) I will be taking a hard look at the Dems running in the mid-term.  I will NOT vote for a Dem that I whole-heartedly disagree with on a majority of their positions.  But a Dem candidate will be given a LOT longer leash on what I'm willing to put up with.  For this cycle, they don't need to earn my vote.  They just need to not lose my vote.  I want Dem control of Congress after this mid-term.


I think that's the only responsible course of action left. What else can we do?

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4 minutes ago, Llevron said:

My question is when do conservatives trust their own party again? When Trump is gone? When the dems go crazy? 


It's so ****ing hard to plan for now. @TheGreatBuzz

Well I haven't "trusted" them for a while.  But I don't trust any politician.  Honestly, I don't trust most people in general.  But if/when could the GOP get me back?  When they show a commitment to fighting these Trump type crap, start doing things they think are right and not just what their party tells them to do, and most importantly when they show they actually care about the values they say they care about.  Fiscal conservatism being the biggest.

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11 minutes ago, Llevron said:

My question is when do conservatives trust their own party again? When Trump is gone? When the dems go crazy? 


It's so ****ing hard to plan for now. @TheGreatBuzz


What is a "conservative" anyways? I know we've had many people run on that word, and even more vote for them. But in real practice, where has it worked anytime recently? Or ever? 

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2 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


What is a "conservative" anyways? I know we've had many people run on that word, and even more vote for them. But in real practice, where has it worked anytime recently? Or ever? 

I don't think it really gets tried.  People like to use the word but then do the opposite. 

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7 hours ago, visionary said:




And who would have expected that, after Candidate Trump announced that he knew more than the generals?  


It's the same reaction I have towards people who voted for W's second term - You knew who he was when you voted for him.    

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I expect this pastor will be released soon. Trump probably made a deal with Erdogan at the NATO summit for Brunson's release, but told him to wait until after Trump was able to tweet about it so people would give him all this credit for being awesome and tough. 

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Unveiling a "Pledge to America's Workers," President Trump today will launch a White House effort to promote high-tech retraining for workers — preparation for a workplace that'll increasingly be dominated by data and automation.




The good news is that this jobs retraining program may be a good idea and help a lot of people. The bad news is that all the applicants are being sent to Trump University.

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12 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Unveiling a "Pledge to America's Workers," President Trump today will launch a White House effort to promote high-tech retraining for workers — preparation for a workplace that'll increasingly be dominated by data and automation.




The good news is that this jobs retraining program may be a good idea and help a lot of people. The bad news is that all the applicants are being sent to Trump University.

Interesting, isn’t that exactly what Clinton and Obama wanted to do with the Free Trade agreements? Low wage, low skill jobs shipped out—train US workers for high skilled, high pay jobs.


But noooooo...we want to dig coal

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