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CSN - A lucky win for the Redskins? Or were Giants lucky to be in it?


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Giants guard Justin Pugh thinks the Redskins got lucky in their 29-27 win on Sunday.

I feel like we should have won that game,’’ Pugh said. “If they weren’t playing for the Redskins, they probably feel like they should have lost that game, too. We hurt ourselves with turnovers, penalties, everything you can do to lose a game today we did.’’

Perhaps the Giants should have won. But perhaps the Redskins should have won going away instead of having to sweat it out until Su’a Cravens’ interception with just over a minute left to play. Let’s add up the points the Redskins gave away during the game.

click on the link for more


Thanks to @HapHaszard for posting this in Bubba's Breaking News.  Looks like the Giants just can't keep their mouths shut.  First Robinson, now this.  Classic bulletin board material.  Reminds me of Hall being kinda dumb and saying "Anyone could've thrown that [game-winning pass]" back in 2012.  If you lose, then you lose the right to talk.

I hope this team channels the disrespect into a win next week.  Aside from Week One, the Browns haven't been godawful. For now, though, let's enjoy the LOL's at the Giants's sour grapes.

Actually read the article, too.  Tandler does a great job of breaking down all of OUR "shoulda, woulda, coulda" penalties and gaffes, too.

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There were a lot of plays that could have gone either way.  The one that angered me the most was that dumb no reason moronic penalty on Adams (who the hell is he anyway) that negated a blocked punt.  There was no reason to touch that guy let alone do it in a way that garnished a personal foul.  That play is going to haunt me all year!

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OK, what happened happened, we won 29-26.

If we don't give gifts (and the refs call a couple differently) to the Giants, Giants score at least 10 less and we score at least 7 more.  Redskins win big. Something like 36-16.

If the Giants don't give us gifts and we don't give the Giants gifts, we probably win. Something like 36-28.

Only scenario were the g-men win is if we give them the gifts we gave and they don't give us gifts and even then it would have likely been close. Something like 26-30


Second Giants TD came after a should be interception.  A Giants field goal came after a should be interception. The first interception was a great defensive play, not a result of bad decision or bad throw by Eli.  The fumble?  We forced it.  When they blocked the punt but lost it because of a bonehead play, they still scored on the ensuing possession, took the lead and it was on us that we scored to go up FG.  The final interception?  Another great play by us.  Big punt return?  Yes, there were some mistakes by the g-men but it was mostly our determination.  The long TD by JC, JC wanted it along with great execution by us.  In 3 of the 4 possible scenarios, we likely win (and one by a big margin).  Even in the only scenario were the g-men might have won, it would only have been by 7 or 10.

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These ****ing crybaby pussies are the worst!  Typical response from a sore loser...if you should have won then you would have won.  Don't tell Redskins about should have won...we have plenty of those!  Hahaha such little punk ass, talking **** all week and then you guys get beat and now the excuses flow.

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Just makes the win even better. **** the Giants. They can stew against losing to the lowly 0-2 division rival redskins at home. 

They were lucky refs botched the fact that they pushed Dunbar into that live ball. They were lucky Kirk pissed his pants before the half and left 3 off the board. They were lucky Brutons int was called an incomplete pass. Lucky Norman dropped a redZone pick. Lucky the loose balls from fumbles our players forced mostly bounced back to them. Had the skins had better luck and discipline we blow them out the ****ing water. Either way we got the W and I'm glad.

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The 'Skins were somewhat lucky to win BECAUSE they had completely piss-poor execution in the red zone.  

lets do the math. The 'Skins scored 29 points, which came on 2 TDs (14 points) and 5 (5!) freaking figgies, for 15 points.  They scored on 7 drives.  If you maximize the scoring, and convert every time, the 'Skins were in position to score 49 points.  IF you throw in the fact that they gave away 3 points by a completely brain cramp by both QB and coach at the end of the half, you could maximize that to 52 points.

The Giants didn't stop the Redskins offense.  The Redskins offense stopped the Redskins offense.  Let's say they convert on 60% of their scoring drives, which is league average. Link to proof that average is real

If the 'Skins were just AVERAGE in the Red Zone, they would have scored TDs on 4 of their trips, and FG on 3, for 35 points. 

The Giants would have had to play a very clean game to score 35.

The Giants were lucky (as were the Cowboys) that the 'Skins just plain suck in the Red zone.  For the record, the 'Skins are converting at a 21% clip, which is good for second to last in the league, only ahead of Houston, as it turns out.  (Note, small sample size acknowledged.)

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This is such a huge yaaaaaawn to me.....pretty much all players and fans (regardless of team) do this after every game. The only exception is the increasingly rare cases of a true blowout like we saw in Philly yesterday.

Pretty much every team can go back to a loss and point out any number of mistakes or miscues that would swing the game the other way had it gone differently. They generally totally ignore any mistakes or miscues that worked in their favor. They also ignore context, such as someone else pointed out-- that even after the moronic penalty on the Giants blocked punt they STILL scored on the ensuing drive to take the lead.

Players are prideful and fans hate conceding to rival fans. So it is much easier to point the finger at yourself and say you lost it as opposed to the other guy was just better. The Redskins were the better team yesterday. The margin was slim, but that is the case in the majority of NFL games. The better teams find a way on the plus side of that margin more often than not. Had we only eliminated the miscues and mistakes during the Norv era, we might have 2-3 more Lombardi trophies in our case right now. Almost EVERY game we lost in that era included some sort of catastrophic mistake or mental blunder. Let's see how far that gets us.

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1 hour ago, kleese said:

This is such a huge yaaaaaawn to me.....pretty much all players and fans (regardless of team) do this after every game. The only exception is the increasingly rare cases of a true blowout like we saw in Philly yesterday.

Pretty much every team can go back to a loss and point out any number of mistakes or miscues that would swing the game the other way had it gone differently. They generally totally ignore any mistakes or miscues that worked in their favor. They also ignore context, such as someone else pointed out-- that even after the moronic penalty on the Giants blocked punt they STILL scored on the ensuing drive to take the lead.

Players are prideful and fans hate conceding to rival fans. So it is much easier to point the finger at yourself and say you lost it as opposed to the other guy was just better. The Redskins were the better team yesterday. The margin was slim, but that is the case in the majority of NFL games. The better teams find a way on the plus side of that margin more often than not. Had we only eliminated the miscues and mistakes during the Norv era, we might have 2-3 more Lombardi trophies in our case right now. Almost EVERY game we lost in that era included some sort of catastrophic mistake or mental blunder. Let's see how far that gets us.



I agree with everything you said 100%. The problem I have is not the fans, or even the players. It's the media. The narrative from them is always for the other team! When did you see an article that said - Redskins lost, X team did not win! It's not like the giants were 10-0 and we were 3-7 coming in. It's the 3rd game of the season!

Overall I am not a big conspiracy theorist, but I do know that many in the media do not like the Redskins. The name is a big part and they don't like Dan Snyder. So they take every chance they get to trash the Skins.

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No luck here, Redskins deserved the win for not giving up, they kept on fighting until the last minutes and most important they overcame Joe Barry's play calls :silly:. The Giants on the other hand can blame themselves commiting 11 penalties worth 128 yards.


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They scored and took the lead despite not getting the punt block. We stuffed it down their throats and took it back.  Deserve?  We were down 21-9 and stayed with it.  It was looking very bad but did we quit like so many teams in our past?  Many of our fails were due to our brain farts, only two of their fails were brain farts (and neither ended to disastrously for them).

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1 hour ago, Tom [Giants fan] said:

The one that angered me the most was that dumb no reason moronic penalty on Adams (who the hell is he anyway) that negated a blocked punt.  There was no reason to touch that guy let alone do it in a way that garnished a personal foul.  That play is going to haunt me all year!

Has he been cut yet? I know it's a stupid, knee-jerk response, but whenever I see one of those borderline guys make a stupid penalty that costs their team a game, I just wait to see if they're cut the next day.

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I felt while watching this game that it should have been a blowout going away, early...but too many killer mistakes through nearly 3 quarters.  All of our mistakes allowed them to stay in the game, or get a leg up when we were in position to make things happen.

Also feel that if Kirk makes a few more plays that are there to be had, this stuff isn't even up for discussion.

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Our biggest weakness on offense turned out to be one of our biggest strengths at the end of the game. Our last possession before Cravens INT were 8 running plays culminating in 3 first downs. It all took about 6 minutes off the clock. For an opposing team who just about stopped any chance of our having any kind of running game all day, I would say they did their best to win it and had nothing to do with luck.

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