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WP: Architect unveils glitzy design for Redskins stadium complex


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Come on. Imagine some Rocky-esq statue (instead of a banner) being unveiled every time we elected a player to ring of honor

Simply Roman

I don't know any Klingon outside warf

(**** I was replying to the quote I posted above lol.)

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We could go really old school...like Jeremiah Johnson or Dances with Wolves type old school. Put enemy heads on pikes, scalps on the main guest team entrance. Psychological warfare.

I jest...

Or Vegas with gigantic teepee

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I agree, I want the most a design to keep the noise inside the stadium and that design isn't any better than FedEx.

It's worse than FedEx because it isn't as tall. It's wide and flat.

I was at the VT/Boise game at FedEx and it was deafening. I couldn't hear myself talk. So FedEx can get plenty loud in its design because at least the stands are steep which helps keep the noise in.

This design doesn't work at all. It's like playing in the center of a daisy.

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I hate all these new futuristic stadiums. I don't like the one in Atlanta either.

Agreed. I'm not an expert in architecture by any means, and I encourage artists (which I believe architects, at their root, are) to follow their creative instincts, but the first thing I thought of when I saw it was "this firm better give my Grandma her gravy bowl back before we have Easter dinner."


I guess I'm kind of an old school guy when it comes to stadiums. I've always admired the Greco-Roman coliseum style and I think it suits a game like football. Old and run down as they are, I think the L.A. Coliseum and the Rose Bowl are the gold standards to me.


But, ultimately, no matter what the Redskins play in, as long as they're in or around Washington, D.C., they'll have my constant support.


So, if it's the "Gravy Bowl" I guess we'll have to make do.

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There's just so much more than what the stadium looks like on the outside that is going to define this project as a success or a failure.


No matter what kind of outside aesthetic they come up with, once they hand food management over to Aramark, it's no different than any other place, or any old place we had before. No matter what kitschy architectural elements the Danes come up with tying our regional association to water, once the molded plastic seats get drilled into concrete, it's no different than any other place, or any old place we had before. 


Honestly, there needs to be multiple teams of professionals assembled for this kind-of project. You need city planners in the design stage. You need engineers in the design stage. You need people who intuitively understand how to manage traffic on a large scale. We need big picture, big systems, people. 



The best thing anyone can do with this new stadium is find a way to build the most innovative system to manage traffic. It doesn't matter what the stadium looks like outside or inside, once fields of asphalt surround the damn thing like an ocean, it's no different than any other place, or any old place we had before. 


I don't want to see fields of asphalt.



Let's face it, people are going to drive to this stadium no matter what public transit systems are in place from local government. And people are inherently going to be inefficient, wasteful and pollution prone. If you want to manage the system of traffic, you are going to need to invent it yourself. Invest in the brightest minds who can manage traffic on a city scale, a regional scale, then employ them to design and manage it for the stadium and the immediate surrounding area.


You know, the picnic in the park notion that Ingels was blabbing about was so disconnected from what actual tailgating resembles right now. I don't know how to design a better or more enticing tailgate experience myself, but it sure as hell ain't Ingels either.



Unless you have a team of people willing to innovate everything better then we'll just end up with a nice new facade with the same old bull**** we've always had. 

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It's not great, but at least the idea doesn't look like a mess. Moat is a cool idea. People will use it as toilet and they will have to fence it off and it won't look as interesting.


I think I agree with the old school crowd here. Go with Roman architecture. Looks timeless to me and the team represents the nations capital.


Why not do something like the roman coliseum with the statues? Put the 100 greatest redskin statues outside the stadium.



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Maybe Dan Snyder and Bruce Allen should try to get a second opinion? There might be better designs out there -- ones that better fit the team and fans needs.

I really don't care for the design -- it doesn't seem to be maximizing the "home-field" noise advantage; it doesn't attempt to address the adverse weather conditions we face in this region, it looks like it has serious choke-point issues for the fans being able to move about, and overall doesn't seem very practical (especially if it's actually entertaining the idea of some kind of 'moat.')

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Watching 60 Minutes. The man that designed this stadium is an amazing architect. After seeing his work, I believe he can come up with a better design.

I just watched it and I agree. This would be like commissioning Frank Lloyd wright to design your house and he gives you a double wide

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Watching 60 Minutes. The man that designed this stadium is an amazing architect. After seeing his work, I believe he can come up with a better design.

You ever see the episode of the Simpsons where homer finds out he has a rich brother who owns a car company? The brother puts Homer in charge of a team of experts and professionals tasked with designing a new car and it ends up being a monstrosity.

Dan Snyder is Homer.

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