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WP: Architect unveils glitzy design for Redskins stadium complex


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It seems like they want to just make a park out of the area around the stadium. So people can go there to toss a frisbee, rollerblade, walk their dog etc. kayak, lay out in the sun, and just be a fun place to be. I can't see them putting out video boards or access to alcohol though. it's not the worst idea because it will give people a reason to hang out throughout the year but i don't see any revenue in that so what is the point of it from the Redskins perspective?

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Didn't Snyder learn from the amusement park venture? A stadium/destination park? Fee to enter and use the grounds? $9 waters for bicyclists? IDK...he doesn't have a strong philanthropic history

I think there is more behind this than we know

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It seems like they want to just make a park out of the area around the stadium. So people can go there to toss a frisbee, rollerblade, walk their dog etc. kayak, lay out in the sun, and just be a fun place to be. I can't see them putting out video boards or access to alcohol though. it's not the worst idea because it will give people a reason to hang out throughout the year but i don't see any revenue in that so what is the point of it from the Redskins perspective?

On gameday. What about the rest of the week?


Why am I driving 4 hours to go to a Redskins picnic park when I can walk 10 minutes to my neighborhood park? What is keeping me in the area or in the stadium after the game itself?


I need restaurants, bars, hotels, amenities / amusement within walking distance of the stadium or it's pointless to go, or more importantly, to stay. 


Picnic parks are not luring a Super Bowl. Not to mention the logistics of managing those parks.


First of all, there's a fundamental lack of understanding of the word tailgating. Who in the hell is going to schlep their grill, tents, tables, food, bean toss, the whole works, from their car/truck/van into one of those bowls? We're talking about folks who get there 10 hours early and set up shop two feet from their own bumper, who are cracking open Keystone Light - it's not a high bar. 


So multi-use picnic park. Have you ever seen those grills at public parks before? It's like caked in prehistoric sediment. You could cut into the layers to see the passage of the ice ages. 


And then who is going to clean that place up? Good luck trying to get the tailgaters to recycle, compost or trash correctly, or even remotely efficiently. I'm envisioning something like the Klump family dinner the second tailgaters witness a compost bin and a Portland Oregon quad-tiered recycling station. The highlight of the moment for them will be when their dog takes a poop on the recycling bin. 

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It's not great, but at least the idea doesn't look like a mess. Moat is a cool idea. People will use it as toilet and they will have to fence it off and it won't look as interesting.


I think I agree with the old school crowd here. Go with Roman architecture. Looks timeless to me and the team represents the nations capital.


Why not do something like the roman coliseum with the statues? Put the 100 greatest redskin statues outside the stadium.





Been thinking the same thing for a while now. Put up statues of all your 80 greatest Redskins and then just keep adding one a year.


Personally, I think retractable roof is important. Gives value to the venue year round. Superbowl, Bowl Games, Concerts, Conventions, Etc. 

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80 statues?  I'm sure everyone would be excited about the Lavar one.  I think statues are getting out of hand these guys with the people who are getting them, but if the Skins did that save it for HOF players.  I don't think Ernest Byner, Terry Allen, Mark Moseley, etc need to be immortalized with a statue.   

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Wave pool! The team Tweeted this pic last night. The outside of the stadium is on the right side of the photo.

What's up with the 2 repelling the side of the stadium? Are they sneaking in or trying to get away from security only to be stopped by a moat?
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What's up with the 2 repelling the side of the stadium? Are they sneaking in or trying to get away from security only to be stopped by a moat?


I was wondering the same. It doesn't look like an easy climb or drop.


The next question is whether the moat will have a wave making capability ala Wild World in Largo? Or is the wave pool an entirely seperate concept from the moat?

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Architect here:


The renderings are BIG's style. If you are interested in graphic novels and architecture, you should check out his book, Yes is More. Its a pretty unique way of presenting a body of work in a manner that isnt so much " hey, look at what i did." That being said, the fact that the renderings show wave boarding and repelling doesnt actually mean that will happen. He likes to throw these things in the presentations for fun. For a long time he used Lego models for bids. Dude's got a nice sense of humor. Now that i think of it though, it would be pretty sweet to repel the stadium and ice skate during the winter months. (Hello Caps winter classic).


To all that are throwing logs on the fire, wouldnt you much rather visit a stadium that is different than just a concrete place with seats? If you just want a expensive venue to watch a game and get out as quickly as possible, I urge you to check out the 9ers stadium in Santa Clara. I would love to feel like I was going to something more than a money drop. Jerry World has that feel. The world needs more innovators and designers like BIG. His ability to mesh the public space with usable space is top notch and is a big reason why he is as successful as he is. His m.o is personal space. So no more obstructed views. He also puts in effort to respect contextual constraints in many of his designs, which is often ignored in the stadium game. Check out the Danish Maritime Museum. Its quite nice. I am beyond excited that Snyder chose Bjarke to design the new stadium. I might have lost it if I heard Gensler was in charge of the new design.

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Does anyone go to a stadium or an arena just because? The idea that this will be a "destination" outside of Redskins games is laughable. Especially if and when it's not in DC.


I guess you need to sell this as something other than a football stadium in order to get people to help in deflecting the cost, but in the end that is all it is. A football stadium. They need to stop overthinking this. Build a simple and classic design. Smaller in scale and leave it like that.


You really want to make it "fan friendly". Better have easy in and out of the lots, easy access to major roadways and above all else, access to Metro. You have that, the fans will be thrilled.

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wouldnt you much rather visit a stadium that is different than just a concrete place with seats?


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say there's going to be a **** ton of concrete used in Ingel's distilled fan experience stadium. And I'm gonna guess again by saying that Snyder will be inclined to use the same old molded plastic seats we see in every sporting venue the world over. 



I personally am waiting for the renderings of the hyperbolic paraboloid seats.

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The aversion to forward thinking is hilarious.

I expected it to be hated regardless of the design...it's just how fans roll, but the reasoning, & projective humor is amusing, & telling.

Things i wonder:

1) all this money/design/effort on progressive thinking....will it be fully self-sustaining?

2) where does the fancy big screen go?

3) i like that the rendering shows yellow walls on the outside. Another thing you don't see on stadiums is the representative team's colors or logos outside of billboards, or banners. I wonder if this will be part of the final version...it will be nice to get aerial shots of a burgundy/gold stadium....no mistaking who plays there.

4) the moat may not make the final iteration given all the animosity towards it....but i think it just intimates the philosophy behind what they're trying to bring to the experience. Maybe no moat, & make the lot more like a park? I dunno...but i am actually with the idea of making a stadium be more valuable than what it's worth 8 weeks a year.

Modern stadiums are space-eating behemoths that serve very little purpose beyond their initial intentions. Sure, there will be the odd monster truck rally, or winter classic, but they generally just become these steel/concrete statues for 2/3 of the year. I like the idea that they're trying to give these external purposes to the space the stadium swallows whole. I'm not sure what they will end up with when it's all done, but i feel that the main premise here is that it will be a useful space, rather than some opulent, wasteful offering to the football Gods.

We shall see.....i hardly think they're done.

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