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NFL.com: Browns waive Manziel (and other Browns related stuff--MET)


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11 hours ago, ChampSkinsFan said:

RG3 looks good. Like scary 2012 could beat us in Week 4 good


Let's not go nuts here. :ols:

By your reasoning, the Eagles must be a much better team than the Steelers because they blanked them last night, 17-0.

Of course, we know that is a mirage because pretty much the entire Steeler offense (especially all their key people) didn't play last night. At all.

It's preseason. Griffin looked good on those passes (first-read throws), but he also a good deal of the time looked like the Griffin we came to be disappointed in here in Redskin Nation.

Let's not read a whole lot into a couple of passes. :)

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5 minutes ago, ChampSkinsFan said:

For the record I'm a Kirk guy but... I just watched RG3 pretty much light up a preseason defense we couldn't move the ball against.

They also ran the read option in preseason. We've got to keep things in perspective. So far what we know about him is exactly what we already knew - he throws a pretty deep ball.

The Barnidge throw was a nice high-difficulty throw, though. We've gotta give him that.

On the other hand we have Osaka and the 0-16 Lions looking like world beaters in the preseason.

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"But tbh, are these men dumb. The wife is WHITE, don't they know whether you rich or poor, famous or a nobody, them white people are going to do everything to drain you and rip you to shreds."

Saw a Lipstick Alley reference earlier in this thread, had no idea what that was, so I went to check it out.  Found this gem.  I'm never going back.

All of that stuff about the sexting on his wedding day seems definitely true now.  I'm not one to pass judgement on anyone, but all of this stuff is validating a lot of what was said about him during his tenure here.

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Didn't see the game but nice stats.  I wonder if he was running read option plays when he reeled off the big runs.  Also wonder if in 2016 whether he has got some of the lateral quickness he had in 2012.  In 2014 and 2015 he seemed to have straight ahead speed but not the amazing lateral quickness that made him so effective before his 2012 injury.  In any case I hope he's finally learned to protect himself so he diesn't get hurt again.

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21 minutes ago, Xameil said:

You do know how pre-season game planning works...right?

You guys keep bringing up preseason and how not much stock should be put into what happens but remember how he lost his job in preseason. Remember how he showed he couldn't get rid of the ball in preseason and kept getting sacked and got himself hurt. 

I'm just saying give the man some credit he looks like hes improved. At least if he plays like that week 4 can be a game.

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3 hours ago, SkinsGuy said:

Parker didn't get fired for calling Griffin a "cornball brotha".

He was fired for saying (or implying) that Griffin was betraying the whole black race by marrying a white woman.

You just partly described what the term "cornball brotha" MEANS!:ols:

And yes, he WAS fired for calling him that. I can site you multiple stories where in the headline it states that's why he was canned, if you would like?

Additionally, another reason Parker labeled him as such, is because he was a Republican. Stupid, I know.

Parker deserved the firing, btw. There are consequences for saying how you feel, sometimes.

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Just watched last night's Cleveland game. RG3 looked good.

Everybody is talking about the deep passes, which were great throws, but I'm more impressed by the few runs he had. It looks like he has his wheels back, and it looks like he finally got the memo about sliding to avoid contact. 

I know a lot of us love to hate Robert, but I cannot help rooting for him. 

PS I'm not nearly as interested in his love life as some of you guys. 

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Wait, he threw two TD's in a preseason game?

The Browns curse is lifted! Woe be to those who oppose Cleveland!

Sarcasm aside, it'll be interested to see how he reacts to pressure, and if he's progressed at all in that area. His pocket presence was his biggest flaw.

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51 minutes ago, s0crates said:

Just watched last night's Cleveland game. RG3 looked good.

Everybody is talking about the deep passes, which were great throws, but I'm more impressed by the few runs he had. It looks like he has his wheels back, and it looks like he finally got the memo about sliding to avoid contact. 

I know a lot of us love to hate Robert, but I cannot help rooting for him. 

PS I'm not nearly as interested in his love life as some of you guys. 

I could care less about his love life, but when you're a scumbag you're a scumbag, so I'll call him out for that.   Talking strictly football, there are a handful of teams that I would not wish him success on.  Giants, Cowboys, Eagles.  And the Rams and Browns.  The latter because if he had gone to the Rams and been a stud player again, that would be the ultimate slap in the face, given what we gave up to the Rams to get him.

The Browns are the Browns, they tried to move up to take him in 2012 and were bitter about not getting him.  Success there would make me bitter too, because he didn't work out in DC and they get him in the end without giving up a damn thing.  Plus it's the Browns, who roots for them outside of Cleveland anyhow?

Him being a ****head and cheating on his wife while she was taking care of his 7 month year old newborn while he was out pile driving some instagram ass, just makes it easier to not root for the guy.  

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ETA on rg3 throwing his wife under the bus? 

I guess it's possible that it really was 100% him chasing tail and in that case he won't say a thing but it would be entertaining to see the fan club get riled up one more time to defend him with things like "he only did it because she wasn't following his precise diet plan after having the baby and got above 10% body fat therefore disqualifying her from being a part of the "Family of 3""

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On 8/18/2016 at 3:39 PM, Veryoldschool said:

Griffin ended Shanny's career not the other way around.  Thankfully Shanny drafted Cousins which led to the redemption of the Skins.

Shanny ended Shanny's career, he did, after all hire Jim Haslett and try to keep him on staff for 7892 Billion seasons.

On 8/18/2016 at 4:33 PM, Tsailand said:

What did Cooley do?

Once he became Redskin famous, cheated on his first wife and ditched her, then married the cheerleader he cheated on her with, then cheated on HER later with someone else.

On 8/19/2016 at 1:14 PM, s0crates said:

Just watched last night's Cleveland game. RG3 looked good.

Everybody is talking about the deep passes, which were great throws, but I'm more impressed by the few runs he had. It looks like he has his wheels back, and it looks like he finally got the memo about sliding to avoid contact. 

I know a lot of us love to hate Robert, but I cannot help rooting for him. 

PS I'm not nearly as interested in his love life as some of you guys. 

I've defended Griffins play fairly often over the years, but theres no way Im going to root for a guy whos such a jerk hes willing to destroy his kids family before the kid even turns 1.

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The Griffin Paradox is when playing the 2012 style offense he can be effective.  The contradiction being he can't survive a season physically running that offense.  He will play ok until he gets hurt.  If he tries to run a professional go through your progressions style offense forget it, he will,have no success.  

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15 hours ago, Califan007 said:

 Our starters were only in for 1 drive, which went 30 yards and never crossed mid-field.

Not sure I would classify that as "just fine" lol...

Looking at how Kirk operated though on that one drive he looked very comfortable, looked good. Obviously looking forward to seeing more this Friday, but I didnt see anything to worry about on that one drive. Small sample size, but it is what it is. The biggest concern was the run game not doing anything, happy that it looked better against the Jets.

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