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What the ref?


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I almost wish the next time this happened they literally just stopped trying.  Like, lie down on the field on every opposing offensive play.  Every opposing kickoff becomes a TD.  Literally have Kirk hand the ball to a defender with a handshake.


Let them score 250 points, and just utterly destroy the media for a week.


Have a reel ready to go and sent to every media outlet of every garbage call and non-call we've suffered.


Do that, and tell Goodell that we're out of revenue sharing if things don't get tightened up REAL fast.


Got to do something.  We get screwed and just take it like a prison ****.


That would be a freaking long day for every one... Like, how to completly ****ed all all the stats...  Have all guys sti down, C, snaps, then let the defenders get to the ball. On third or fourth play like thise, they would get embarrassed as well. Crowd would be pissed, and Refs would be forced to call game over.


But let's completely ignore our stupid turnovers and encroaching four times. Yeh, this is all on the refs. Riiiiiight.


The way Refs ****ed us up in the 2nd Q is probably the main reason we collapsed the way we did in the end of it and the 2nd Half. What kind of adjustment a coach can do, if the Refs whiff on penalties? If they go home reffing, missing blatant holdings, calls you for non existant calls... Let some false starts on the line... I mean, the Panthers OL is constantly moving when it's supposed to be set. They got a pass for this whole day. Next time, let them have a sammich while doing so... No biggy we got so many NZI or Encroachment...

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We sound like a bunch of whiny ****es in this thread.

"It's a screw job"

"The refs don't like us"

Bad teams get bad calls, our team is bad.

But guess what? Good teams get bad calls too and they find ways to overcome bad calls. That's what sets them apart from the trash teams of the NFL.

Good teams also don't turn the ball over 5x.

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We sound like a bunch of whiny ****es in this thread.

"It's a screw job"

"The refs don't like us"

Bad teams get bad calls, our team is bad.

But guess what? Good teams get bad calls too and they find ways to overcome bad calls. That's what sets them apart from the trash teams of the NFL.

Good teams also don't turn the ball over 5x.

Too much sense


I propose a lifetime ban for your @ss - you clearly shouldn't be here

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We sound like a bunch of whiny ****es in this thread.

"It's a screw job"

"The refs don't like us"


I guess we were a bad team last week? I guess we were as undisciplined in the comeback against Tampa?


Defend the calls. If you are going to say we're whiny then tell us why they were the right calls.  Explain how Cousins with his knee clearly down, two hands around the ball clutched to his chest and no defender touching the ball was a fumble... or how that play didn't warrant a review within two minutes?


Explain a dozen other outrageously bad or outright made up calls?

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I guess we were a bad team last week? I guess we were as undisciplined in the comeback against Tampa?


Defend the calls. If you are going to say we're whiny then tell us why they were the right calls.  Explain how Cousins with his knee clearly down, two hands around the ball clutched to his chest and no defender touching the ball was a fumble... or how that play didn't warrant a review within two minutes?


Explain a dozen other outrageously bad or outright made up calls?


That personal foul on Culliver, which completely changed the complexion of the game, was the worst call of the season.  Jordan Reed gets hit up high and no call.  Carolina scored 21 points off of bogus calls.  Sucks, but it is what it is.  I'm hoping we can go on a tear here, but I'm actually okay with having a higher draft pick to get another impact player.  Brandon Scherff has been downright awesome!  We could use another immediate plug and play rookie - you don't necessarily get those in the mid-rounds.

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On the subject of biased refs - how p!ssed was everyone about the call when Doug Williams hyperextended his knee and fumbled the ball in SB XXII but we got the ball back on a dubious call and went on to score 35 in a quarter and win?























No - thought not








As you were

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They didnt give them a TD. The defense had numerous chances to stop them after the call. Including dropping an INT in the endzone.

I don't know... giving them endless undeserved free first downs kind of helped. Feet tangled together on an uncatchable ball is usually not called PI. The holding call was not holding.


Yes, the Panthers eventually scored, but it helps if the refs keep giving you do-overs 'til you do. Also, let's be honest they never even get to the goal line if the Culliver play is called correctly. It's six for us and no BS cheapies for them.

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I guess we were a bad team last week? I guess we were as undisciplined in the comeback against Tampa?

Defend the calls. If you are going to say we're whiny then tell us why they were the right calls. Explain how Cousins with his knee clearly down, two hands around the ball clutched to his chest and no defender touching the ball was a fumble... or how that play didn't warrant a review within two minutes?

Explain a dozen other outrageously bad or outright made up calls?

The call on cully wasn't "made up" it's the right call according to goodell's bull **** League.

The Kirk fumble should've been reviewed. Again another symptom of goodell's NFL that needs to be repaired. We aren't the first team to be screwed by this.

But to sit back and say there's a "conspiracy" or this is a "screw job" makes us sound like whiny ****es.

Let's fix the issues in our own yard first (turnovers, stoping the run, coaching) before we **** about the referees.

And yes our team isn't good.

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like i said in a different thread all calls are judgement. There shouldnt be any that are assigned "more judgement" to avoid the review flag.


So many rules on tackling now a days yet you cant review them...why? If owners make the call on these things at meetings, why aren't they making these things reviewable?


Obviously the ref thought Culliver went helmet to helmet​..review would've overturned it

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The Culliver reversal changed the complexion of the game. Would we still have won? Who knows. The way we play defense, probably not, but again, who knows? We'd have the lead and the momentum. Then of course there was the Reed "hold" on the Cousins long run that negated a 1st and goal.


We're talking about a completely different game.

I agree. Those two calls were game changing and we're just pathetic. That crew should have been fired after the game. I'm sure that **** Blandino will make up some excuse for those POS refs. Just ruins the product when I see sheet like that.

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The refs didn't make Matt Jones fumble for the 800th time


Nope, but they pretty ****ed up the game to puts us in a bad spot. It was already a tough task, and it went even worse.


Interesting... The PLAYERS think that it's a conspiracy against them because of the team's name. Judging by Jason Hatcher's postgame comments.


The simpliest answer is often the right one. The fact, is officiating sucks all over the NFL. And that the worst teams are reffed by the worst reffing crews.... But yeah, there's something about that in the conspiracy theory, some Refs admitting they didn't want to ref our games because of the name. So...

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On the subject of biased refs - how p!ssed was everyone about the call when Doug Williams hyperextended his knee and fumbled the ball in SB XXII but we got the ball back on a dubious call and went on to score 35 in a quarter and win?




No - thought not



As you were




You do realize that was 27 years ago.  A good percentage of the people on this board were not even born when that happened.  


But way to bring the strong argument.

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How many times do we get Jerome Boger for our games? Hopefully the last. It's less about the "accuracy" of the penalties called then it is about the quantity. Let the the players ****ing play. Such outlandish, diminutive, petty violations. My most intrusively loud exclamation in my flat was a response to learning Jerome Boger was officiating this game. So ****ing awful.  

Hatcher said it outright. The refs call games against us because of the name. I don't doubt it at this point.


Not buying in to that conspiracy. Seem's ridiculous

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The idea that it's some sort of "conspiracy" again ... it's ridiculous. Did the calls suck at times? Yes, they did. Horrible calls, although the Culliver call, after reviewing it, was understandable considering the way the league operates these days. The flag was thrown immediately, not while Culliver was heading into the end zone. Sucks, but that's the league today. Just saw another one of those against the Chargers earlier. 


Look at the crap call against the Panthers on their TD for unsportsmanlike conduct. The guy barely tossed the ball toward a Redskin after his knee was blasted and he got flagged. BS call they labeled as "taunting." Hardly as big a deal of as the Culliver call, sure, but a crap call as well. Every team deals with this nonsense, and every team has fans who call "conspiracy." 


There is no conspiracy because of our name. Refs just suck from time to time. As do we. 

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Too much sense


I propose a lifetime ban for your @ss - you clearly shouldn't be here


"Ass" doesn't get filtered here so you didn't break any rule, but since you're new I thought I'd let you know that circumventing the profanity filter is against the rules. Don't do that to any other word, let the profanity filter do its job. Thanks.   


Pretty sure no one actually reads the rules when they sign up like they agreed to do, lol, but please do so. You'll be better off, we actually implement them here. :)



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