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What the ref?


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The bad calls didn't lose the game for the Skins.  Five turnovers did, 0 yards by Morris and Jones combined, terrible tackling and ****ty defense in general did,....shall I go on?


The Panthers are a much better team than the Redskins at this point, period.  Get over it and move on to the next game against the Giants.


two penalties negated a turnover for the Redskins and made a play that had a turnover happen.  it goes from plus five to plus three for the Panthers

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Doesn't matter. All those clichés are nice and sound real rah rah, but the fact is the officiating in the NFL sucks ass. Period.
Probos, typcally i track with you and i get all that you say is true in the sense of a "fair play" scenario...

But it's not even close to being competent most of the time.

More and more games are decided by a whistle rather than a play.


And that has nothing to do with "teams making their own luck"/

we made some luck by smashing Olsen and grabbing the ball OUT OF THE AIR and scoring with it.
Instead because Olsen ducked his head it's treated as a completed pass, tacked on 15 and instead of a big play that can change momentum, it's another walk down the field, aided by three more ticky tack penalties inside the ten, and a missed false start on the touchdown.


Making your own luck is pointless when an incompetent group of officials can change it on a whim. Luck is hoping that when they inevitably **** up the game, it's in your favor.


And, i say this saying the refs did NOT cost the Redskins the game yesterday, and even if the INT TD stood, the Panthers are too good and likely would have won by double digits anyway.
It's not a loss on a whistle,, the Redskins played badly, and the Panthers played great. Cam is really coming into his own as a passer.



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There is no conspiracy. Bad calls, but it happens.

Good teams make their own luck.


I don't think there's a conspiracy but teams (or players) do not make their own luck.


I've seen Brady scream in the face of a ref after a play he didn't like probably 20 times over the past 3-4 years without a flag being thrown. DHall does something similar? Flag every time. It's not even. DHall has no chance of making his own luck. 


The NFL has become the NBA. There are clearly favorite teams (and players) in the NFL that get away with things other teams (and players) don't. 

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The bottom line is Personal Fouls MUST bet reviewed by the officials in the both.  They certainly change everything about a game.  I know today no one believes the call that went against us yesterday would have changed the game.  Seriously?  That call was actually a 14 point swing.  FOURTEEN.  I will not even mention the iffy holding call on Reed that erased a 1 and goal at the 5.


If you guys don't think that had an impact on this game then we have nothing to talk about I guess.  You could see how demoralizing was for our team, especially the Defense.  You don't think the D scores there and they have a little better swagger for at least the first half?  It would have been 21-14 right there with the D coming back to defend the next Offensive series of the Panthers.  I bet you anything we would have been a little faster, stronger, more in your face, kind of what do you have for me now Panthers kind of D.


With all the technology when you have these type of calls you can't leave it on one guy to call it.  It is as simple as that..

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Did he really say that?

"I'm not saying this out of character to get fined, but it is what it is," Hatcher said. "I don't know if it's about the name or what, but at the same time, we play football, too. We work our butt off, too. Don't single us out. At the end of the day, it's the name. Don't worry about the name -- we're players and we work our butts off, too. I'm just frustrated with it.



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I am not here to whine like a baby and say the refs cost us the game.  We were flat out bad yesterday.


But I will say, the refs cost us momentum.  That Culliver int, should have stayed as an INT and a TD.  No ands ifs or buts about it.  The league is soft.


And I have said it for years Boger and his crew are horrible.  I can't stand them.

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I am not here to whine like a baby and say the refs cost us the game.  We were flat out bad yesterday.


But I will say, the refs cost us momentum.  That Culliver int, should have stayed as an INT and a TD.  No ands ifs or buts about it.  The league is soft.


And I have said it for years Boger and his crew are horrible.  I can't stand them.

Listning to Boomer and Carton this A.M. I think Boomer said "the Redskins got hosed on that call," referring to the Culliver int. Boomer seems to always be fair as far as I can tell.

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The problem I have with NFL officiating is that the media doesn't touch it.

Every week they write about the teams and analyze players. Is there any website that does the same for officiating?

It goes beyond the phantom or uncalled holding calls or even subjectivity of a catch plus dumb "blow to the QBs head" rule. Its the Culliver play where by rule its unreviewable,the blatent MNF batted ball play, etc. The NFL admits the refs need replay to get some calls correct, but Culliver hit, the non call on Reed getting hit, and other items should be reviewed too instead of officials huddling in confusion or ignoring blatent violations.

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I know that's Mike Carey.  He told the NFL not to make him referee Redskins games.


So unless I'm missing something, and with all due respect to Boger and his horrible officiating game in and game out, it's not him.



Maybe Carey is the only one who voiced it. Maybe other officials and crews feel the same way but won't say it outright. It's clearly a distraction if both players and referees have brought it up in the last year.

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NFL is doing the game a major dis-service with it's incompetent, inconsistent refs.. The Skins sucking isn't helping, but it's not just our games that have wild swings due to the reffing.. It's about every game I watch, is full of head scratchers.. The ****ty refs and the flag-football esque rules are killing the sport slowly but surely, imo..

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Bad calls happen. Good teams overcome them and bad teams succumb

All the rest of the discussion is noise




It's not like this call was late in the game that decided it. It was 14-14 when it happened. The Panthers went on to score 30 unanswered points after the penalty. We had time to overcome it, but the team/coaches wilted after that and we never had a chance. Poor coaching will do that.

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 Unfortunately, I had to put on 2 new tires on my Shadow, so I missed the game. Prob a good thing I did.


 I heard there were a lot of ticky-tacky calls made, and I gotta say at times its hard to side one way or the other. When I was reading the newest posts, I quickly flashed back to the Cowboys game in 92 or 93, when Aikman was attempting to make a pass out of the endzone, pulled the ball back, and was hit, jarring the ball out, then a mad scramble for the ball in the endzone, the pile developed, and refs were pulling players off one by one, then they got together and talked, then one of them threw their hands up in the air, TOUCHDOWN REDSKINS was announced by Pat Summerall.

Then we all saw Charles Mann patting one of the refs on the wallet on his backside.


From what I heard, the Redskins didn';t get a pat on their backside, but prob something more on the line of a prison-type initiation experience.


Its difficult at times to wrap our minds around fair or unfair regarding ref's calls or no-calls, I'm sure if I saw the game I'd prob side on bad officiating, but in the end, it is what it is.

Maybe go back and play that song from the 80's, not sure what the name is, but its something like 'Wide Receiver', a line in the song says 'the referee, musta been smokin' a joint'.


There are far more worse things to get frustrated over, don't let BS calls ruin your day.

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Burgold hit the nail - talking about obvious bad calls and the team being bad are two different, yet perfectly valid points.

Because we are bad and would have likely lost anyway doesn't mean the calls didn't happen and shouldn't be discussed.

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It's not like this call was late in the game that decided it. It was 14-14 when it happened.


"IT"?? You mean, THEM, right?? BS pick-un-six, tickytack hold call on Reed brings back 1st and goal, then a sack/fumble where Kirks knee looks like it's on the ground.. All that happened in about 3 minutes and imo, turned the game upside down.. Would we of won? Probably not, but at least it was a game to that point..

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"IT"?? You mean, THEM, right?? BS pick-un-six, tickytack hold call on Reed brings back 1st and goal, then a sack/fumble where Kirks knee looks like it's on the ground.. All that happened in about 3 minutes and imo, turned the game upside down.. Would we of won? Probably not, but at least it was a game to that point..


And again, good teams can overcome those calls. Instead, we put our heads down and pouted.


A good game this week against the Giants could remedy that though.

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It's not like this call was late in the game that decided it. It was 14-14 when it happened. The Panthers went on to score 30 unanswered points after the penalty. We had time to overcome it, but the team/coaches wilted after that and we never had a chance. Poor coaching will do that.


After that TD was called back and the refs helped the Panthers get a TD the Redskins got to around the five when a pretty weak holding call pushed us back and we ended up turning it over.  That should have been at least a field goal.  So that's refs contributing to us losing 10 points and the Panters adding seven

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After that TD was called back and the refs helped the Panthers get a TD the Redskins got to around the five when a pretty weak holding call pushed us back and we ended up turning it over.  That should have been at least a field goal.  So that's refs contributing to us losing 10 points and the Panters adding seven


The refs are causing turnovers now?

Show me a good team that routinely overcomes the refs spotting the opponent 20 points. That's what you are arguing


I'd have more sympathy if we didn't turn the ball over 5 times. Bad calls or not, you can't turn the ball over 5 times and expect to win.


We lost. We got outplayed and outcoached. Yes, calls went against us, but we still lost by 28 points.

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There is a substantial difference between questionable calls and utter bullshart.


There were at LEAST two game-changing calls yesterday that were the latter.


This is a pretty good young team with talent deficiencies in key areas, and yes, they need to play nearly perfect to win against good teams. Catching a few breaks helps as well. They caught ZERO breaks yesterday, save a really bad PF call for piling on. Couple these factors with the egregious judgement calls that went against them, and you get exactly what we saw yesterday.


The subjectivity simply MUST be taken out of the personal foul calls in the NFL...it is ruining the game.

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