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4 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:


We aren't going to agree here. I think the new ownership is going to mix it up a lot. We'll see.


Fair enough...I have these debates from time to time with people (here, Twitter, in real life) and I'm amazed how people believe there is more interest for the Caps and Wizards than there is. When the HOF Game does a better number than the Stanley Cup Finals, that's pretty tangible proof...


I think the Caps have a passionate fan base, but it's still relatively minuscule. 

1 minute ago, purbeast said:

I must be in the minority but literally every time I tune to 980 (and 1067) and hear Nationals talk, I instantly change the station.  I have absolutely zero interest in baseball.


If they are both talking about baseball I flip to music until it's something other than baseball.


And that's fine...but the numbers are proven that the fan base generally cares about the Redskins..............................Nats...................Wizards.....Caps. 

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1 hour ago, Kilmer17 said:

Anyone know why 1067 is streaming the Jim ****ing Rome show right now instead of local?


Because the Nats are playing right now.  Whenever the Nats are playing on 106.7, the stream will air nationally syndicated programming, since you can't stream MLB games live with local radio streams.

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4 minutes ago, samy316 said:


Because the Nats are playing right now.  Whenever the Nats are playing on 106.7, the stream will air nationally syndicated programming, since you can't stream MLB games live with local radio streams.

Ah.  Makes sense.  Thanks.

But of all the choices out there, they go with Jim Rome?  Is it 1995?

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5 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Ah.  Makes sense.  Thanks.

But of all the choices out there, they go with Jim Rome?  Is it 1995?


106.7 The Fan is owned by CBS Sports Radio, so whenever there is a game like today, or you're driving late at night, or it's a weekend, they'll usually play CBS Sports Radio national programming.  It just so happens Jim Rome is on CBS Sports Radio from 12-3PM everyday, so that's why you're stuck hearing him.


I believe that this is the same for ESPN 980.  Whenever they have a Skins or Orioles game on, they air ESPN Radio national programming in its place on the radio streaming service.

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2 hours ago, samy316 said:


Because the Nats are playing right now.  Whenever the Nats are playing on 106.7, the stream will air nationally syndicated programming, since you can't stream MLB games live with local radio streams.


You can find some stations on tunein that for whatever reason will play the games. Sometimes takes a few minutes to find one though. 

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Interesting discussion that past few days. Total agree that the stations pretty much know which topics move the needle from a ratings perspective, and thus will concentrate on those topics. On the other hand, its tough to get too upset when someone like Wilbon criticizes DC as a "minor league sports town," when the Caps don't generate a strong enough buzz to be discussed on the airwaves for a large part of their season. I think people should talk about the Caps early in the 2018-19 season, coming off a Cup win.  But even in a sports-crazed town like Philly, in recent years I've heard people complain that the talk stations up there focus too much on the Eagles at the expense of the other sports.


There probably should be only one sports talk station in DC. At 980, I would be inclined to keep Sheehan in morning drive and Czaban in afternoon drive, with Galdi somewhere in the mid day. Or, if you combined the two stations, have the Junkies in the morning, maybe two separate shows featuring Galdi, from say, 10-1 and maybe Pollin/Loverro from 1-4, and then pair up Czaban and Sheehan from 4-7 pm. 

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1 hour ago, samy316 said:


106.7 The Fan is owned by CBS Sports Radio, so whenever there is a game like today, or you're driving late at night, or it's a weekend, they'll usually play CBS Sports Radio national programming.  It just so happens Jim Rome is on CBS Sports Radio from 12-3PM everyday, so that's why you're stuck hearing him.


I believe that this is the same for ESPN 980.  Whenever they have a Skins or Orioles game on, they air ESPN Radio national programming in its place on the radio streaming service.


WJFK is now owned by Entercom, they probably still have an agreement to carry CBS Radio programming for a certain period of time, hopefully they can float away from their garbage programs soon.



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1 minute ago, spjunkies said:


Why would 106.7 take their leftovers? They're doing just fine. 

Yeah I know. I really liked Sheehan though, but found myself mostly listening to the Junks in the morning on JFK because I personally wasn't a fan of Cooley as a radio host.  You are right that really doesn't seem to be a place right now for Kevin on JFK, save for perhaps a weekend show. I wouldn't mind Sheehan replacing Dukes in PM drive time, but I know that won't happen. 

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I liked Sheehan a lot.  That bums me out.


I've yet to meet anyone who likes Chad Dukes.  My old commute from work was 10 minutes so I'd listen a little bit and he was ok at best.  Now I work from home so I've successfully cut off all sports talk radio so I don't know what he's up to these days.   But I find it kinda baffling that a guy like Sheehan (different station, I know) is getting shown the door while Chad Dukes runs rampant.  

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I like Chad Dukes show quite a bit actually.  I hated him when he was with Lavar, but I also hated Lavar.  Those 2 guys were like listening to fingernails on the chalkboard.  He grew on me a bit with his solo show and is what I listen to when I leave work at 2pm.  He has much better guests than the 980 shows at that time.  Chad Dukes has some great guests on there too.

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Galdi has talent, but is too creative for his own good and jumps around too many topics for my liking. Can’t find a groove with his rhythm. Admittedly being a podcast listener and Skins fan only it’s annoying. Will Miss the days when I’d get 40 minutes plus of straight Skins talk from Cooley and Sheehan. Also liked they would extend segments when appearing to feel the audience was into it. 


Id imagine the Cooley breakdowns will find a landing spot somewhere. 

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2 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I never liked Sheehan. Man that dude was a pompous arrogant know-it-all that never passed on an opportunity to pat himself on the back 



I thought he was ok, until he got all hey hey I want your cray cray back in the RG  days. Seemed so out of character and so out of nowhere bat**** that I had to cut em loose. Was immediately disturbed by him and Loverro every day, figuratively putting up every Griffin tweet on a wall John Nash style, in a dingy basement, trying to connect the conspiratorial dots.



Just became yet another gump ass hack, resorting to braindead, lowest common denominator, retarded cheap thrills to get listeners.



Burn it all down.


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Kevin is an overall great radio host and talks Redskins football the way it should be talked, even with the teams top brass sitting a few doors down.  The Kevin and Cooley show is by far the best morning sports show during football season that this area has heard in I can't even remember.


I'll admit that they aren't as great when there is no football to talk about and really bad when Kevin gets going about tennis or softball, but that's an exception to the rule.


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I'm assuming that all of the talent that was off air for the past few weeks (Sheehan, Cooley, Bram, Scott Jackson, Doc) are all done.  Galdi is great, but he needs a cohost.  Chick Hernandez would be a good addition to the station.  Please God do not put Fred Smoot anywhere near anything other than random guest spots here and there.  He's bearable in small doses.  Czabe is good to listen to during football season, but other than that I don't want to hear about his golf lessons and lawn care.  

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8 hours ago, wit33 said:

 Id imagine the Cooley breakdowns will find a landing spot somewhere. 


I'm wondering, because if he's not doing them in support of his own show, they might not be worth doing to him. Cuz that's a lot of time he's having to put in to put together those breakdowns.

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I'm curious if all this is because sports talk really isn't Radio 1's forte, particularly in this market.  I mean, they're in the media/radio business, but I would imagine knowing the pulse of the sports radio audience might not be their area of expertise. As far as I can tell, their entire roster of stations they own are almost exclusively FM music.  The only other sports radio station they own is in Richmond.

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So I guess there's no chance they go through this evaluation process and decide that keeping some of these sidelined people, like Sheehan or Cooley, is what's best for the product and best for business?  


I guess we dont know what the ratings have been, so we?

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3 hours ago, Riggo#44 said:

You mean like Polin and Loverro?


They have Andy early in the morning on Saturday and Thom Saturday plus sometimes with Dukes, it's not like they are on any important times. Some of the WTEM castoffs might get some weekend/night duty, but that's about it. 

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