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Honestly, why are we still having the back and forth with the coaches vs. players? There is an equilibrium here. Coaches coach, players play. ;) 




I think the origin of this discussion is the concept that we are not screwed IF Barry is a bad coach because Scot is going to be getting us quality players.  Since we don't KNOW that Barry will be bad, many are willing to give the team the benefit of the doubt that he will be good.  Others are not, so we tug the rope in each direction on the importance of the coach.


Why?  Because no one can really defend the actual hire, so the next way to defend the organization is to remove the importance from the situation.


That's all anyone cared about was getting Haslett out of here, like it was the most important thing.  Now that he's gone, the good folks wearing B&G glasses are not even saying Barry will be good, they seem to be saying it won't matter either way.


Talent is king, now that we have someone to evaluate talent we believe in.  It's kind of like how everyone figured DT was the most important player on the field when we wanted/signed Haynesworth.


Everything is important.  

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I think the origin of this discussion is the concept that we are not screwed IF Barry is a bad coach because Scot is going to be getting us quality players.  Since we don't KNOW that Barry will be bad, many are willing to give the team the benefit of the doubt that he will be good.  Others are not, so we tug the rope in each direction on the importance of the coach.


Why?  Because no one can really defend the actual hire, so the next way to defend the organization is to remove the importance from the situation.


That's all anyone cared about was getting Haslett out of here, like it was the most important thing.  Now that he's gone, the good folks wearing B&G glasses are not even saying Barry will be good, they seem to be saying it won't matter either way.


Talent is king, now that we have someone to evaluate talent we believe in.  It's kind of like how everyone figured DT was the most important player on the field when we wanted/signed Haynesworth.


Everything is important.  



Aireskoi, per the highlighted above (I could have "redded" a little more), quit trying to suggest what other people are thinking and posting your mind-reading talents. You're sucking at it here (meant in good nature) and even being a bit insulting.


Either go by their own posted words (and quote them) or stop putting your interpretations and projections in other people's mouths, because i can guarantee you I do read and comprehend what most of the guys leaning towards a "talent emphasis" have said, including me, and your claims are simply off the mark. There is no invitation for you to "debate" me on this--It's a simple and standard instruction for such a situation, with no animosity attached.


Make sure you read carefully, if you choose to respond in the thread.  :)

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Now that Burney and Baker have been shown the door, I'm curious to see who Barry brings in to replace them. I'm also particularly interested in whether Barry retains Morris. I, like a lot of others here, believe Morris's coaching was as bad as Haslett's (even though I do stand by the fact that he did not have a lot to work with :P).


Also, I had hoped to hear something about a QBs coach, and yet "crickets". I had hoped Gruden would understand that he had to make this move. I reckon we will see. ;)

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John Keim @john_keim 11m11 minutes ago

Continue to hear that kirk Olivadotti is safe; continue to hear that still uncertain on Raheem Morris. Could b about if RM wants 2 return


John Keim @john_keim 9m9 minutes ago

my 2 cents: regardless of what u think of Morris, if I'm him, I'd be disappointed not to get DC job. could it impact decision? perhaps

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Just realize that it's your (and others') views.  They're not established facts.


Plenty of smart people find a lot to disagree with in your take, but that doesn't mean they don't see a lot of serious issues with the team (or Gruden etc).  :)



No. I absolutely know that this is my -- right or wrong -- views and should not be taken as facts.

While his comments about RG3 were probably not wise to say publicly, he didn't say anything we couldn't have seen on the field.  Fact is, none of the QBs on the team performed very well and it is something Gruden needs to figure out next season.



When ALL 3 of your quarterbacks are struggling in YOUR system (i.e. "Gruden's"), you don't pour gas on them and set them afire in the public square! Perhaps the problem is YOU (Gruden's system).

Forgot this part---so I assume you expected those 5-6 wins with a hopefully healthy returning RG3. The guy gets injured again, and then one of our back-ups seems to collapse. Even forgetting that "collapse" angle, and just sticking with the starting QB re-injury, the guy misses your 5-win-limit by one game. I'm not defending Jay's year <cough>, just pointing out matters of fact that should be related to developing the views. Back to speculation/interpretation/spin, maybe if the starting QB went uninjured, he'd have another win or two. maybe not. Again, not a defense, just shining some light on different lines of thoughts and the hows and whys  we choose (for whatever reasons) which ones we follow at times.


That's why the actual numbers of wins we got wasn't the be-all for this year. The fact that we looked better in almost NO area was the kicker for me! I expected better than the FAIL we saw and experienced in 2013. We didn't get better. Except for one more measly win which is really just a statistical tie IMO.

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John Keim @john_keim 11m11 minutes ago

Continue to hear that kirk Olivadotti is safe; continue to hear that still uncertain on Raheem Morris. Could b about if RM wants 2 return


John Keim @john_keim 9m9 minutes ago

my 2 cents: regardless of what u think of Morris, if I'm him, I'd be disappointed not to get DC job. could it impact decision? perhaps

Best thing for Morris to do is the leave the Redskin's organization.  His name is mud as far as many fans are concerned, including mine.  Let's get another DB coach in here in DC.  He can't do any worse than Morris did while he has been here, IMO.

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Right now our team needs the following:

Coaches: 100%

Players: 100%

Front Office: 100%

Fans: 100%

Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

EDIT: duck fallass!!!!! :)

Okay, this is getting absurd! First we added to 157%... Now 400%!?!?!?

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Right now our team needs the following:

Coaches: 100%

Players: 100%

Front Office: 100%

Fans: 100%

Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

EDIT: duck fallass!!!!! :)

I would settle for a measly QB coach and an offensive coordinator.  Sadly, none of these seem to be forthcoming, as I expected. Oh well, what the hell....httr 

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Because this is kinda becoming a random thoughts thread.

I can't give out likes on my phone. Is that just me or is the technology behind the like button to extreem for my Phone?

Like you I think I need to upgrade my phone, the rotary dial has been sticking a lot lately and I have to use a pencil since my fat fingers won't fit in the holes.   ;)

Adam Carriker @AdamCarriker94 46m46 minutes ago

Hunting is easier for vegans because it’s easier to sneak up on plants. #SaturdayKitchen

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"What’s odd is there is no continuity between the GM, coach and quarterback. Most organizations, the GM hired the coach and they draft a quarterback together. None of these guys are each other’s guys. [Owner] Dan Snyder just said I’ll take this one and I’ll take this one. Griffin was drafted by the old group. None of the philosophies mesh or have any roots." 




Nothing particularly world shaking, but I thought this was well stated and I wonder how much impact it truly has.

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