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Michigan Woman Finds Black Widow Spider Inside Package of Grapes


A woman says she made a potentially deadly discovery inside a package of grapes she bought from a Walmart Supercenter in Troy, Michigan: a black widow spider.


Ariel Jackson, 25, bought the grapes for a barbecue party at her sister's house this past Sunday, her boyfriend, Michael Frank, told ABC News. When Jackson started washing the grapes in the perforated container, she noticed a black widow spider crawling inside the package and "freaked out," he said.


"She was screaming about a huge spider, and everyone was like, 'Calm down, it's probably nothing,'" Frank, 26, said. "But we took a closer look and lo-and-behold, it's a black widow. It had the red hourglass-shaped spot on its belly."


Frank said Jackson tried to call the local fire department and animal shelter to get advice on "how to dispose of it," but since both departments were closed, she resorted to 911.


"When I called them, I said, 'This isn’t really an emergency, but I have a black widow spider,'" Jackson told ABC affiliate WXYZ-TV in Detroit. "And he’s like, 'Just kill it,’ and I’m like, 'Me? You want me to kill it?’"


Click on the link for the full article and video

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My dad doesn't like spiders and fears them. But he really has no qualms over snakes. He can pick one up in a heartbeat! Go figure!



That's me too.   I have caught multiple snakes, including several live rattlesnakes (to get them away from our camping sites).  Snakes don't bother me a bit.  They're just animals.


Spiders on the other hand, are the essence of bloated, calculating evil.

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Actually tarantulas aren't often the kinds of spiders that wander into houses. They're ambush predators and tend to find a hide/burrow/tree (depending on the nature of the tarantula type in question) and just stay there. They're big but they're also very fragile and most tend to be rather timid and non-aggressive.


Sounds awesome.  Good luck with that pile of dirty clothes if that ****er gets out.  

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I always liked this quote form Mark Lawrence on spiders.  "Its the way that they move. And the way that they're still. Its that scurry."  Like little clock work demons that go from absolute stillness to rapid motion and then back again in a way that's alarms some old instincts locked inside the primitive areas of the brain. 


Snakes don't put off that same sense of wrongness. 

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I was cleaning out my boat in the spring.  I reached into a compartment and pulled out my spot light.  For some reason I grabbed the light head and not the handle.  I sit it on the floor, look down and there's a freaking black widow on the handle. It would have nailed me if I'd have grabbed the handle.  Spiders never really freaked my out, but that gave me the heebie jeebies for sure.  




Edited by stevenaa
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I was cleaning out my boat in the spring.  I reached into a compartment and pulled out my spot light.  For some reason I grabbed the light head and not the handle.  I sit it on the floor, look down and there's a freaking black widow on the handle. It would have nailed me if I'd have grabbed the handle.  Spiders never really freaked my out, but that gave me the heebie jeebies for sure.  





**** that ****.  I live in an apartment building, 2nd floor way up off the ground which is awesome cause there are no bugs or spiders to be found...but even I have my feet up off the ground after seeing that.  

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I hate spiders. Always have. But I'm trying to keep my daughter from freaking out when she sees them. So when I see tiny ones outside I let them crawl on my hand and show her. She is less fearful now, but I get the creepy crawlies for hours afterward.

I'm doing the opposite, I'm cultivating a appropriate aggressive response in my daughter. I've told her that if she fails to kill a spider that it will hurt mommy and that it will be all her fault. Haven't seen a living spider in weeks.

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I've been fine having the little beasts taking up residence in the gardens,(they do a good job of keeping down some of the other pests),and the little ground ones that live in the backyard,(grass nearly crawls with them), since they help protect the back parameter. However,I found several crawling around in my garage shop/gym. Can't have it. Distracting to have one of them crawl on my arm or leg while working out or building something. Time for the spray. 

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Watch: A new red-fanged funnel-web spider has been discovered in Australia


Fresh nightmare fuel.

Researchers in Australia have discovered a never-before-seen type of funnel web spider with a bright red fang in the Tallaganda State Forest in New South Wales, southeast of Canberra. And as you can see in the only known footage of the individual above, it's pretty feisty. 

The beautifully coloured specimen, which is around 5cm long, belongs to the elusiveAtrax sutherlandi species, which is closely related to the infamous Sydney funnel-web spider (Atrax robustus).

But what makes this individual so unusual is that A. sutherlandi generally don't look like this - they're normally a glossy black all over without a hint of red, as our editor Bec Crew reports for Australian Geographic.

"Instantly taken aback by her colours, I knew there and then, this was something special," Mark Wong, a zoologist from the Australian National University who discovered the specimen, told Bec. He discovered the spider in an extensive web network on the forest floor during a routine collecting trip.



*Click Link For More*  

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No kidding. I've watched video of this find a few times. Little ****er doesn't take any ****. It's all up on its back legs and its fangs all kinds of ready to bite something. All pissed off. "Oh no you didn't just poke me with that stick." 



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That's me too.   I have caught multiple snakes, including several live rattlesnakes (to get them away from our camping sites).  Snakes don't bother me a bit.  They're just animals.


Spiders on the other hand, are the essence of bloated, calculating evil.


ah yes... camping... 



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**** that ****.  I live in an apartment building, 2nd floor way up off the ground which is awesome cause there are no bugs or spiders to be found...but even I have my feet up off the ground after seeing that.  


Second floor makes you safe Spiff?  Oh har de har har


Here's my other absolutely true spider story:


When I was a freshman in college, I lived on the 6th floor of the dorm.   The side of my bed was up against a window.  A little spider built a web on the outside of the window.   Over time, she became a big spider, then a huge fat bloated sack of evil pus spider queen.  Eventually her web covered the entire window.  


Every day I would wake up and she would be there, staring at me with her 67 beady little eyes.  Every night as I tried to go to sleep, she would start moving around in her giant web just so I would have to watch her.   Or she would disappear for hours, and I would be sure that she had gotten into the room.   I couldn't sleep, I was on my way to flunking out in my first quarter of college.


Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.   I bought a can of Raid.   I climbed up on the windowsill, opened the window from the top, slowly, so slowly, so as not to spook her.   And I stuck the can out the crack in the window and sprayed her.


Did she have the good grace to die and fall off the web?   Hell no.  She charged like lightning UP THE WEB INTO THE STREAM OF POISON TOWARD ME.   


So I did what any good, seasoned arachniwarrior would do.   I screamed like a little girl, lost my footing and fell off the windowsill flipped backwards over the side of the bed and hit my head on the floor.  When I came out of my daze, the terror intensified.   She was no longer on the web.   I couldn't find the evil ****.  Oh god, where was she?


On my goddamn pillow, that was where.  With her last venomous gasp, she flew in and defiled my pillow.


I've never been the same. 

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