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Spider Nightmare


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And so it begins...


Spiders the size of rats are breeding and colonising the UK


The fen raft spider is as large as an adult’s palm – or a rat, if you prefer – and is the closest thing the UK has to a tarantula. Its hairless body has long legs, a dark body and cream stripes down the side and it prefers to live in dark boggy places.

More than 1,000 nursery webs have been counted in Suffolk, and each one can give birth to thousands of babies.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Man's screams over spider prompt neighbours to report 'domestic' incident to Sydney police


Sydney police responded to what they thought was a domestic violence issue — only to find a flustered man trying to chase a "rather large" spider.

Numerous calls were placed to Harbourside Local Area Command on Saturday from neighbours who reported hearing a woman screaming hysterically and a man yelling "I'm going to kill you, you're dead".

The sounds of furniture being thrown about the unit was also reported.

Officers attended the reported address about 2:00am and were greeted by a man "out of breath and rather flushed".

Police asked the man where his wife or girlfriend was, with the man saying he did not have either and that he lived alone.

The Harbourside LAC posted a rough transcript of the conversation to their Facebook page.

"Come on mate, people clearly heard you yelling you were going to kill her and furniture getting thrown around the unit. Come on mate, what have you done to her," police said.

According to the post, the man became "very sheepish" and replied: "It was a spider."

Police: "Sorry?"

Male: "It was a spider, a really big one!"

Police: "What about the woman screaming?"

Male: "Yeah sorry, that was me. I really, really hate spiders."

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And so it begins...



Indeed. And continues in Tennessee. 






'Like a horror movie': Millions of spiders swarm Tenn. neighborhood


If you are scared of spiders, this might sound like a nightmare.

Millions of spiders have taken over a Tennessee neighborhood in what looks like a scene from a “horror movie,” according to residents, WMC-TV reported.

A nearly half-mile-long spider web covered lawns in a north Memphis neighborhood earlier this week. Residents told WMC-TV that the spiders are hard to get rid of, and many are showing up in people's homes.



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My father is scared of spiders but not of snakes. Weird isn't it?!

Spiders don't bother me at all. I've held a snake and I'm ok with it if it's a pet or in a zoo. I've found snakes in my garage and it took all I could to get them out. I'm not deathly afraid of snakes, but I'd rather not tangle with a wild one, even if I know it's not poisonous.

Had a damn mouse in my house. Ran right past me yesterday morning and of course I jumped because I had no idea what it was (6 am- I was still trying to wake up). I corralled him out the front door. Lucky he didn't run very far and I could get the door open. I think he was panicking, because he kind of froze, until I could shoo him out.

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Wtf, PJ? That's not cool lol

No lye barrier around the house??

The old house that my ex lives in. There was woods in the back with a drainage ditch and then a dairy farm on the other side. We were the first house and there was s big field in the one side of our house. I made the HOA cut the field down to cut back on snakes and mice.

I imagine they came in the garage looking for mice. Found a couple of black non-poisonous snakes. Largest was about 18 inches long. Broom and shovel worked well. Found one on the sticky mouse strip. Put on gloves and held him by the tail. Put him out of his misery because he wasn't coming off that glue strip.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tim, how are you not dead already?

How do you know this isn't actually Harley typing? Maybe I took over Tim's body.





Actually, there are no tarantulas with a deadly bite. Some, like Poecilotheria genus, you really wouldn't want to get a bite from because its potent and you'd probably need a hospital visit and be in considerable pain along with other nasty symptoms. But none are deadly. Harley, there, has pretty weak venom. It would actually be pretty hard to get her to bite you...she'd run away first, then do a threat pose if you corned her, then bite as a last resort. But if she did, the effects would be pretty much like a bee or wasp sting.

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I don't react all that strongly to anything that isn't touching me or attempting to.  I hate spiders but I can calmly dispatch them.  I won't handle snakes, because they are creepy as hell, but I've seen a lot of them while fishing and other than the one that latched onto my boot (and had to die) I'm happy to watch them slither around for a while.  Mice don't freak me out at all, neither do rats.  I don't like the diseases the might carry but they are still just furry little animals to me. 


The natural monstrosity responsible for most of my less than proud moments is this ****:



I've had so many camel crickets jump on me, or try to, that I've lost count.  It's always when I'm up late at night when I'm distracted by work or just plain exhausted.  I hate those little monsters.   

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