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Spider Nightmare


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I was leaving a friends house last Sunday, in the general area of Fairfax hospital.  Myself and a few other friends nearly walked into a giant web that was spanning part of the sidewalk.  The ****er sitting in the middle of that web was the size of an unshelled peanut.  We almost became his dinner.  I backed away slowly, and continued to my car, keeping my face towards it at all times in case he decided to pounce.


**** probably would've swallowed you whole.  ugh.  


you have the best sig on ES, by the way.

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Funny. Was at my dads house in Bethesda last weekend and ran into the biggest daddy long leg id ever seen on the wall near his steps. Head was damn near the size of an m&m. Humongous legs.

So I sprayed his ass. Because **** like that does not get to invade my personal space. Dude was so big he couldnt even twitch quickly. Then he fell. I sprayed him again.

Then he got upright again and started rocking back and forth like some Arabian dance routine. Then it crumpled and died. Weirdest **** I've ever seen. I've been through the woods and never seen daddy's that big.

Then again, Bethesda had a **** ton of trees.

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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Funny. Was at my dads house in Bethesda last weekend and ran into the biggest daddy long leg id ever seen on the wall near his steps. Head was damn near the size of an m&m. Humongous legs.

So I sprayed his ass. Because ****

You know they eat recluse right? Now your dad will be murdered in his sleep :( What a great son you are.

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You know they eat recluse right? Now your dad will be murdered in his sleep :( What a great son you are.

Well seeing as how I took out its arch rival, hopefully the Recluse will see it as a show of solidarity and not melt him into a mound of flesh Edited by Mr. Sinister
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All deadly and terrifying spiders are capable of highly evolved thought patterns...

Probably should've found one and made a peace offering, but that will do

Pfft they may be capable of thought patterns but they are still evil ****ers who only view you as food

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Famous last words



Nah...B. smithi are very docile. Its my first tarantula so I didn't want a really defensive one. You can hold them (correctly) all day long and they won't bite.


Now...OBTs (Orange Baboon Tarantulas, also colloquially known as "Orange Bitey Things") are a rather different story. They do not roll that way:



Edited by mistertim
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Just got my Tarantula on Wed! As promised here she is. I'm not handling her right now because its too stressful for her while she's getting acclimated to her new enclosure. She's still quite small...about 1.5 - 1.75 inches leg span. But she'll end up close to 6 inches eventually. Her color is pretty dark right now so she might be getting ready to molt soon.




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Youd think that was the only way some of those big ****ers find their way into peoples houses. Its like they just materialize

Actually tarantulas aren't often the kinds of spiders that wander into houses. They're ambush predators and tend to find a hide/burrow/tree (depending on the nature of the tarantula type in question) and just stay there. They're big but they're also very fragile and most tend to be rather timid and non-aggressive.

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