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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


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seriously- i hear people say this all the time now when they are simply emphasizing a point. people on the tv, radio, people who are basically paid to talk and communicate a point.

"the redskins LITERALLY threw the game away!"

did they? they picked it up and threw it in the trash? ok.

drives me nuts.

There's a scene in Frasier. A caller is explaining that his wife is depressed, and announces that she literally hangs around the house all day.

Frasier asks permission to interrupt, and then explains that, for her to literally hang around the house all day, she would have to be a bat or a spider monkey.

Caller then explains that one of his pet peeves "is intellectual pinheads who nitpick your grammar, when you come to them with a problem. That's what I got a problem with!" And hangs up the phone.

Frasier: "I believe, what he meant to say was, that is a thing, with which he has a problem".

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The word anxious. To say you are anxious to do something implies anxiety about something but everyone uses it as a replacement for the word eager. Common use Example:

"I'm anxious to see my grandparents tonight."

Are you afraid of them? Did they beat you as a child or something? Use eager instead. The word anxious drives me insane.

Correct usage btw:

"I'm anxious about the test tomorrow."

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Unchartered territory. 


You hear it all the time. "We're headed into unchartered territory!" It's become a sports cliche. I've heard politicians, news reporters, and every other form of television talking head use it. One problem. It's gibberish. They are basically telling you that it the territory hasn't been rented yet. Or maybe they haven't been granted some power or authority by a sovereign nation?


charter - definition of charter by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


The word you are looking for people... is CHARTED. "We're headed into unCHARTED territory". As in navigational chart. 


charted - definition of charted by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


Makes a lot more sense now doesn't it?


It's bad enough when the average joe says it. But what really bothers me is the number of people who's job it is to convey thoughts and ideas by way of the spoken word, who not only butcher the english language, but destroy intelligent thought in the minds of their listeners with it's use.


Here's the kicker. A couple of weeks ago I met Edward James Olmos (Commander Adama... there's a thread with the story and pics but i'm too lazy to find it. ) Anyway... last weekend by coincidence they were airing the original episode of Battlestar Galactica. I hadn't seen it in some time so I had to watch. And what does Adama say?... "We're headed into unchartered territory."  I wanted to head butt a wall.  Adama... EJO... One of my sci-fi and personal heroes. The commander of a ship. SOMEONE WHO USES CHARTS misusing the term was almost more than my poor mind could bear. If I had known that two weeks ago I would have *had* to say something. Maybe it's best I didn't know.

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So, you think irregardless is not a word, huh?




This I realize.





Can you tell me another word that is used as a contraction that has 3 different words as the first word ?


I trust the dictionary as much as I trust Vinny Cerato to build a team.

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Qualifying a statement with "honestly".

"I'd love to go to dinner with you but honestly, I'm not feeling well tonight and should stay home."

It indicates that anything else in the statement may have been a lie and also draws into question the general truthfulness of the entire line of dialogue.

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Dumbass white kids using the N word.  Come on.

Especially when their parents haven't noticed, don't care, or just think it's "something those kids say".

Bubble people.

When a gun gets put in their faces over it, they're all "wtf?"

Pay attention to your kids. I can't stress this enough...I haven't had any, but the stepdaughter was a constant challenge. "Bootylicious" should not be known to a 15-year-old. Just sayin'.

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My NCOs in the army said this all the time.  Irritated the hell out of me.


"Now that you have been properly orientated on range safety, proceed to your firing positions."


Say that out loud.  No, do it.  It sounds ridiculous regardless (no ir-) of correctness.


"Now that you have been properly ORIENTED on range safety, proceed to your firing positions."


Say that out loud.  Sounds better, no?

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My NCOs in the army said this all the time. Irritated the hell out of me.

"Now that you have been properly orientated on range safety, proceed to your firing positions."

Say that out loud. No, do it. It sounds ridiculous regardless (no ir-) of correctness.

"Now that you have been properly ORIENTED on range safety, proceed to your firing positions."

Say that out loud. Sounds better, no?

I miss Army lingo. I still find a way to work orientate into conversation with guys that get it. Had an 1SG that would always say orientate...and he would also say "pacific" instead of specific

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