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You Know You Grew Up In the 80's If....


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and ... were on constant watch for "the anarchist cookbook" ... eventually on watch for a mimeographed version of the TRUE version of the cookbook, because the fake version you DID eventually track down didn't include the all the vital information that you KNEW was in there,,,

(and besides, if nothing else, you could just sniff the blue mimeo....)

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if you did things that still make you wonder how your alive, like climbing to the top of the tallest tree you can find with a friend and seeing how far you can make the top rock back and forth.

not really exclusive to the 80's but i dont think kids do as crazy things as they used to.

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if you did things that still make you wonder how your alive, like climbing to the top of the tallest tree you can find with a friend and seeing how far you can make the top rock back and forth.

not really exclusive to the 80's but i dont think kids do as crazy things as they used to.

Kids are just as crazy now...it's just that now you are old and out of touch with what they do :)

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You watched a fuzzy VHS tape called "faces of death parts 1,2,3,4" (that you finally got to borrow, it was finally your turn in the rotation) and you vaguely remember a monkey getting his skull caved in and a parachute jumper bouncing off the ground
and ... were on constant watch for "the anarchist cookbook" ... eventually on watch for a mimeographed version of the TRUE version of the cookbook, because the fake version you DID eventually track down didn't include the all the vital information that you KNEW was in there,,,

(and besides, if nothing else, you could just sniff the blue mimeo....)

HAHA I remember both of those. I still can see the parachute jumper bouncing and the guy getting swatted and then chomped on by the bear. Good times. :)

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You Know You Grew Up In the 80's If....

- You had a Boombox that you carried on your shoulder blasting music loudly on the boardwalk.

- You spent your friday nights at the mall Arcade

- You know what backwards all skate means

- You had Fat Laces in your Suede Pumas

- You tried to Break Dance (Don't lie we all tried one time or another)

- You covered your School Text books with Brown Paper Bags so you could draw on them in class.

- You owned a Jeans Jacket!!

Oh and one last thing.. You now respect your father for watching Hee-Haw because as a kid you thought it was dumb and boy were you ever so wrong!!

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You played video games you could not beat. The levels just kept getting harder & faster.

$2.50 in quarters felt like an immense treasure, something you might be able to live off if you hadn't already thrown 2 quarters into Spyhunter, Gauntlet, or Double Dragon-(ok those games you could beat).

You knew that Bo Knows everything (except hockey)

Posters. Just saying that makes the memories come back. There where the ones with thick color boarders & block lettering in team colors, I think Starline? Prostars? That company that couldn't get official licences, so no player was in their jersey, but they always had some wired theme - I think Ronnie Lott was the Terminator; the Nike Jordan posters & pretty much every young boy had a Lamborghini Countach poster.

You had to wait a year or so between when a film stopped playing in theaters and it was availble on VHS ( or Beta), and another year before it would be shown on TV, even after your dad upgraded to 36 channels.


You thought you'd be a millionaire with your Jose Canseco, Frank Thomas, Albert Belle, Ken Griffey Jr & Brien Taylor/Todd Van Poppel rookie cards. Wade Boggs, Tony Gwynn, Cal Ripken Jr, Ryne Sandberg & Darryl Strawberry's rookie cards kept going up in price, which made you feel like you where getting in on the ground floor, even if you where paying -OMG- more than $1 a pack!

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Here it goes:

- When collecting Baseball and Football cards was about collecting the whole set, not the inserts and they came in "wax packs" with bubble gum.

- When WWF Superstars came on AFTER Saturday morning cartoons and the Star (Hulk, Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior) always fought a jobber (Brooklyn Brawler, Barry Horowitz, etc) and tage teams had gimmicks (Road Warriors, Hart Foundation, Demolition, The Rockers, The Bushwhackers, etc)

- You played games like dodgeball, foursquare, and elimination in elementary school.

- You actually celebrated holidays in school and had school sponsored, scary as hell haunted houses.

- You had an NES with either R.O.B., the power pad, and/or the grey blaster, not that orange thing.

- You know what movie, "I love the Power Glove. It's so Bad!" and "CALIFOOOORNIA!" come from.

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