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Raw Story: GOP Senate nominee: Women don’t get pregnant from ‘legitimate’ rapes


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Publishing Juda's story or anyone's who chose to give birth instead of abortion does NOT mean that we condemn or hate those who chose abortion. We do not.

I am pained that publishing stories like this might seem to judge or condemn you. Please know that is not the case, and never will be.

We publish these stories, as told to us in emails, comboxes or personally, so that others who come after you and me may see that there REALLY IS ANOTHER CHOICE besides abortion, and that there are folks, many folks, willing and able to help and actually already helping women not only avoid the choice of abortion, but financially and physically survive without abortion.

No one was around then, perhaps, to tell you you had a viable, different choice. I wish I or one of my friends could have been there to at least offer that help.

I can't change the fact that none of us were there, then.

I can't change the fact that the pain and horror from your rape will never be erased, not even by an abortion.

I can only try to inform women (and men) that abortion isn't the only choice after rape, and many times, it isn't the best choice after rape.

I can only try to inform folks that the media, some medical establishment types, and the abortion industry and lobbyists have convinced far too many of us that abortion is the only compassionate case for women who were raped.

And that they are wrong to have done so, as the research about rape victims and the testimony of some rape victims shows.

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The big word in your post is "CHOICE" twa. Women must have the choice to do what is right for them whether that choice is take birth control or not, to have an abortion or not, to choose adoption or not. It's all about choice, and we must have that choice. It is our reproductive freedom at stake. Forced pregnancy is not good policy, for the woman or the child or the father.

Without birth control or abortion, there will be more babies born to poor people who cannot afford to fly to enlightened countries who see women as actual human beings rather than living incubators. Rich and upper middle class women will always have access to abortion and birth control. Lower class and poor women will not.

If more poor people are procreating, there will be a resultant increase in the need for assistance for all these new people and at a time when Republicans are eschewing services for the poor. How does that square with a policy that impacts women's reproductive choices? More men will be forced to support children they don't want. How is that good for men, women or children? Sometimes I don't think these policies are well thought out.

---------- Post added August-30th-2012 at 11:55 AM ----------

Ah, the Renegade Raging Grannies! It's all over FB that vid.

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It is our reproductive freedom at stake. Forced pregnancy is not good policy, for the woman or the child or the father.


I certainly agree forced pregnancy is not good for the mother or father,but it is the life of the child (already in existence imo) at stake.

should individual freedom or the value of a life prevail?...I ask no more than the life at least be considered and fully support birth control.

to do otherwise is to assert many alive today should not be.

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I certainly agree forced pregnancy is not good for the mother or father,but it is the life of the child (already in existence imo) at stake.

should individual freedom or the value of a life prevail?...I ask no more than the life at least be considered and fully support birth control.

to do otherwise is to assert many alive today should not be.

And the larger question is: what about the value of a woman's life? These policies render a woman's life invalid over the value of a clump of cells.

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Maybe if the Right weren't so scared of Science, they could develop a way for all these fetus' they want to protect so badly to live outside the womb nearly as soon as conception occurs....but then that would cost money....which they value more than life it seems.


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And the larger question is: what about the value of a woman's life? These policies render a woman's life invalid over the value of a clump of cells.

I certainly expect no one to be forced to give up their life...which is my point (along with there is more to abortion than a clump of cells

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  • 1 month later...

Didn't want to start a new thread about this cause for me it falls under the same category of Todd Akin.

Pregnancy from rape God's will

Richard Mourdock, running for U.S. Senate in Indiana, said at a debate Tuesday that pregnancies resulting from rape are intended by God.

The Republican candidate was explaining his opposition to abortion in cases of rape or incest when he made the remark.

"I struggled with it myself for a long time, and I realized that life is a gift from God, and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something God intended to happen," Mourdock said, explaining that he would allow for exceptions to an abortion ban when a mother's life is in danger.

I don't even know what to say other than how are these people possible Senators.

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And people wonder why religion is mocked. If pregnancy is gods will then why not everything you nutjob? If someone is murdered, it must be gods will so why punish the murderer? He or she is just carrying out what god wants.

I can not express enough how much I hate these kind of people. They are an embarrassment. How they exist in the 21st century is such a disappointment.

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I don't even know what to say other than how are these people possible Senators.

It seems like these guys are always republicans. Logically, there have to be dems that are like this--maybe the lamestream media protects them.

---------- Post added October-23rd-2012 at 11:21 PM ----------

And people wonder why religion is mocked.

Amigo, I submit that some religious people are certainly worth castigating for various matters, with their religion and aspects of its nature (as well as their own nature) being a pertinent player in certain cases. But widely indicting something as vast, varied, and complex as "religion"as a whole isn't fair nor serves any useful purpose. Obviously there is much more to "religion" and much of what a reasonable person would deem "good" and useful by any responsible standard.

If pregnancy is gods will then why not everything you nutjob? If someone is murdered, it must be gods will so why punish the murderer? He or she is just carrying out what god wants.

A fair question. The seemingly arbitrary or contradictory or illogical (other than consistent in self-serving nature) drawing of such lines in many matters of religion is often curious to many.

I can not express enough how much I hate these kind of people. They are an embarrassment. How they exist in the 21st century is such a disappointment.

I think you might do well to consider some less extreme and more open-minded, even "fair" I'd say, positions (or framings of them) on this matter then as you state them in this post. As to the exact and specific position taken by this guy, yes, I think it's sadly wrong and I too lose my temper with this kind of crap at times.

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This one is obvious.

God is life. Unborn children are, in the mind of most who oppose abortion, life. I don't see that being even comparable to the initial statement that sparked this thread. I'd say it is an expected stance on the issue to anyone that ever bothered to listen to that side of abortion debate.

I find it unconvincing personally however. Everything can be argued to be Gods will. The pregnancy and the abortion that ends it. Once you remove free will and independent action, we're all puppets caught in a cruel theater.

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many consider anything that occurs to be in in God's plan or will since nothing can happen unless he allows it.

I agree with Des,in that in allowing free will it becomes our will and results.....of course that is part of God's plan sooooo .....:(

a child conceived of rape is innocent,as is the victim,regardless of any externals...do as you will and live with the results

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I think what we're seeing is the result of the "I will alter reality as much as I have to, so I can ban abortion" road.

Can't ban abortion unless the fetus becomes a person? Well, then. Obviously it's a person. Clearly.

But this means that a fertilized egg is a person? Well, if that's what I have to believe, so I can ban abortion. I believe.

But that means I have to ban birth control? OK. I'm willing to do that.

That means that when a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman, it's two murders? Well, change the law. Cause it's always been that way, don't you know.

Stem cells are people? Well, it's not much more of a stretch that what I'm already doing.

In vitro fertilization is mass murder? Obviously. Can we ban abortion, yet?


I keep remembering an answer I got to a question in science class, in school. I had asked about the concept of the Earth being the center of the solar system.

Teacher explained that, if the Earth is the center of the solar system, then the planets all follow these incredibly complicated paths. That the paths resemble something you'd get from a spirograph. (Do only us dinosaurs remember those?)


And he explained that the folks pushing this idea actually spent their lives, coming up with all these complicated rules of physics, to try to explain why the planets followed these complicated paths.


Once you make the decision that you would rather alter reality than admit that your artificial position is incorrect, it's amazing how far you can run with it.

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many consider anything that occurs to be in in God's plan or will since nothing can happen unless he allows it.

I agree with Des,in that in allowing free will it becomes our will and results.....of course that is part of God's plan sooooo .....:(

a child conceived of rape is innocent,as is the victim,regardless of any externals...do as you will and live with the results

Yep, it is an odd blending of Arminianism (Free Will) and Calvinism (Predestined will of God), it is strange to be sure.

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Didn't want to start a new thread about this cause for me it falls under the same category of Todd Akin.

Pregnancy from rape God's will

I don't even know what to say other than how are these people possible Senators.

It's a bull**** copout justification for advocating something that is on its face morally reprehensible (acknowledging that, to some, it is the lesser of two evils, but still unarguably pretty damn evil). Why should we force victims who don't want this baby to go through an extra year of additional traumatization and risk causing further serious and long-lasting psychological issues for which they may require years of therapy? God's will, obviously.

Of course, God also gave us free will, medical technology, and the knowledge and ability to terminate pregnancies in a safe and controlled environment...but he never intended for us to USE those things!

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Once again, I'm begging the GOP to purge these idiots from their ranks before its too late.

It really is too late. Look at their concerted behavior over the last 8 years. This is a unity which should be frightening. Remember, John McCain was considered a Republican in Name Only and an out of control maverick for only voting with his party 92% of the time. The GOP has become a cult. With love, look at twa's defend everything at all costs behavior. It's not the fringe. It's not the outliers. It's the party. There is more diseased tissue than healthy at this point.

Want proof? Mitt Romney is the GOP candidate because he championed everything as a governor that Obama is reviled for.

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Want proof? Mitt Romney is the GOP candidate because he championed everything as a governor that Obama is reviled for.

Strongly disagree.

Romney is the GOP candidate, and may win, because he isn't Straw Obama. (We just aren't sure how he's different.)

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