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Raw Story: GOP Senate nominee: Women don’t get pregnant from ‘legitimate’ rapes


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To add insult to grievous injury, a rapist may assert his "parental rights" in 31 of these United States. Per CNN article: http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/22/opinion/prewitt-rapist-visitation-rights/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

"It would not be long before I would learn firsthand that in the vast majority of states -- 31 -- men who father through rape are able to assert the same custody and visitation rights to their children that other fathers enjoy. When no law prohibits a rapist from exercising these rights, a woman may feel forced to bargain away her legal rights to a criminal trial in exchange for the rapist dropping the bid to have access to her child.

When faced with the choice between a lifetime tethered to her rapist or meaningful legal redress, the answer may be easy, but it is not painless. For the sake of her child, the woman will sacrifice her need to see her once immensely powerful perpetrator humbled by the court."

Please read the article at the link above for the full story. It's an eye opener.

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I know an increasing number of intelligent reasonable non-partisan people (including non-democrats) who find it harder and harder not to speak of the GOP as a whole in a manner that sounds really bad, reflecting the kinds of very negative group-castigation verbiage such folks normally abhor...

BTW, is there a new candidate for the meme generator now? :D

Endless variations of "It's Akin to sheer idiocy"? :pfft:

Even Sarah Palin has advised him to "fold'em."

Of course, she tosses her hand in rather quickly. :ols:

---------- Post added August-23rd-2012 at 09:19 AM ----------

LSF....such laws are some disgustingly moronic **** and I have run into it before.

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GOP is on fire.

Sen. hopeful to reporter: 'Go ---- yourself'[/url]

More at link above

OK, not at all surprised by such crudeness and vulgarity coming from the party whose base more and more applauds such behavior. But I am thoroughly disgusted by this jackass wrapping himself in the shrouds of a dead Navy Seal to bolster his partisan crap. Today's GOP in action.

In addition, just how stupid must one be to send such an inflammatory email to a reporter and then complain that the reporter told people what you said?

I guess the guy gets a few props for condemning Akin, although like many Rs his problem seems to be not the ideas but the words used to express them.

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The Republican party has brought this on themselves. They ratchet up the crazy rhetoric to fire up the base, so they get candidates like Akin. Wasn't it a concerted effort to vote for Akin and millions spent by the Democrats? The TEA Party did not support him or the establishment. Good move by Team Donkey though I wonder how the party will react if they lose to Obama in a year when it should have been easy,

They would probably say the only people to blame for not focusing on the issues like the economy, the Middle East on Fire after the Israel preemptive strike, Obama weakening our nuclear deterrent in Europe and elsewhere (when he has flexibility**) to the delight of Russia, etc are the fools who voted for him.

** Remember the live microphone when Hussein Obama told the Soviet spokesman to inform the KGB agent in Chief to wait til after the election when he'll have more flexibility? which means his ends (ignoring the US Constitution and bypassing Congress as he does now) justifies the means.

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It's a major election year.

Had this happened last year, nothing would have come of it from the GOP (other than an admonishment and then overwhelming defense and blame on the liberal media by the GOP).

Yeah just like when Hollywood and liberals sniveled about the chance that Roman Polanski could be extradited back to the USA and face charges for actually raping a 13 year old. Some of the liberals and Hollywood types cough Whoopi Goldberg cough had the nerve to say that wasn't rape or that it happened so long ago.

Now Hollywood types, and Bill Clinton (accused of sexual harassment and Rape) will try to convince the uninformed and the give me more free stuff demographics that all members of the GOP think that there are two types of rape.

That is just as ridiculous as saying that all those that indulge in same sex activities are no different that the same sex deviants at Penn State, The Catholic Church and among the Boy Scouts.

But the left will do their best and fail to convince the majority of women that Akin is like minded with the rest of Team Elephant.

Some single women who depend on Government to be the Pseudo Hubby / sugar daddy with benefits will vote for Team Donkey no matter what, the issue is will it energize enough of them to come out?

---------- Post added August-23rd-2012 at 12:16 PM ----------

I couldn't even finish the whole thing (got to this point "Opinion: Wake up, it's not just Akin"), I think Im going to curl up and :puke: I don't feel good

I could read the entire thing. Who hasn't seen or heard of this prior to the Akin episode? This is nothing new. Too many novels, made for tv shows and movies out there on this subject back in the day.

How in the heck do you think since like forever that a lot of rapes do not go reported and babies are / were left at orphanages, put up for adoptions, etc?

And this happens in Democrat heavy cities and States.

This is an American thing.

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Conservative Christians rally around Akin in face of GOP criticism

Even as the official Republican Party continues to try to derail Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin over his remarks about “legitimate rape,” a powerful force within the GOP has begun rallying to the candidate’s side: the party’s socially conservative base.

Powerful Christian activists in the GOP have begun pushing back against party leadership, alleging it has gone too far in trying to thwart Akin and it is attempting to sideline issues that social conservatives care about, such as abortion.

The criticism is creating major tensions between the mainstream Republican Party and a key part of its base days before the GOP’s convention is set to open in Tampa, Florida.


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Powerful Christian activists in the GOP have begun pushing back against party leadership, alleging it has gone too far in trying to thwart Akin and it is attempting to sideline issues that social conservatives care about, such as abortion.

Not shocked at all about this.

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Akin assessing candidacy with conservatives in Florida

Facing pressure from Republican heavyweights in Washington to abandon his Missouri Senate bid, Rep. Todd Akin is huddling with top conservative activists in Tampa to assess whether to move forward with his embattled candidacy.

Akin spent Wednesday night and Thursday in a series of private meetings at the two-day summit of the Council For National Policy (CNP), a secretive group of conservative leaders who are meeting in Florida before next week’s Republican National Convention.

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How could this guy have been so stupid to say this.

Should have just withdrawn imediately

This isn't about you, but I've heard this or varients of this for a week now and each time I do there's a part of me that wishes the writer would exchange the word "say" with "believe"

In other words, How could this guy be so stupid as to believe this... resonates with me even more than... how could this guy be so stupid as to say this (though it's possible we mean the same thing)

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Burgold: You know what he "thought".. as someone that interviews you never hear mistakes come out of peoples mouths?

No re-takes ever done? Or THIS one is different?

The problem is Thiebear that what everybody is reacting too is the weird scientific justification which Todd Akin used to support his "No Exception" position. Folks feel the justification is alarmingly bogus, patriarchal, self serving and misogynistic, not to mention they are uncomfortable with the position.

What Aiken's "apologized for", was really unrelated to either the weird science or the position. Aiken's only apologized for 1 word of his verbal thought process. “Legitimate" aka legitimate rape. He says now that was a poor choice of words. He did not disavow his belief that women who are "really" raped secret something to spontaneous end the chance of a pregnancy, nor has he refuted the policy of no abortions, no exceptions. A policy which is now a plank of the Republican Platform as of two days ago.

Tod Aikens holds to his strange scientific justification for zero exceptions, and he holds to his zero exception policy too.

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Burgold: You know what he "thought".. as someone that interviews you never hear mistakes come out of peoples mouths?

No re-takes ever done? Or THIS one is different?

I've listened to his statement and his various apologies and explanations. It is possible I am wrong, but from how he chooses his word and because this is not a freshman politician, but a very seasoned guy... I don't think it's a simple misspeak.

Besides, the idea that a woman's body can shut down a pregnancy if she just wills it is a bit hard to fumble and if you do... generally, you hear it immediately. Even if you don't you would respond to it once you hear the playback. In Akin's case, it took several days for him to retract that part of it and only after the water kept getting hotter.

I think this is something he very much intended to put out there and was not a blooper. I could be wrong, but the way his party reacted to him, the way he responded to the event, and a few other factors is pretty telling.

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Reportedly, Akin is having a press conference at 5:15 pm...not sure what it's about though.


Seriously? :ols:

Doesn't surprise me. People know his name now. He can probably win his election if people paint him as the persecuted activist for Christian conservative values.

You have to realize how shockingly stupid the average person is. And the South is filled with below average people. People are brutes.

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Ugh...I used to like Huckabee

Unfortunately, it's looking like I was correct in thinking that there might be a backlash against people who came out strongly against Akin.


Huckabee rallies Missouri pastors to Akin's side, attacks GOP establishment

Mike Huckabee participated in a conference call Friday night with hundreds of Baptist pastors and Christian talk radio hosts in Missouri that was organized to coordinate a robust defense of Rep. Todd Akin as he faces pressure from Washington Republicans to drop his Senate bid against Democrat Claire McCaskill.

Speaking harshly about establishment Republicans who have tried to force Akin from the Missouri race, Huckabee at one point compared the National Republican Senatorial Committee to "union goons" who "kneecap" their enemies.

The former Arkansas governor said party bosses were "opening up rounds and rounds" of ammunition on Akin and "then running over with tanks and trucks and leaving him to be ravaged by the other side."

“This is unprecedented, to see to this orchestrated attempt to humiliate and devastate a fellow Republican,” Huckabee said of Akin, who has deep ties to the Christian conservative movement. Akin spent Thursday in Florida meeting with evangelical leaders and evaluating his political future.

Reportedly Huckabee also suggested that Romney hurt his chances in Missouri by not coming to Akin's defense.

(not to mention actually criticizing him)

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Ugh...I used to like Huckabee

Unfortunately, it's looking like I was correct in thinking that there might be a backlash against people who came out strongly against Akin.


Reportedly Huckabee also suggested that Romney hurt his chances in Missouri by not coming to Akin's defense.

(not to mention actually criticizing him)

Honestly, is anyone surprised by this? There is no more pampered and catered-to, and at the same time angrily self-pitying, group in America today than the Christian right wing. The minute this lowlife decided to tough it out it was entirely predictable that the tea partiers and evangeilcals would make him into a martyred hero.

Disagree with Huck about Romney being hurt in Missouri though. Yeah, those people no doubt feel Willard proved his wobbly conservatism yet again in this matter. But is there any possibility that a single one of them would vote Obama instead? Or that more than two would stay at home or vote third party and miss a chance to stuff it up that Kenyan socialist's arse?

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Honestly, is anyone surprised by this? There is no more pampered and catered-to, and at the same time angrily self-pitying, group in America today than the Christian right wing. The minute this lowlife decided to tough it out it was entirely predictable that the tea partiers and evangeilcals would make him into a martyred hero.

The Jesus Birthers aka anti God demographic is more pampered, catered to, while quick to get their sniveling rump to the nearest ACLU branch to file another useless lawsuit.

It is obvious that some of those people down there are tired of the double standard being expected to purge their ranks of idiots while left wing kooks are not. I had hoped he would do the right thing for the sake of the USA instead of selfish self interest, but hey the Democrats chose well when they threw cash at and voted for this guy.

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