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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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7 hours ago, Singularity said:

Liev Schreiber surprised hed take that role.

Thought the exact same thing.  I was like "really, Liev?"  Lol


We liked Grandma a lot too.  Have you seen Grace & Frankie on Netflix? Pretty good.  Tomlin & Fonda

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3:10 to Yuma. Decent western. Good job by Russell Crowe. Christian Bale rubs me the wrong way. He just comes across as 100% jerk which is something most all his co-stars say about him anyway. Good lazy afternoon romp in the saddle.  Id give it a 6 / 10 C+.  Predictable and contrived.  No super hot T&A to admire.

Heart of the Sea. Inreresting take on the Moby Dick story.  Slow and weak IMHO.  If you want to visit the Age of Sail, Master and Commander is a much better film, or take a gander at Starz' Black Sails. 6 / 10. C


Better yet fire up PS4 and hit the rolling main in AC Black Flag.

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13 hours ago, Singularity said:

 It made Jupiter Ascending look like Oscar material. D-, 2/10. I gotta unsully myself with some Star Trek or something...... good lord that was bad.


The fact that you even thought to compare it to that movie says a lot.  God save us from science fiction and fantasy targeting the teen girl market. 

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The Truth. Robert Redford, Cate Blanchett, Topher Grace (who the heck gets a name like that? Reminds me my great great uncle in NC named Cicero Outlaw Roberson), Dennis Quaid, and assorted otbers. Interesting film about the downfall of Dan Rather and CBS news after a story concerning G W Bush on 60 minutes.  7/10. Solid B. True Story (obviously )

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Ghostbusters (Girl Power Remake)

I really wanted to like this movie, and about a third of the way through I did.  After that the many failings common when Hollywood takes something previously successful and tries to make something new, started to show.  This movie would have greatly benefited had it been a sequel instead of a remake.  The first two serving as guides instead of a corpses to pick through for shiny bits before being discarded.

Ghostbusters was always set in a world that played it straight.  The comedy wasn't slap stick with everyone acting as goofy as possible, it was more subtle and sometimes dark.  The only character that intentionally tried to make people laugh was Venkman.  This movie was more along the lines of a big budget SNL skit in terms of humor.  The cartoonish ghosts didn't help.  Had their only sin been tinkering with the humor, I might not have been so disappointed.  



The plot was turned on its head in the worst possible way.  Instead of Gozer and Vigo reaching into the world and dominating a goofy cat's-paw, Louis Tully and Janosz became the villains themselves.  The angry nerd trope.  Imagine Rick Moranis intentionally turning himself into Gozer because no one came to his party.  That's essentially what they've done here.  Worse yet, the ghost traps themselves are abandoned in this movie.  Two thirds of the way through they create new weapons and these simply kill ghosts.  Kill.  Ghosts.  ...     

Despite the things I didn't like, the movie did make me laugh several times.  Jones, Wiig, McCarthy, and McKinnon are a great cast.  Other than the legendary Bill Murray I think this cast is easily argued as superior to the original movie.  I wish they have been given a better script.

Worth watching if you have some free time.  Average movie that provides some laughs.   

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I watched this recently. I expected some Hitler assasination, but it's mainly shot at a table with about 2 dozen Nazi higher ups from various factions of the gov't. The SS, the military, the bureaucrats, etc. They all just sit around a table talking about how to exterminate the Jews. it's a great film, however dark. Pretty high caliber list of actors too. 

I should clarify, from the outset, Hitler, according to this movie, didn't have a plan on how he would get rid of the Jews. This movie delves into the birth of that plan. The talk of systematic, mass extermination, in a manner no different than an average business meeting—it's cold blooded. 

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On September 27, 2016 at 0:29 PM, Destino said:

Ghostbusters (Girl Power Remake)

I really wanted to like this movie, and about a third of the way through I did.  After that the many failings common when Hollywood takes something previously successful and tries to make something new, started to show.  This movie would have greatly benefited had it been a sequel instead of a remake.  The first two serving as guides instead of a corpses to pick through for shiny bits before being discarded.

Ghostbusters was always set in a world that played it straight.  The comedy wasn't slap stick with everyone acting as goofy as possible, it was more subtle and sometimes dark.  The only character that intentionally tried to make people laugh was Venkman.  This movie was more along the lines of a big budget SNL skit in terms of humor.  The cartoonish ghosts didn't help.  Had their only sin been tinkering with the humor, I might not have been so disappointed.  


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The plot was turned on its head in the worst possible way.  Instead of Gozer and Vigo reaching into the world and dominating a goofy cat's-paw, Louis Tully and Janosz became the villains themselves.  The angry nerd trope.  Imagine Rick Moranis intentionally turning himself into Gozer because no one came to his party.  That's essentially what they've done here.  Worse yet, the ghost traps themselves are abandoned in this movie.  Two thirds of the way through they create new weapons and these simply kill ghosts.  Kill.  Ghosts.  ...     

Despite the things I didn't like, the movie did make me laugh several times.  Jones, Wiig, McCarthy, and McKinnon are a great cast.  Other than the legendary Bill Murray I think this cast is easily argued as superior to the original movie.  I wish they have been given a better script.

Worth watching if you have some free time.  Average movie that provides some laughs.   

Pretty much agree with all this, especially that outside of Murray, this cast is definitely better/funnier than the original cast. Loved Patty's line about having a cousin Mookie who's only half as dumb as Kevin and will work for Vienna sausages lol...Akroyd and Ramis were never very funny IMO and Hudson seemed more like a token black casting than an actual character (I know the part was originally written for Eddie Murphy, though). 

Also Sigourney Weaver was horrible in the original...bland as hell, like they neutered her natural charisma based off her intelligence and just had her be the "love interest". Hundreds of other actresses could have played that role and the movie wouldn't have suffered one iota. Glad there wasn't a love story component in the remake.

Don't really agree about the ghosts, though...I was never impressed with the original ghosts (especially that "slimer" ghost, always looked silly and like a puppet) and not impressed with the new ones, either lol...

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Steve Jobs


I'm a huge Danny Boyle fan, for one.  This film didn't really go how I was expecting.  I think that Michael Fassbender did an excellent job as did Winslett and Rogen.  They did not show one bit of one keynote speech in this film, it was all about the private life of Jobs and ultimately with his **** daughter.  Well acted and directed, I'd recommend it if you're an Apple or Jobs fan... or a Boyle fan.

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Allegiant- it was pretty bad.  Shaline is hot tho. C-.

Mothers Day - probably in the running for worst movie of 2016.  Julia Roberts mustve owed somebody a favor when she agrees to be a part of this POS.  F.

Imperium - finally, a decent movie worth talking about.  Based on a true story, an FBI agent goes undercover into the Arian Nation.  Radcliffe and Toni Collette are both great in this.  There's much more to Radcliffe than wizardry, dude can act. Gice it an A-.  Played more like a thriller than anything.  Liked it a lot.


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