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The last movie you saw......GO! (After you read the OP!!!!)


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FocusIn the midst of veteran con man Nicky's latest scheme, a woman from his past - now an accomplished femme fatale - shows up and throws his plans for a loop.


Decent movie, fun for what it was. Had a couple twists, some predictable. But it was fun. Good to see Will Smith do something enjoyable where he is charming and more his normal self. 




Chappie: In the near future, crime is patrolled by a mechanized police force. When one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and given new programming, he becomes the first robot with the ability to think and feel for himself.


I thought this was a very good and underrated movie. Most people mocked it but it had a lot of heart and the movie spent most of the time stabbing me right in mine. Good Lord this movie was rough. I don't know, maybe I've gotten soft but some of the scenes in this really hurt. It makes you think about innocence, love, loss, even what humanity really is and means. The ending gets a little sloppy but I was ok with it. 



Dumber and Dumber To - Wife picked this one up at Redbox and it must have been the 2 glasses of wine she had but she laughed her ass off. Which made me laugh and ultimately, enjoy the move far more than I should have. 


To be fair though, some parts of it played exactly like how you would expect a sequel to Dumb and Dumber would be. So in that regard, it was worthwhile and it had a few legit laughs. 


Overall, let's be serious, it was a mess. 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Watched Wall-E last night and finished Bicentennial Man just now. Yeah, 2015 is the year of the robot for me.

Wall-E was a lot of fun, had a couple of clever parts and I caught myself laughing out loud a couple times. I'd give it an 8.5/10.

Now, Bicentennial Man. Not what I expected, but in a very good, enjoyable way. By the dvd description, I fully expected it to be like A.I., where it's centered on one generation of a family. This film however, blew that away. I loved the growth of Andrew and the detail put into it by the filmmakers...very risky yet liberating for a mainstream film. I thought the CGI was very well done too, which did a solid job at extrapolating current design trends and technology. When I watch a film about robots, AI, or sentience, personally, I like to see them reach their goals of independance, freedom, and free will - Bicentennial Man achieved that. Again, a solid 8.5/10.

Edited by Metalhead
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Wall-E is so good.  


Home Sweet Hell.  Katherine Heigl's epic fail at dark comedy.  nothing worth talking about, although Jordana brewster did show her breasts and buttocks in the film.  D-.  ugh.

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Wall-E is so good.

Home Sweet Hell. Katherine Heigl's epic fail at dark comedy. nothing worth talking about, although Jordana brewster did show her breasts and buttocks in the film. D-. ugh.

Whoa hold on a sec - Jordana shows the goods? That alone sounds worth it.

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Glad to see someone liked Minions. Getting pretty bad reviews. Planning on bringing the kid this weekend depending on the weather. 


Went on Friday to see it. Wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but was still enjoyable. My 3 y/o daughter loved it, so that's all that mattered to me.

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I saw "AntMan" this evening.  I loved it.  It gets an A+.  Enjoyable and a different hero.  There are 2 bonus scenes. One during the credits and one after the credits.

The after credits scene, is a clip from the next Captain America. Antman is supposed to making an appearance in that movie.

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We saw Minions on Tuesday... typically I feel like such an 'easy to please" person in this film thread, giving high marks - but something was missing from "Minions" movie -- I don't think the Minions carried the movie all that well.  Part of what I loved about "Despicable Me" movies was the ancillary characters - but Gru and the girls carried the movies.  I was kind've bored at parts for this one and thought that Scarlett Overkill was not good in her supporting role (although I loved Herb!).  But there were still a lot of quite enjoyable supporting characters in this one and quite a few laughs. 


B- grade for the movie - but my family enjoy going to the movies... my kids liked it.  We take our kids to way more movies than my parents ever did - and I love it even if I don't like the movie.  

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Vice Versa, a real gem from Pixar. An inner poetic and burlesque adventure, in the chaotic mind of a child at the puberty threshold.

Her emotions are personified by a team of crazy toons, each of which is a mood (Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust), in command of a control tower connected to the vision of the child.

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The Barber (2014) - about a guy who seeks out a serial killer to avenge his fathers suicide (father was a cop).  I give it a B-.  


Pretty good throughout the entire movie even though it was predictable.  Ending was really good.  Currently streaming on Netflix.

Edited by Dont Taze Me Bro
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LOTR - Battle of the Five Armies

Meh. Nothing special. This is going to sound crazy but the fight scenes really just seemed implausible. Like even moreso than a standard LOTR movie. Just the way it's cut and where characters are...it just felt very fake. It was off.

Plus I didn't like Thorin in this one, he was an ass. And they shoehorned in some stuff at the end just to connect it a bit to Fellowship.

Ex Machina - Mentioned this in the RTT thread yesterday but wow. Loved it. Very gripping and thrilling throughout. Loved the ending, one of my favorite sci fi movies recently.

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Last couple I've seen...

Minions- disappointing, definitely didn't live up to expectations set by the previous movies. Couple funny/cute parts but they were mainly later in the film. C-

Kingsman- liked this one a lot, really fun movie. A-

Mortdecai- this one was great, highly recommended. Laughs throughout. A

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With me signing up with DTV as a first time customer (had it with the wife in her name before), I get 3 months free all the movie channels.


I've watched:


Guardians of the Galaxy- Good, was expecting great, but enjoyed it nontheless.


Horrible Bosses 2- OK.  Not as good as the first, but Jen Aniston is great in that role.


22 Jump Street- Eh...whatever.  Thought some of it was stupid.  Amber Stevens is easy on the eyes so that helped.


Equalizer- It says based on the TV series, so should it have had a middle aged British guy?  The original McColl would try not to use so much voilence, but I guess that would make for a boring movie. Plus, McColl had money and didn't work at a Home Depot and he would ask you for a future favor in lieu of payment. Kind of a Pay It Forward.  But Great action and I liked the end. Good movie.


Fury-  AWESOME.  Never saw the end coming.  Enjoyed the hell out of it and I fell in love with the German Girl myself.  Bow chicka-wow-wow.


John Wick- Not bad for a Keanu Reeves film.  Lots of action and kick ass.  Of course, some of it is just so unbelieveable, but I still liked the movie.  And of course, another hottie (Ms. Perkins) to look at.


I still have about 8 or 9 movies to go. 

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Kingsmen - B+


...it's begging for a sequel..but I really hate that..

they killed Colin Firth's character. I also hated Samuel L Jackson's lisp.

Super spoiler is that allegedly Colin Firth's character might come back in the sequel. Although it might have to be a prequel to do so.


Paddington Movie - A- 


Holy cow. I didn't expect to like this one as much but for some reason this kids movie really worked for me. Maybe it was the above average acting (Nicole Kidman, Jim Broadbent, Peter Capaldi all in supporting roles). Maybe it was because it didn't take itself too seriously. But it was a very solid kids movie.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Inequality for All: B


Documentary about the increasing wealth gap between the rich and poor. It was pretty good, though I think it needed a bit more factual sources. Pretty eye opening when they discuss the advent of trickle down economics, and how the wealth gap skyrocketed after it.


Terminator Genisys: C+


The action scenes were entertaining, I'll give it that. The casting seemed off. Didn't like Jai Courtney in his role as Kyle Reese. Also, not sure Emilia Clarke was a good casting choice as Sarah. This film really seemed like a one-off "what if" movie set in the terminator universe, and not a starting point for a new trilogy.


The Maze Runner: B-


Another one of those post-apocalyptic movies featuring angst-filled teenagers rebelling against government. Seems like the new fad in cinema. It kept my attention, and had some decent parts. In the end, though, nothing really special or memorable about it.


Run All Night: B-


Another Liam Neeson flick where he kicks ass, takes names, and doesn't GAF. This one was better than the Taken sequels at least. He still has the chops for a late-career action star, but we've seen him do a lot of these recently. Ed Harris mails in his performance though. Looks like he was just trying to collect a paycheck.

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Watched Rushmore and The Machine yesterday.

Rushmore 7/10

Quirky as expected, but damn if Max wasn't an awkwardly evil kid. Even at the very end, it still felt like Max was plotting something to get with Rosemary (but for a woman like her, I would never give up either lol). Wes Anderson's style is a little too pretentious for my tastes, but it was enjoyable.

The Machine 7.5/10

A B-level sci-fi flick about androids. I would say it should be closer to an "A" without the fanfare. Very well done with some surprisingly good acting. The cgi and effects were pretty damn good too. And there were some big surprises (not quite "twists") that I did not see coming. Lots of conspiracy at the beginning which made it somewhat confusing, you just need to power through and be rewarded.

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Watched Unfinished Business over the weekend.

I'm a Vince Vaughn fan and I like the little I have seen of Dave Franco too but this one just wasn't funny.

Plot was rather lame and didn't flow very well. It was weird. And there's this odd glory hole scene and dicks everywhere. Everything just felt off.

Don't waste your time. Wish I could have my $2.11 back from Redbox.

Stay away!

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