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Virginia adding ‘conscience clause’ to adoption laws


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Apart from anything, this country is just overrun by laws. This will be big news and affects how many adoptions?

About one fifth, or somewhere over 500 last year according to the article (that is assuming that all the faith-based agencies would be against helping gay couples adopt, so the number might in reality be less).

Virginia has 77 private agencies, 16 of them faith-based. They placed 557 of the state’s 2,503 adoptions last year, according to state figures.
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Man this is really going to piss off the Baptists...

Yeah, but what doesn't piss off Baptists?

Love that logic. Children are better off in orphanages and jumping between foster homes than not getting adopted because a couple is gay, or the wrong religion, or the wrong race, or whatever stupid arbitrary line they're going to draw.


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This is the kind of thing that makes me shake off those moments when I stop and think 'maybe I should consider the GOP this time around.'

Applying the worst traits of a section of a party to the whole? I think that makes you a Republican already.

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Both Gov and AG have presidential aspirations, with Gov going the "traditional" route of VP on ticket (if he's smart he'll avoid 2012 taint) and AG is so far right he's a practically a John Bircher.
But he knows his audience and has been playing to them from his first day in office (Cuccinelli).

I'm waiting for the creeping-sharia outrage when a Muslim agency refuses to allow Christians to adopt.

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How bout if the parents are so worreid about how the kids are raised after they give them up for adpotion, why don't they just raise the kids themselves?? I wonder what the statistis are on children that never get adopted versus those that are adopted by gay couples...

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I dont dislike McDonnell generally. He seems to do stuff like this just to make a point about being a conservative sometimes.

I don't think I agree with this. He comes across as moderate, but he's a very conservative guy and he's made no qualms in saying so. He's been helped by the fact that the Democratically controlled Senate blocked almost all the crazy bill that would have reached his desk. But with Republicans controlling the Senate, those bills will now reach his desk and he will sign most of them -- not just to please the very conservative constituents, but because he is very conservative himself.

---------- Post added February-8th-2012 at 06:10 PM ----------

Is he running for president in '16? Are conservatives talking about him like that?

He's in the top tier of candidates to be Vice President in this go around, so it wouldn't surprise me if he has an eye on 2016 should the nominee lose this time around.

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I'm torn. I think gays should be able to adopt (and dammit VA change the law to allow unmarried couples to adopt), but think religious orgs should be able to choose. Now, should they then receive taxpayer funding? :no:

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I'm torn. I think gays should be able to adopt (and dammit VA change the law to allow unmarried couples to adopt), but think religious orgs should be able to choose. Now, should they then receive taxpayer funding? :no:

seems reasonable

can't they at least allow the gays to adopt gay kids?:silly:

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I'm torn. I think gays should be able to adopt (and dammit VA change the law to allow unmarried couples to adopt), but think religious orgs should be able to choose. Now, should they then receive taxpayer funding? :no:

bingo. Though in honest opinion, I actually think a very robust adoption system in this country would be a federal program I could possibly get behind. I know thats not my normal MO, but when it comes to the lives of children getting right, I'm a softy.

(I'd especially support it as a replacement for abortion in non-medical danger cases)

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Religious beliefs? Yep. I can see that in some circumstances. I wouldn't let one of those loons that won't take a child to the doctor because "God will fix it" adopt a baby. But I could also see that being abused. We can't let those evil Muslims have our kids.

Sexual orientation is ridiculous. Period.

nor can we allow godless heathens to take in children.

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Yeah, but at least the Dems are open about it. :silly:

The core liberal belief is that the government is supposed to be there to protect the little guy from the bully whether that bully be a corporate entity, a crook, a foreign nation, or the government itself. That thought process allows for bigger government. Unfortunately, it sometimes allows to excesses which cause suffocating government which becomes its own mess.

Personally, I believe in a fairly robust government... mind you, even my ideal government is probably leaner in many areas than it is today.

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I am constantly amazed people think there is a huge waiting list for season tickets...I mean er um kids in need of addoption.

Seriously, I feel about this the same way I feel about the funding of planned parenthood. People seem very willing to devalue the service to society granted by anyone who doesn't think and feel exactly as they do about every issue.

I have been on this board for years now saying if you are willing to foster and addopt a child who may not look like you or be the immage of health, I can hook you up with an agency to find a kid for you. Given the limited funds available for the care of these kids, I hate to see their care as tool to further any agenda. I am bewildered that any agency can call itself good and think kids should stay in group homes or hospitals rather than live with a loving couples who may believe differently or have a different sexual orientation. At the same time, I am agast that anyone would bar churches from finding homes for these kids simply because they refuse to work with segments of our population who don't believe as they do. If they find homes great!

So to both sides of this debate, I am left saying, "A pox on both your houses...unless you, yourself, are wiling to take in these kids."

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really, people who give their baby up for adoption really care that they share the same religious values of the adopting parents? If they had strong religious beliefs, I doubt they would give the kid up for adoption, this is the adoption agency not wanting anyone they deem as unfit to adopt a child. This is sad on so many levels, but what pisses me off is how this is spun to try and make it more palatable to the general public, whoever thought of "allowing birth parents to choose an agency — and as a result, adoptive parents — who adhere to their religious beliefs" is probably patting themselves on the back right now for a job well done by spinning bigotry into concern for children. It is a lie to push an agenda, something I find repulsive and morally corrupt.

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