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Pick your poison: what do you you think could end the human race?


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I have a hard time believing an asteroid ends humanity unless it outdwarfs the one that hit 65 million years ago. We'd suffer massive casualties in the billions from a block out of sunlight/famine but our technology would probably allow enough people to survive and begin the re-population.

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I gotta go with a virus.

1. Super Virus (comes around in 2025)

2. If not the super virus....then Yellowstone erupts and the 3/4 of the US is gone...the world feels this.....the beginning of the end.

3. Jesus people get even more excited. (FWIW, I think we are entering the age where religious people will soon be laughed at)

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I have a hard time believing an asteroid ends humanity unless it outdwarfs the one that hit 65 million years ago. We'd suffer massive casualties in the billions from a block out of sunlight/famine but our technology would probably allow enough people to survive and begin the re-population.

The samething is true for most of the things stated in this thread.

Nuclear war, viruses, and the like aren't likely to wipe out the human race because of our technology.

Even with a virus, we might not be able to cure it, but we'd certainly, at least understand what is happening and that would go along way to preventing it from wiping out the US population.

Wiping out the human race at this point in time would require multiple things, like a virus and an asteriod, or something that hasn't happened to our knowledge in the past (e.g. aliens with super technology showing up and purposely trying to wipe us out).

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Hokay, so here's the Earth *Earth*, chilling. Damn! That is a sweet earth you might say, round! *NEG* Alright, ruling out the Ice Caps melting, meteors becoming crashed into us *Pow*, the Ozone layer leaving *FU* and the Sun exploding ***** ****!*, we're definately going to blow ourselves up *Pow*.

Fire ze missiles!

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1. Nuclear war.

2. Super-virus.

3. Natural disaster (Yellowstone).

4. Reversal of magnetic poles. I don't know if an entire race would perish, but it sure would screw stuff up.

5. Alien invasion.

Humans will likely be gone or off this planet by the time another large asteroid hits and we will definitely be gone when the sun expands.

Regarding an alien invasion, if they were to wipe us out, it would be for the universe's own good (although I hope they help us advance technology, learn, and evolve instead). I don't think they would need to annihilate us though, as we will do it to ourselves first. It's human nature. Imagine for a moment that you are observing the planet Earth from space. This planet drifts through space, completely isolated and alone and all the humans on it isolated as well. Yet these humans continue to kill each other, murder, destroy and argue over mundane issues on such a small orb. Religion, politics, greed, land, oil. At this point, in relation to the earth and the ground we stand on, humans are simply a parasite, consuming and destroying.

Perhaps one day we will all work together and save us from ourselves.

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Fire ze missiles!

But i'm le tired... Ha, ha, i'd forgotten about that vid, good stuff.

My guess would be a perfect storm sort of situation would do it. For example:

Another major natural disaster similiar to the earthquake in japan, but much more severe, causing mass destruction to many sensitive areas, which in turn potentially releases some real nasty **** into the atmosphere, eventually destroying crop growth, which results in a mass food shortage, followed up by some wacko group trying to make a power move to gain leverage, causing a pretty nasty war, which potentially ends in nukes being launched (or simply strategically placed and detonated). Eventually society as we know it breaks down and we eventually kill each other. Just a matter of time until the first domino falls :paranoid:

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The samething is true for most of the things stated in this thread.

That was going to be my observation as well. Even without technology, almost none of these events would actually kill everybody. For a virus, there'd likely be at least a few people that are either naturally immune or out of contact with the infected, for example.

It'd have to be something that destroyed the Earth completely before we left it (like a rogue black hole, or the expansion of the Sun).

Beyond that, it'd have to be the heat death of the Universe itself, or perhaps the "Big Rip".

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I would say it would be a "perfect storm" combination of a few of the things already mentioned. Have an ice age kill off a whole bunch of us and then a pathogen finish off the rest then throw in some catastrophic vulcanism (caused by the redistribution of all the weight in the water). Life would survive but it wouldn't be us.

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I would say it would be a "perfect storm" combination of a few of the things already mentioned. Have an ice age kill off a whole bunch of us and then a pathogen finish off the rest then throw in some catastrophic vulcanism (caused by the redistribution of all the weight in the water). Life would survive but it wouldn't be us.


Greetings. We have come to destroy your planet. Live long and...prosper.

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  • 9 months later...

Gigantic Solar Tornado Is 5 Times the Size of Earth


This enormous tornado erupting from the surface of the sun is big enough to swallow the Earth. In fact, it could swallow five Earths.

Discovered using NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory satellite, this colossal twisting mass is made up of superheated gas at a temperature of between 90,000 and 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit.

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Mary Ellen Huntington. That ***** is a cosmic nightmare. She could unravel the whole space-time fabric of reality and all planes of existence, single-handedly. There's no mutant, alien, natural, or supernatural threat to match her potential for the total annihilation of all matter.

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Mary Ellen Huntington. That ***** is a cosmic nightmare. She could unravel the whole space-time fabric of reality and all planes of existence, single-handedly. There's no mutant, alien, natural, or supernatural threat to match her potential for the total annihilation of all matter.

Who the hell is this? Your mother-in-law? :ols:

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I think we're smarter then we give ourselves credit for, and we'll be spread out in our own solar system (moon, mars) by time something happens that really messes up the Earth. Thing is, earth will eventually heal itself.

The one thing that bothers me about 99.9% of all "end of the human race" scenarios is we're always still here on Earth waiting for it to happen. Like this planet is our single point of failure and we'll still be here when the next Ice Age rolls in and we all freeze to death. :doh:

We're not perfect, but I don't feel we give ourselves enough credit for what we do accomplish nor what we're truly capable of. There won't be an End to the Human Race as we know it. Alien Invasion is retarded, though makes great movies. Everywhere we go, we find a way to adapt to that environment.

To say we're all just going to sit here on this rock and wait to die like a bunch of ants just doesn't make sense to me. We're better then that...

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I think we're smarter then we give ourselves credit for, and we'll be spread out in our own solar system (moon, mars) by time something happens that really messes up the Earth. Thing is, earth will eventually heal itself.

The one thing that bothers me about 99.9% of all "end of the human race" scenarios is we're always still here on Earth waiting for it to happen. Like this planet is our single point of failure and we'll still be here when the next Ice Age rolls in and we all freeze to death. :doh:

We're not perfect, but I don't feel we give ourselves enough credit for what we do accomplish nor what we're truly capable of. There won't be an End to the Human Race as we know it. Alien Invasion is retarded, though makes great movies. Everywhere we go, we find a way to adapt to that environment.

To say we're all just going to sit here on this rock and wait to die like a bunch of ants just doesn't make sense to me. We're better then that...

Why would an alien invasion be "retarded"?

If we're so smart, don't you think we'd keep this planet healthy instead of needing a new one?

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To say we're all just going to sit here on this rock and wait to die like a bunch of ants just doesn't make sense to me. We're better then that...

why the assumption this solar system will survive?

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Guaranteed it won't be an atheist the cause for this worlds destruction. It'll be caused by squabbles between people believing their fairy tale in the sky is truer than the others. And we adults/atheists are stuck in the middle of these loons.

When the atheist stop marching just to tell us they're atheist, I might believe that. Until then, they're just as crazy as the rest of us...........

---------- Post added March-31st-2012 at 10:11 AM ----------

Mickalino's threads


And he'd tell us that the squirrels will rise up... :ols:

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why the assumption this solar system will survive?

It won't, but by the time it's gone, we should be spread out further then that. I don't see us all being gone within the next hundred years, so even if something crazy happens to the earth, we should have a moon base by then or something.

---------- Post added March-31st-2012 at 10:16 AM ----------

Why would an alien invasion be "retarded"?

If we're so smart, don't you think we'd keep this planet healthy instead of needing a new one?

It's retarded because it's one of the least likely things to kill us all off. Maybe retarded is the wrong word choice, but what reason would they come light-years away simply to kill us all? And it doesn't matter how smart we are if the sun keep getting bigger.

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