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Pick your poison: what do you you think could end the human race?


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Guaranteed it won't be an atheist the cause for this worlds destruction. It'll be caused by squabbles between people believing their fairy tale in the sky is truer than the others. And we adults/atheists are stuck in the middle of these loons.

Sorry, but if this thread is any indication, atheists are too arrogant and too intolerant to be removed from "end of the world" equations lol...

---------- Post added March-31st-2012 at 08:20 AM ----------

It's retarded because it's one of the least likely things to kill us all off. Maybe retarded is the wrong word choice, but what reason would they come light-years away simply to kill us all? And it doesn't matter how smart we are if the sun keep getting bigger.

They will come here to use up our resources and kill us off in the process. Well, unless one of us sneezes in their general direction, causing these technologically-advanced beings to come down with a common cold, thus wiping out their entire invading race before they get a chance to rid the earth of human existence. Or Neo. He could save us, too. :yes:

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, but what reason would they come light-years away simply to kill us all? And it doesn't matter how smart we are if the sun keep getting bigger.

They don't have to even mean to kill us, see diseases brought to the non-imune populations thruout history

accept it ....we all going down one way or another :silly:

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They will come here to use up our resources and kill us off in the process. Well, unless one of us sneezes in their general direction, causing these technologically-advanced beings to come down with a common cold, thus wiping out their entire invading race before they get a chance to rid the earth of human existence. Or Neo. He could save us, too. :yes:

lol, I hear you.

It's like, would they really follow us to Io or Triton just to make sure we're all exterminated? You know, hopefully not. If I was an alien race and I just took a lesser advanced civilizations' ENTIRE home planet away from them, I probably wouldn't be conserned about some renewed insurrection. I can see us preparing for something like this, but if they take the Earth, the battle is already over, imo.

---------- Post added March-31st-2012 at 10:29 AM ----------

accept it ....we all going down one way or another :silly:

I refuse to accept that :)

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Depending on what event does occur, I highly doubt ALL humans will be wiped out outside of earth being completely destroyed or removed from its current gravitational orbit. If it were a virus, odds are, some people might have an immunity so it isn't complete given. If an asteroid were to hit (depending on this size) there may be a few that could last the blotted out sun for some time. If we were to wage war with one another and the nuclear option was involved I still think enough would be left over to start anew. The sun isn't suppose to expand until 4.5 billion years from now, and I'm pretty sure it will engulf up to Mars at least when it does so that would definitely kill all earth life, but I'd like to think we may advance enough to leave by then. If we are intuitive enough to live on and get off this planet we can't escape the inevitable Big Freeze of the universe :/

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Global warming.


In the "first" tweet, Canseco expresses concern about our "mass consumption". He says that if we continue our frivolous ways, that polar bears will become extinct. "Need to recycle or else no more bears"

And we all love those Coca-Cola bears :)

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And we all love those Coca-Cola bears :)

Served medium/well done on a bed of garlic potatoes ,with a Moon Pie for dessert and highball of bourbon :yes:

tastes much better than Grizzly

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Most obvious would be mass incurable disease. Stuff is always mutating...something will pop up.

My guess would be something related to water. It's the most important thing on the planet, the strongest, the least regarded and it's just about everywhere.

Of course I had this thought sitting on a cliff over looking the sea, while living on an island. :ols:

This is also true, but haven't we learned how to desalinate sea water? I figure there is plenty of that to last us until at least 4854.

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Mark Brunell will screw something up. In all seriousness, the second coming of Christ will be what brings this world to an end.

---------- Post added April-1st-2012 at 12:00 AM ----------


How they actually do it won't matter, but it will be over a fairy tale.


A fairy tale has no evidence. The gospel is no fairy tale.

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Mark Brunell will screw something up. In all seriousness, the second coming of Christ will be what brings this world to an end.

---------- Post added April-1st-2012 at 12:00 AM ----------

A fairy tale has no evidence. The gospel is no fairy tale.

I'm not religious, but I feel the need to point out that some of the worst atrocities in human history were done by those who did not believe in religion (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler- debatedly, I've read both ways on him.).

Edit: Just pointing out the proof that I don't believe religious wars will cause the end of the world, not trying to say that atheists will be its downfall. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, regardless of religion or lack of.

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I think the sun expanding will destroy the human race.

A nuclear war with a zombie apocalypse would be much sexier though. Some velociraptor zombies would be cool as hell.

Anything that runs fast as a zombie would suck. If you're on foot and had say a track team zombies you might as well just start swinging your melee weapon.

My end of times vote is superbug virus.

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I still think it'll be a side effect of some big medicine advancement that will spawn in 50 years or so in the next generation. Someone will cure some ridiculously widespread and hard to cure disease, deliver a vaccine, and then mother ****ing zombies.

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Don't think I've seen it mentioned yet....some type of Artificial Intelligence. :paranoid:

Of course, if they look more like this, I might be more inclined to just.....ahem....lie down and take it:

No doubt if the 6's need to tramplicate then so be it...for the greater good and all.

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Most obvious would be mass incurable disease. Stuff is always mutating...something will pop up.

This is also true, but haven't we learned how to desalinate sea water? I figure there is plenty of that to last us until at least 4854.

We have, but it isn't free. Water is already expensive too.
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Anything that runs fast as a zombie would suck. If you're on foot and had say a track team zombies you might as well just start swinging your melee weapon
Just remember, you wouldn't have to outrun the zombies. You'd just have to outrun the person next to you. :evilg:
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