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Pick your poison: what do you you think could end the human race?


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With all of the talk of the 21st being the rapture and all, I'm curious about how others here think the world could/might end. There are no shortage of possibilities and, I'm sure, no shortage of new theories. Nothing is off the table here.

So lets see. We have plagues, internecine war, alien invasion, alien accident (crap, that thing was in the way?), AIs taking over, a rogue black hole coming through and tearing apart the solar system, galactic collisions, strange matter drifting in, asteroids, supervolcanos, a vacuum metastability event (my personal favorite).

If something is going to wipe us out what is your preferred ****tail and what do you think would realistically be the most plausible scenario?

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I think the sun expanding will destroy the human race.

A nuclear war with a zombie apocalypse would be much sexier though. Some velociraptor zombies would be cool as hell.

So you think we will live billions of years and still not be able to get off of this rock in enough time to flee an expanding star?

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I think we're going to wipe something out that's critical to the food chain leading to a domino effect that anhilates us. I don't know if it will be through acidification of our seas and rivers or oblitering the honey bee or something else, but I think we're going to off ourselves by doing something small that don't even think matters in the moment.

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I think the sun expanding will destroy the human race.

A nuclear war with a zombie apocalypse would be much sexier though. Some velociraptor zombies would be cool as hell.

Zombie Raptors would be scary as hell. I may poop my pants.

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I don't know, but all I do know is that I feel like things will not continue the way they are for much longer.

Between Wars, some of the biggest Natural Disasters modern man has ever seen in recent years, and people in general who seem to give less and less of a **** about each other...I feel like change (for the better or worse) is coming sooner than later.

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Zombie Raptors would be scary as hell. I may poop my pants.

Problem is that Velociraptors were actually only about a foot tall at the most (IIRC). Though zombie raptors might be much worse.

Good guess. Some kind of super virus.bacteria resulting from you crappy parents who give kids antibiotics for colds.

A black hole maybe?

A common bacteria changing to a super bacteria isn't that far fetched, though it happens a lot more in hospitals than at home. All it takes the triggering of the right sequences in the proteins and it becomes lethal AND airborne.

A black hole is possible. However, unless it is a large one or goes right through another planetary body, it would be unlikely to affect us. Their power is amazing, their range isn't.

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I think we're going to wipe something out that's critical to the food chain leading to a domino effect that anhilates us. I don't know if it will be through acidification of our seas and rivers or oblitering the honey bee or something else, but I think we're going to off ourselves by doing something small that don't even think matters in the moment.

Gene modified food that is manufactured. Playing with non-species genes in the food chain that we don't have any idea what that will do inside our bodies is what I think. The new salmon that matures twice as fast and twice a bid is one example. I won't be eating it. Also, unless they are raised in a closed tank system and are raised in the sea, these fish will pollute natural fish.

---------- Post added May-28th-2011 at 09:12 PM ----------


How they actually do it won't matter, but it will be over a fairy tale.


This too.

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Gene modified food that is manufactured. Playing with non-species genes in the food chain that we don't have any idea what that will do inside our bodies is what I think. The new salmon that matures twice as fast and twice a bid is one example. I won't be eating it. Also, unless they are raised in a closed tank system and are raised in the sea, these fish will pollute natural fish..

That's why I went with a virus,though I'm more concerned over the human/animal gene manipulation side...the barriers are falling

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So you think we will live billions of years and still not be able to get off of this rock in enough time to flee an expanding star?

I think humans will survive. There may be wars to end all wars, we may evolve, but humans or some sort of evolved humans will still remain. I think it will take some sort of event that changes the world climate to an extreme (nightly temperatures above 120 F for example) for humans to be destroyed. We are a resilient race.

As far as fleeing this solar system. As science stands right now, traveling at the speed of light is impossible. Even if we were able to travel at the speed of light, it would take hundreds of years to reach another solar system. That would mean that generations of people would have to live aboard some sort of space ship to reach a new potential home. Of course, billions of years in the future is a long time. There is a lot to be learned yet.

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Problem is that Velociraptors were actually only about a foot tall at the most (IIRC). Though zombie raptors might be much worse.

A common bacteria changing to a super bacteria isn't that far fetched, though it happens a lot more in hospitals than at home. All it takes the triggering of the right sequences in the proteins and it becomes lethal AND airborne.

A black hole is possible. However, unless it is a large one or goes right through another planetary body, it would be unlikely to affect us. Their power is amazing, their range isn't.

It could merely drift through the solar system and mess up planetary orbits.

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